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Author Topic: How to forbid cage trap loading?  (Read 3282 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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How to forbid cage trap loading?
« on: June 06, 2012, 05:59:23 pm »

A flock of Albatrosses decided to fly into the cage traps that form the first line of defence for my fort, just before a mob of goblins showed up. I have second, third and fourth lines of defence so that's not a problem, but I want to stop the dorfs currently heading out to reload the cage traps.

Forbidding the cage traps does not work. I can't forbid the cage currently being carried by the dwarf. Help, anyone?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2012, 06:10:38 pm »

A flock of Albatrosses decided to fly into the cage traps that form the first line of defence for my fort, just before a mob of goblins showed up. I have second, third and fourth lines of defence so that's not a problem, but I want to stop the dorfs currently heading out to reload the cage traps.

Forbidding the cage traps does not work. I can't forbid the cage currently being carried by the dwarf. Help, anyone?
d-b-f and select the area with the cage traps.

If it doesn't work, read this again, double-check if you are using the right commands, and try it again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 06:13:09 pm »

Disable the mechanics labor. I haven't used cage traps in a while though, so I'm not sure if that'll cancel a job in progress. You can also slap a burrow over an area outside the traps and assign the mechanics, at least until after the siege. Make sure to disable animal gathering from the orders menu.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 06:18:53 pm »

Disable the mechanics labor. I haven't used cage traps in a while though, so I'm not sure if that'll cancel a job in progress. You can also slap a burrow over an area outside the traps and assign the mechanics, at least until after the siege. Make sure to disable animal gathering from the orders menu.
Cage trap loading is a hauling job if I am not mistaken. But I am sure (notice the emphasis) that storing cages is a hauling job. And the burrow works but you get a constant über-spam of job cancels. So try d-b-f.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 07:58:44 pm »

Disable the mechanics labor. I haven't used cage traps in a while though, so I'm not sure if that'll cancel a job in progress. You can also slap a burrow over an area outside the traps and assign the mechanics, at least until after the siege. Make sure to disable animal gathering from the orders menu.
Cage trap loading is a hauling job if I am not mistaken. But I am sure (notice the emphasis) that storing cages is a hauling job. And the burrow works but you get a constant über-spam of job cancels. So try d-b-f.

Storing cages uses hauling jobs, but loading cage traps does use the mechanics labor. So only mechanics will load the traps which is fairly easy to stop. Stopping hauling empty cages can be done by removing all animal stockpiles except when they're needed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2012, 08:13:33 pm »

Forbidding the mechanisms alone will stop the traps from being reloaded while still allowing the cages to be collected. Of course, in this case you probably don't want your dwarves collecting the cages, so a mass forbid should do the trick nicely.
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2012, 11:02:22 pm »

There's an order to forbid animal hauling that will stop dwarves from hauling cages.

For dwarves already on route you should be able to cancel the job manually in the jobs menu.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 12:35:36 am »

Personally I just use alert burrows to prevent civilians from wandering into the defenses while a siege is present. Sure you get a tiny bit of cancelation spam, but the alert should only be on for a short time so it shouldn't be a big deal. After all if there ever was a reason to keep the alert on for a long time you can just raise a drawbridge and then turn off the alert and the cancelation will vanish as well.
Quote from: PTTG
It would be brutally difficult and probably won't work. In other words, it's absolutely dwarven!
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: How to forbid cage trap loading?
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 06:59:34 am »

Oh yes, Alerts. Absolutely essential. As soon as a siege turns up, civilians should be immediately confined to the interior of the fortress using the civilian alert. Prevents so many idiot deaths.
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