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Vampire scum!

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Author Topic: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)  (Read 82331 times)

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #840 on: October 13, 2012, 03:25:10 pm »

Malachite Close

One of the apiarists was found standing on top of a barrel of ale hungry, thirsty, and depressed. He said he was trying to install a new colony into a hive, I think the sun got to him. For now I've removed one of the hives, Agronnek had to be restrained. We have jugs but no hard stone to make mechanisms so it's unlikely we'll be able to harvest from the remaining hive.

A couple of new migrants, some leatherworkers doctors and I wasn't really paying attention to the rest. Our numbers swell to 170 regardless. A few new saplings have grown to an acceptable height and we've renewed woodcutting efforts. It seems clothesmaking is a bit too slow, I ordered that only “Great” and higher clothiers are allowed to make clothing, the “Talented” Flamey nearly took a swing at  me. We're no longer processing rope reed into cloth, if these new assholes are too damned fancy to wear cloth soaked in elf-blood then I'll make put them in a squad of marksdwarves that fights by standing in front of the enemy making crossbow sounds with their mouths.

We seem to have tons of dye making materials but no dye, one of the overseers made a quern but never set it up, I've remedied that. Not to mention I've scaled back the farmers. We now have five, all considered “Great” or higher. I don't want to seem too competent so I've done this by making a list of righteousness and ensuring that all unskilled farmers were not on it. I'm tired of wasting our scarce barrels on single strawberries.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #841 on: October 14, 2012, 09:05:11 pm »

Galena 10
I've got the gemcutters cutting fireclay and encrusting the bolts with it. I Bolts are more functional than crafts so despite the fact we have more than we could ever use I continue to expand the armory. at first they said that wasn't possible but later they just said “please stop hitting me.” Their actually pretty good at it.

The detail is spectacular, it doesn't make sense.

Galena 11
Humans come with war-wagons laden with weapons of death. I go to give them fire.

Galena 11
Caught myself going on a murderous rampage and canceled the order to “kill the humans ,and wear their skins, then take their wagons back to the Human capitol to chop their queen into pieces and then eat the pieces” Goddamnit I need more leaves.

Galena 14

Four wagons, what the hell are they bringing in?

Galena 16
JACKPOT!!! Metal weapons, bars of metal, metal shields, we can outfit another squad of melee soldiers. Not to mention barrels and barrels of wine and ale. Our drinks have swollen to 515 rations.

Galena 20

I've come to notice two things, first that a thick layer of blood and vomit coats the trade depot and any dwarf, animal, or object that has ever passed through the trade depot. The second, is that there are too many children. I've issued a new edict that every time a new baby is born everyone in town is to stare at the parents judgmentally until they weep. Failure to stare or weep will be punished by being rolled naked through the trade depot. I am absolutely not doing that I ate some more leaves and I understand that that would be insane. I am instead constructing a platform over the trade depot to collapse and murder the elf-humans I am not going to do that that is a terrible idea I need more leaves. I'm going to use the platform to wash the trade depot free of vomit and everyone will thank me for it.

Galena Close

I am so awful.

After it became apparent making bloody vomit muddy was the exact opposite of cleaning I ordered the platform deconstructed. I failed to specify an order and the collapse knocked everyone nearby over.  A baby's had it's hand shattered but if the mother doesn't care enough to take it to the hospital I don't care enough to do anything about it.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #842 on: October 15, 2012, 04:28:31 pm »

Limestone 10
I'm sick of looking at all of these worthless sacks of meat and hatred and I am going to kill loose bolts lying around. I've ordered a basement to be dug beneath the barracks to house weapons and ammunition. I've also created two  new melee squads and a few more marksdwarf squads and armed them with the equipment we bartered from the humans. The militia is now one hundred and seventeen strong, 53 of our number are children and our total population is 172. Exactly two fully grown dwarves have not been drafted, our one remaining woodcutter who can't track of all his gear and Hostergaard who is very much more valuable alive. Everyone likes Hostergaard, it's why he keeps being reelected even though to my knowledge he has never done anything useful. If he died because of something I did I'm fairly certain I'd be run out of town.  Murderfarmed is prepared to take up arms should the need arise. I pity any goblin that would come for us.
Limestone 20

I've ordered the construction of twelve new clay houses, some people aren't excited about the humble clay houses (dirt hovels they call them) but ever since I started screaming at people I find sleeping outdoors they seem a bit more enthusiastic to have a home of their own.

