11.This was a glorious battle! We managed to disrupt a convoy, destroying the escorts and crippling the transport. IKS Dajghu' has been destroyed, but rest assured, fellow warriors, that Commander J'rod is waiting for us all in Sto-vo-kor!
This was really matter of time. We can only wonder what they are thinking they will achieve with this alliance!
As we have promised, Ferengi are being punished for allying with the cowardly Federation.
And speaking of Federation, this convoy has entered Ullia system. Our sensor readings confirm that they have new kind of ship in their fleet. Something big and filled with weapons to the edge of hull. Wonderful! PiH fleet, albeit without a captain, has been sent to destroy the mighty vessel. At Antica, our furry friends are hastily producing another fleet of warships.
Just as we move onto next level of Construction and Biology, PiH fleet routs away the Federation convoy. They just ran away, like cowards they are!
We found evidence that Cardassian spies were working together with Federation agents. We shall not pursue war with them, though. One thing is dying in glorious battles, and other is leaving our Empire vulnerable by fighting on many fronts.
PiH fleet managed to get deeper into Federation system, and the sensor sweep found several Ferengi and Federation starships, approximately 10 of them, including another Federation big cruiser.
Amongst many breakthroughs, this one will allow us to build Combat Testing Center. Our cruisers at Antica and Yadera are complete. They were sent to Ullia, much like a group of transports. At last, we shall capture this accursed system.
Turn later, pair of Federation destroyers and their Command Cruiser tried to enter Ullia.
This above is the result.
Also, a scoutship crewed by these people arrives at one of our deep space outposts. We decided to pursue peace with them, at least for a time being.
In the meanwhile, our outpost at Tama destroyed Federation scout that stumbled into the system.
While this treaty irks some of the younger, eager warriors, the High Council agreed that this is for the best of our Empire.
For the end of this update, have a galaxy map to look at. Romulan Star Empire, suprisingly, is quite large.
//Also, new poll!