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Author Topic: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 6: I dun' goof'd)  (Read 12121 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 3: Researching Crazies)
« Reply #90 on: June 12, 2012, 04:20:49 am »

Hmm Generic Bob, sounds like he will die a pretty generic death.Mint will challenge #93 Generic Bob, hoping to kill him swiftly!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 3: Researching Crazies)
« Reply #91 on: June 12, 2012, 06:45:57 am »

(( Here's how battles work:

You contact them, initiating the fight. Next turn, you fly to their dueling ground, where you get to see their full character sheet, and you decide your first tactics, as well as whether you're going for an assassination or a knock-out.

Fights last until one party is no longer able to fight. So, it depends on the attacks landed to see how long a Duel lasts.))
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 3: Researching Crazies)
« Reply #92 on: June 12, 2012, 07:21:53 am »

(( Here's how battles work:

You contact them, initiating the fight. Next turn, you fly to their dueling ground, where you get to see their full character sheet, and you decide your first tactics, as well as whether you're going for an assassination or a knock-out.

Fights last until one party is no longer able to fight. So, it depends on the attacks landed to see how long a Duel lasts.))
((Define attack, we can use the environment to our advantage, yes?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 3: Researching Crazies)
« Reply #93 on: June 12, 2012, 10:11:25 am »

((Define attack, we can use the environment to our advantage, yes?))

Yep. Also, There will be an impenetrable around the Dueling Ground to prevent escape and audience interference.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 3: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #94 on: June 14, 2012, 05:35:44 pm »

Chapter 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances

Barnaby Jones knows it's his duty to pick up, educate, and train the youth living in the streets, projects, and ghettos. Seeing an oppurtunity to do this with Duelist #90, Barnaby Jones and his crew hop in the 'Funk-o'-mobile' and go on a ride.

Destination: Downtown Brooklyn

Hours later, Barnaby and his entourage leave the van to find the Duelist. Stepping into Brooklyn, a wall of blue light comes out of the ground and shoots into the sky, separating Barnaby from his entourage. One of them steps up to it. "Sorry we can't come brother, but we'll be with you in spirit!" Barnaby nods and runs down the empty streets to find his future student.

A few blocks down, Barnaby spots a youth in a gray hoodie with a downturned face. "Hey you!" Barnaby yells. H00d R4t looks up. "Who the hell are you?" "~My name is Barnaby Jones son, and I'm here to show you some moves!~" H00d looks at Barnaby with a befuddled expression. "Uh, I think you're looking for Manhatten. Just go down this street, take a left at the second light-," "Ha ha ha! No, I am here to Duel you, and show you the way, #94, the groovester himself, Barnaby H. Jones!"

#90: H00d R4t

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: A skinny, spiky-haired Cacausian youth. Seems to always have a devilish grin on his face.
Biography: The streets are a tough place to live. Tony Misto learned that the hard way by being born there. Because he wasn't the biggest kid on the block, he couldn't fight, he had to run. And run he did, getting really good at running. But he got tired of running. He realized that being fast could be just as much of an advantage in a fight as being strong. So he developed a tactic in fighting: Dodge, hit the sucka' before he could react, jump back, hit him, dodge, and repeat. He won many fights this way, some of them deadly, and soon the I.D.A. noticed it. This is when he stopped being Tony, and started being H00d R4T.

Starting Clothes/Armor: Gray hoodie, navy track pants, worn-down clothes and sneakers.
Starting Weapon: Dual Switchblades - Two concealable knives you could get from any pawnshop.

Attributes: ST-1 PR+0 AG+2 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0
Runner; +1 to non-combatic running, i.e. fleeing or strategic strafing.
Designated Dueling Ground: Brooklyn

H00d R4t pulls out his switchblades. He mutters, "Seriously I.D.A., what the fuck ..."

Spoiler: Barnaby Jones (click to show/hide)

Undettered by his training failure, The Spirit of 45' hits the obstacle course again. (2) He doesn't mess up this time, but he finishes at a very slow pace, not enough to improve him in anyway.

