jocan2003: filthy bay12'er, posts while on public transit
Interesting. There's a point in the game campaign where you have to go up against another player. This means YOU DON'T OWN THE GAME YOU JUST BOUGHT. Once the Ubi servers go down you're effed.
Wait wait. Hold on. What?
What the serious fuck? Do you mean that you actually need an internet connection to complete the game?
If that is actually the case, there's no way I'll ever buy the game, because I wouldn't be able to complete it. I mean, it is an interesting idea to involve another player in the story, but there should be a local option for something like that. Or ya know, don't advertise it as a solo campaign. Cutting away those who don't have good internet connections is such a dick move.
Well i wont say exactly what version i played, you are all grown up enough to know what im talking about, but unless they pitted a player EXACTLY at the right moment against me even tho my copy is crazy. Well so far i havent been locked and i did that *pseudo* player hacking thing. I believe the game first try to connect you to the server and if it doesnt work dump a NPC acting as a player. Wich might be where the game bypassed the online check and went straight to the npc acting as player.
In any case, i enjoyed the extended demo i had and now just waiting for my salary to get in my hand and presto ill get the real deal
P.S.: I know i have been talking about something im not supposed to but it was in the hope to enlighten the *always-online-might-screw-up-player* subject.