Limestone Close
Dariush nearly died. Apparently nobody thought it was necessary to bring him food or water. He's chained up in Hostegaards office, it's inexcusable that he didn't say anything sooner. I've had two barrels of food and two barrels of drink brought to Dariush to eat and drink from as necessary. I've also created a squad of animals including a cougar, a moose, a snapping turtle, and lead by the late Uristeamers duck who are to stand inside Hostegaards bedroom and stare at him while he sleeps.

Dariush died standing beside a full barrel of fisherberry wine. I think I'll set Hostegaards bed on fire.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 06:34:07 pm by Broseph Stalin »

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #843 on: October 15, 2012, 05:26:02 pm »

Sandstone 10
I've deposed Hostegaard for his indiscretion. I am mayor now and as such I am no longer war marshall of the Inquisition. He'll become Hammerer and guard captain instead, a better role for a grand inquisitor I think. It's been explained that between my severe mental disorder, general unlikability, and the fact that nobody in all of Murderfarmed has ever voted for me even by accident  mean I probably shouldn't be mayor but I dispelled those concerns by threatening year round full squad training.

I killed two dwarves.

A boar wandered into the residential area. It kicked a baby ,no injury, but I dispatched Hostegaard and the Inquisition to kill it. Sacha ran it down and stabbed it viciously with her spear ,she may have some anger about the whole I killed her husband thing. She needs to get over it.

The Bolts of God caught a Kobold skulking about on patrol, they tore it to shreds with arrows long enough for the Inquisition to arrive and hack it's bastard head off. 

Sandstone 20

Humans finally left.

Sandstone Close
 The Trade Depot is finally cleared of corpses and wares but it's still coated in vomit.  There are no longer homeless dwarves in Murderfarmed, finally after half a years labor every dwarf has a roof over his-- OH FUCK YOU!

Eight more dwarves to feed, house, and hate.


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #844 on: October 15, 2012, 06:29:26 pm »

Triaxx Journal:

I saw to it there were no bloody homeless, and no bloody migrants. Mostly through carefully not hurting anyone.


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #845 on: October 15, 2012, 06:39:35 pm »

The Journal has been purged of all dust. Many of the pages are still damp.
Bees bees buzz buzz beezz busy buzzy bees. They have removed the hives, interrupt my waxcraft AGAIN. WHY? WHYYYYY? Must stay calm all will be bees fine. Hives remain. Must relax. More migrants. Too many live here already, so why? The king. He hated bees, sun, mead, hives, wax -- He must be trying to kill us. Starve us with too many mouths. Keep us dependent on His mead, HIS bees. I must speak to the BEE KILLER mad mayor. Tell him of the WAX HATER king's plot. Yes. I will keep from taking his bones for a little longer.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #846 on: October 15, 2012, 10:04:43 pm »

Timber 10
That guy I killed with my bare hands, I forget his name.
Dariush Whom I framed.
I've filled four caskets this year.
The Vampire, Dariush, and the Herbalist were all popular so morale is low. I'm using a combination of threats and bribes to get everyone to smile when the caravans come.

Timber 20

The traders arrived but there's more alarming news. Betelgeuse wandered to the trade depot looking pale and complained that he hadn't slept well. I think there's another vampire in our midst. Maybe it's one of the new migrants or maybe I was too rash in attributing the death of Cattan to the Vampire Mayor, maybe this vampire has been here for a long time. It may not even be one, there may be dozens of vampires, I'm hereby ordering constant vigilance.
I can't think about this right now. Happy thoughts, if I become angry, if I allow myself to lose grip and the irrational side takes over it would be horrible.

But that's not entirely true. I've been thinking, the other side (I've come to call him Boot) is very efficient at these sort of things. He organized an ambush against the elves with only one casualty. These awful things he does he does with remarkable skill, there's a method to his madness. I think that if I let him go, let him off the leash completely I think he can handle this. But the cost... I don't know what I can do.

Timber Close
I have to do it. I have to. I promised to do whatever it takes to save Murderfarmed. No matter what the cost. Others have paid that price before, men have died to preserve secrets that were never meant to see the light of day. Men have died to destroy foes that would left to their own devices see us burn. If the price to rid Murderfarmed of the Vampire menace is my sanity then I'll pay that price. I don't know where Boot comes from but I no longer question him. I submit to his will. The next three months are out of my hands. Thus begins the reign of Boot.

Journal of Boot
There's a smell to the air. It smells like hate. Like Murder. Like Farms. The vampire so offends the senses that it's destruction is the mandate of the heavens. It's tender flesh cannot escape the bolts that pierce. Any man who has recieved a vote for mayor is suspect and he will be proven true or he will die screaming on my sword. Any man whose sleeping habits give cause to question his dwarvenity will be tried in the icy waters of virtue and if he still offends his living corpse will be buried quite alive beneath the floorboards of the in until the end of time. Can you feel my presence? Can you sense my hate? The fear that grips your spine is warranted, Murderfarmed will be your grave monster.