Spirit of 45' heads back to the Military Intelligence tent, pulling out a new file.



Name: ?
Gender: Male
Age: ?
Appearance: ?
Biography: ?

Starting Clothes/Armor: Ski mask, wifebeater, jeans and run-down Nikes.
Starting Weapon: ?

Skills: ST+1 PR? AG? EU? IN-1 LK?
Attributes: ?
Designated Dueling Ground: ?
Spoiler: Spirit of 45' (click to show/hide)

Seeing an opportunity for a good alliance, Glowing Ether contacts Bouncer on his phone. It picks up, and a low, booming voice asks, "Who is this?" "Hey, this is Glowing Ether, an upcoming DJ and Duelist. I was wondering if we-" G.E. is cut off, "What rank are you?" "Ninety-" Ether doesn't even get to fully say his rank when Bouncer hangs up.

Sighing, G.E. tinkers with his Bass Cannon.

(6+1(Intelligence) out of 20)

He doesn't do much, but he increases the range on the Cannon slightly.

Spoiler: Glowing Ether (click to show/hide)

Sain continues running around and lifting debris. (2) This time, she doesn't neither well, just resulting in some sore muscles.

She relaxes by reading more up on Duelist #88.



Name: Higurashi
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: ?
Biography: Valentine Rose was just another high-school outcast. A girl who was picked on, teased, and tormented. So she did what any girl suffering from bullying does: Go on a murderous rampage and hack apart the entire school. So did the police come? Of course not! This type of behavior is encouraged and rewarded by the Peacekeepers. The school still had to be shut down, but Higurashi got a Duelist license. She now roams it's halls, and sometimes you can hear a scream or a cry emit from Miller High...

Starting Clothes/Armor: ?
Starting Weapon: Butcher Knife - Used to cut thick, giant slabs of pork. So imagine what it can do to a human body.

Attributes: ST+1 PR+0 AG+2 EU? IN+1 LK+0
Conditions: ?
Designated Dueling Ground: Main corridor of  'Miller High', an abandoned school in the central United States.

Spoiler: Sai (click to show/hide)

Miria continues her exubarent Agility training, even though 'exubarent' isn't a word. (4)
Her Agility doesn't go up much, but the sheer amount of running that she does pushes her endurance.

Agility +1, Endurance +1

Spoiler: Miria (click to show/hide)

The Red Knight appears. "We have heard your request to Duel the 91st. To arms men, we fight!" There is a roar, and suddenly Veilen is put on a horse. They ride down the hill, past the valleys, and into an airfield. There they enter an 'Airplane', Veilen has heard of it only in legend. It is a great big white bird, which carries humans inside it's hollow skeleton. The flight is a new and interesting experience for Veilen, filled with strange feelings as the plane ascends, changes altitude, and experiences turbulance. During the trip, Veilen asks the Red Knight, "What land am I headed to?" The Red Knight responds, "An exotic land far to the west. Not quite the Middle East, but not quite Asia. We are bound to-"

Destination: Small Village, Central Afghanistan

The plane lands, Veilen and party stepping out. Veilen surveys his surroundings. There are a variety of houses and structures up ahead that remind him of the Middle East. Yet, there is little sand. There is lush greenery everywhere, and he can even see mountains up ahead. As he marches forward, his entourage comes to a stop. A blue wall of light begins to appear between Veilen and his men, extending high into the sky, and containing the entire village in a blue circle in a matter of seconds. The Red Knight yells, "Do not be alarmed! This is only God's doing, as He knows this is your Duel, and as such, prevented any intrusion from happening. So go forth, and claim victory!" The men cheer Veilen on as he turns and walks deeper into the village.

