Wow, haha... Some pretty heavy stuff getting posted in this thread. Not really sure if I should pitch in my two cents' worth or not.
Josh, you've been an active enough poster on here for long enough that even my sieve-brain remembers you to some extent (just like to point out that to absolutely everyone that I have avatar pictures turned off in my profile settings, as they irritate me). You've always seemed like a nice, intelligent, THINKING (amazing how rare a quality that is) person through your writings, so on an objective level you're actually far and away ahead of the curve in regards to available dudes.
However, and I know this all too well myself, that's a really hard concept to truly wrap your head around. Listen to LordBucket, s/he (
) sounds like she's got her head on straight. I'm not generally that good at telling myself things just for the sake of them, because I usually have to fight my brain contradicting them the entire time and it never really feels like it's getting anywhere. That's just me though.
Personally, what I did was just act like I was really self-confident. But I didn't do it out of pretending to be. What I did was use my altogether too well-developed sense of irony as a means of perpetuating a "joke". I am
absolutely not comfortable in most social situations, particularly with people I have the intent of making a good impression on (be they romantic interests or just random individuals), but I act like I'm absolutely in my element and completely assured of myself and my own incredible worth because, well... Because it's so far from the truth I feel that it's really kinda funny. But you know what? It really has made a difference. It's gotten far easier, and as I realize that it's actually working, I honestly do start feeling better about myself because now I know it *is* possible for me to survive situations like that. And it turns into an actual upward spiral. My ass no longer drenches in sweat anytime I talk with someone I'm not intimately comfortable with (yes, that was honestly an issue I had before. I couldn't sit on vinyl chairs anytime I was expected to talk with someone).
I also had (still have, to a lesser degree) a cripplingly low opinion of myself. Slow, awkward, dumb, ugly, what-have-you... And I'm still working with it. And I've gone through life with some truly awesome starting benefits that disprove all of those. I always made friends quickly, have placed in the 1% of standardized state-wide tests (without regular schooling), scored
higher than previously recorded scores on college-level exams after a couple weeks of half-assed studying, and have been blessed with looks that cause some truly hilarious results from time to time (I once caused a woman to walk into a shelf of goods at a local store, because she was staring at me).
As for my relationships? Well... My first "relationship" was a two-year engagement to a girl. She was a few years older than I was, but then again I only had two years to my name when we started. And yes, I fully intended to spend the rest of my life with that girl. Then she dumped me.
My first "real" relationship lasted through three intense, passionate months where we were forced to spend a lot of time apart due to my being in the military. I felt feelings I never thought possible, had true meaning in my life, and was willing to take on the world for her. After she offered for me to move in after I finished my service, I agreed and cancelled all other plans, including my return ticket to the states (I was serving in Norway). Four days before I was to be discharged, she broke up with me over Skypechat saying I was too good a person to be with her.
When I got back into "the scene", I kept up with the online dating I'd started in the military (I had reason for doing this, what with being on a military base in the middle of fuckoff-land), and wound up scaring a number of people off. Then I bumped into a girl that I honestly hadn't expected to be much, but that I wound up getting such an intense chemistry with that things flew off the handle and we shortly thereafter became convinced we were each others' soul mates.
Then she revealed herself to be a selfish, angry, bipolar, batshit insane bitch who not only ruined my chances with another girl who really
could have been a good match for me and who I still kick myself for hurting that bad, but who also poisoned my relations with anyone after I finally broke things off. I'm still a little paranoid that people I talk with may suddenly go berserk or scream that it's over and I'm a horrible person.
Nice track record, eh? Don't let it bother you. Things are really looking up now. I'm stronger and wiser for the bad things I've encountered, and now I've got a really close platonic-with-benefits (one that actually works, which is really really rare) relationship with one girl and a potential something-more that I'm leading up to. Is there a chance things could horribly blow up in my face yet again? Knowing me, it's probably not unlikely. But it's a learning process and I'm getting better at it, and I'm really quite enjoying myself right now while dealing with attractive, intelligent people who love talking with me on a deeply emotional and intellectual level and additionally totally want to tap this.
Thanks for letting me rant pointlessly in a disjointed fashion (not that you had much say in the matter). You'll do fine.
I mean, really... If the guy who discovered the use of bags filled with vomit and blood as viable rations on below-freezing adventurer mode mountain treks can get a date, you're gonna be just hunky-dory.