The purge requires an adequate map, I shall use it to orchestrate what I have dubbed the Helmetine Inquisition.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 06:05:33 am by Broseph Stalin »


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #847 on: October 16, 2012, 12:39:14 am »

Any chance you could post the picture of the fort, this is a pretty funny story.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #848 on: October 16, 2012, 06:01:14 pm »

Timber Close.

FEAR is today's game. FEAR. Not the fear of a child cowering in it's bed, something deeper and more fearsome. Something older. The rabbit trembles when it feels the hot breath of the wolf at dead run. When it knows the end is near. That fear exists in the oldest part of the mind, the strongest part. That fear is powerful and it consumes like a fire the entirety of the being. I sense your fear vampire. I sense your hate. You are so very alone and we are so very many. Your judgment day is coming and when my boot is on your neck there will be no staying my hand.

Doors. Doors. Doors. Pathways to secret places that exist beyond the realm of sight and sound where dark wonders ply their devil trades. Doors are the foe. Concealing the murder of farms that do so unvaliantly preempt wisdom in their touch. Flesh. Flesh remains when stripped of doors and open doorways do so advance the cause of our destruction.

I have removed every door in Murderfarmed. Felcis demanded her door returned. I asked why she desired to be murdered in her bed and she did not respond. Felcis added to the list.

Sacha complained that the patients would grow cold without doors. I asked why Sacha desired to be beyond public view with helpless dwarves and she did not respond. Sacha added to list.

Asked Zasit why he isn't married. He mumbled. Zasit added to the list.

Asked Hostegaard why people like him, he said he wasn't a crazy bastard. Hostegaard added to list.

Asked Halt why he drinks disgusting fisherberry wine when wonderful prickleberry wine is available said he didn't like prickleberry wine. Halt added to list.

Asked Stardust why he was staring at a piece of meat and a handful of strawberries for thirteen minutes, he said he didn't want to choose wrong and be put on the list. Stardust added to list.

I asked Agronnek why his bees were so terrible, he started shouting something but I couldn't hear him over how loudly I was adding his name to the list.

Asked Pon-Katt why his daughter was so fat. Pon-Katt punched me in the nose. Pon-Katt added to list.

Asked Betelgeuse why he worshipped the Inrus Secretivesin, God of Lies, known to have created several vampires and werebeasts. Said it did honor to Broseph Stalin. Betelgeuse not added to list.

Asked Betelgeuse how he got holes in his cloak. Blamed moths and thorns. Betelgeuse added to list.
(This portion of the entry is several pages long and includes every dwarf in murderfarmed for infractions ranging from having sharp teeth to wearing unattractive hats shoes that don't match.)

The harvest will not be clean.


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #849 on: October 16, 2012, 06:53:59 pm »

Journal of Triaxx: I have begun stockpiling food in the woods. Barrels of booze are harder to hide, so I'm taking plants I can brew. I need to get out of here. Helmet has lost his marbles. I've not been able to procure a pick axe, but I've made a deal with the Dwarven caravan to bring me some supplies when I find a suitable location. Just can't let Helmet know. I'm not sure if anyone else would follow, but I know I could find other support. I've got to get away. He's gotten completely out of hand. Must burn this journal...

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #850 on: October 16, 2012, 07:07:45 pm »


Threw gnomeblight in the well in secret. Vampires are clearly gnomish assassins from the kingdom of Gnomeria come to copy and steal our superior dwarven designs. Now when the vampires drink from the well they will die of gnome poison.

Forgot to break open barrels before throwing them into the well, sent in hamster mercenary to crack barrels inside well. Hamster has not made contact in several days, presumed dead- intercepted by gnomish assassins.

Liason said we were ready to become a barony. Declared myself baron. Flamey fell into the river, she fell in so badly that four strong dwarves had to drag her back out while she proclaimed she no longer wished to live. Hostegaard is happy to be mayor again.

Position of Militia Commander replaced with Witchhunter General. The purge will not be stopped.
Trade Liason wants:


I told him to bring all of the stones and beer from the mountainhomes, he stared for a while.

Orderd construction of a Brass coffin for my tomb. I need a tomb if I'm going to continue my war against the undead.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #851 on: October 16, 2012, 09:00:45 pm »

The final month of my reign.

The well of Unlife froze, the process destroyed the vampire blood.  It freed up the chamber for judgement. Vampire blood will not be scarce though.

Ral Razorsword was a marksdwarf and macedwarf of considerable skill. She was also in posession of several rattlesnake and kiwi bone jewelry. These indicate she was once a soldier and a hunter but she boasts of no kills.
Same with Atir Contestcrafts. Marksdwarf, jewerly, won't speak of any kills. Long list of past civilizations with sudden and unexplained departure.

Lolor Gorgedent was seen near Betelgeuses home the night he was bitten.

Zuglar Gemmaster was seen near the scene of another non-fatal biting.

I Helmet Manorfigure, Boot Slaughtermeister, Founder of Murderfarmed, Baron of Murderfarmed, and prophet of Our Lord Broseph Stalin have charged these men with the crime of Vampirism, when tried by water all four were found guilty. I condemn all four to death.

When I came for Zuglar Hostergaard had snatched him up in the middle of the night and chained him up in his office. Hostergaard had charged him with violating an export order (carrying a shield to the trade depot apparently, the kind of thing you can't really verify.) He'll face twenty two days tied to a post and when he's freed I'll no longer be Overseer and I'll no longer be able to execute him. Lolor  professed her innocence all night but this morning she only begs. Begs, that if I have any mercy in my heart I'll permit her to see her Husband one final time. I have none.

We offer them the chance to purify their souls by surrendering to the will of Broseph Stalin. They refuse.

Lolor took the first bolt. And the second, and the third.

Whether they wanted to kill her the most or wanted her suffering to end the quickest they focused their fire on her. The screams were unimaginable. The calm composed facade of the condemned gave way to terror as bolts ripped apart flesh. Her organs were punctured and her bones splintered, her screams split the crisp morning air and every child in Murdefarmed began crying in unison. Desperate to end it all someone threw a woodcutters axe in. She threw up her arm to protect herself but the arm was hacked clean in two.

Another axe, this one struck her head unimpeded. The blow nearly decapitated her but she clung to life.
The others were frantic now, they clawed at the walls offering bribes, threats, and desperate pleas to anyone who would hear them. Finally a mighty toss pierced her skull and all at once the chorus of screams had one less voice.

Atir went next. A marksdwarf fed up with the display hurled his crossbow. It struck his skull hard enough to kill her instantly.

Ral fell last. Her cheek was torn and her ear was pierced before a shot to the foot took her off her feet. Bolts and weapons pierced her flesh and if she was human she would have died shortly after.

The firing squad walked away. There were none left willing to perpetrate further suffering so I took upon myself the solemn task of covering the execution tank with an awning of stone blocks. When I collasped it death took her instantly but something unexpected happened. Black dust shot up five stories high and threw spectators from the viewing platform like the wrath of an angry God. When the dust cleared Dodok, a hauler lied face down on a pile of weapons next to Ral. The wounded were numerous but it was mostly just a few folks with the wind knocked out of them. A stonecrafter who landed more than five urists from the execution tank was laid out with a pool of blood forming around his shattered skull. He'll probably survive.

Lolor, Zuglar, Ral, Atir. They were the only names on the list. If you happen to be reading this then I want you to know that I know your still out there. It was very important that you thought I was foolish. Thought I was mad. Because I am. But when does madness transcend genius? You will never know. You will never know when it's a trap. Lolor was innocent. I killed her to prove a point, to prove to you that there is nothing I won't destroy. I still hunt you vampire. I know your here. I will find you and you will suffer, you will die screaming. If you run, if you disappear before I can find you I will spare your wretched life. I am Helmet Manorpraised, Murderfarmed belongs to me. As long as you are here you are my enemy and I will watch you die.

Broseph Stalin

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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #852 on: October 16, 2012, 09:11:44 pm »

My whole year in one place, since it's about seventeen pages.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The following is quickly scrawled in charcoal.
“Note to Hostergaard, Zuglar is innocent. There is another vampire. The king is coming soon, prepare for that. Also I poisoned the well two months ago with gnomeblight. So don't drink the well water, because there is gnomeblight in it which I put there to poison it.”
« Last Edit: October 16, 2012, 09:15:26 pm by Broseph Stalin »


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #853 on: October 18, 2012, 02:52:19 am »

Right, give me a few days to get set up and should be right on it.
They decided to leave my fortress via the circus because the front door was locked to keep Goblins out.  THAT should be an interesting trip back to the Mountainhome.


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Re: Murderfarmed, A Farming Village Succession Fort (Overseers Needed)
« Reply #854 on: October 18, 2012, 02:56:52 am »

Gnomeblight don't affect dwarves.
she/her. (Pronouns vary over time.) The artist formerly known as Objective/Cinder.

One True Polycule with flame99 <3

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