There are houses, stalls and wells, but no signs of life. Veilen Farthan begins feeling paranoid, and rightfully so, since he knows there is another man in the vicinity who probably wants to kill him. Then, Veilen sports a mass of green and gray down on the ground. He approaches it, and the mass of color springs up to form a man! Veilen is taken aback and grips his blade, looking over the man. He is covered in the green-gray armor, but it is not plate or chain mail. It's too baggy, and the man's helmet is shaped more like a big green cap. He wields the mystical M16 Veilen has read about.

The soldier claims, "Hutt! I am:"

#91: Colonel Charlie 

Name: Colonel Charlie
Appearance: A young looking dirty-blonde man with a thinnish build. He holds himself up with a mix of pride and anxiety.
Biography: As a Private, Charlie joined the army looking for a way to serve his country. The first eight months of his deployment were dull, filled with lifeless patrols and talking about non-sequiturs with his squadmates. Then the firefight happened. Charlie accidentally misinterpreted a command. Ironically, he was the only one who survived the firefight because of this, the rest of his squad gunned down by AK47's, or blasted by RPG's. He was alone in the middle of Afghanistan. So he roamed, going to village to village, picking up the language and the culture. He was rescued many months later, but refused to go home. "Afghanistan is more of a home to me than America ever was," he reportedly stated. The I.D.A. picked him up for his knack at survival, and kill record in the American army.

Starting Clothes/Armor: Standard U.S. Army Gear.
Starting Weapon: M16 - A classic, if unpractical, American Assault Rifle. Has plenty of killing potential.

Attributes: ST+1 PR+1 AG+0 EU+1 IN+0 LK-1
Knows the Landscape; +1 to enviornment-based rolls.
Designated Dueling Ground: Any village in Central Afghanistan.

Veilen Farthan takes this all in, and steps forward. "I am Veilen Farthan, Ranked 99th in the International Duelist Rankings, and hearby challenge you to a duel!" Veilen takes his holy sword out of it's sheath. Charlie shrugged. Sounding much more casual he remarks, "I never thought I'd fight a knight. Oh well. Your move..."

Spoiler: Veilen Farthan (click to show/hide)

Mint Freehood decides to go for #93, thinking he would be a quick and easy target. "Come on boys, we're riding out, yee-haw!" Dozens of horses and cowboys ride into the sunset...

Destination: Suburbia, North Carolina

Later, they reach their destination. One of the cowboys looks around. "Well, here ya' are mint. Sue-berb-ya." When Mint Freehood dismounts from his horse, a wall of blue light shoots up from the ground and seperates him from his buddies. His fellow cowboys give him a thumbs-up. "Good luck Mint!" Mint tips his hat and sidles on over into suburbia.

In the emptiness, he spots Bob the Generic stepping out of his car. Bob spots him back and moans, "Aw, jeez."

#93: Bob the Generic

Gender: Male
Age: 37
Appearance: Average black hair. Average black eyes. Average Caucasian skin. Average White-collar working clothes.
Biography: Six years ago, everyone on the Waiting list for the Top 100 had been out killing each other. So when one Duelist died, the I.D.A. was short one Duelist. And no one wants to watch the  Top 99. So, they looked around for someone who wanted the 100 spot. Bob had recently been layed-off at his office. They offered it to him, because the pay was good, and the health plan looked nice. (Besides the whole getting murdered part.)

Bob has 2 children, a blonde wife, and a two-story house. He enjoys football and rock music. He is totally generic, and was happy for keeping the bench-warm for 6 years at the #100 spot, where he was never bothered...until now.

Starting Clothes/Armor: White-collar Working Clothes.
Starting Weapon: Colt .45 - A standard firearm Bob picked up at a pawnshop.

Attributes:ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0
Designated Dueling Ground: Suburbia, North Carolina

"Howdy'! My name's Mint Freehood, #100 here to challenge you to a Duel!"

Bob loads a clip into his gun. "Okay, okay, just make it quick..."

Spoiler: Mint Freehood (click to show/hide)

Top 100:
84. ?
85. ?
86. ?
87. Bouncer: Tough Las Vegas bouncer who has been throwing punks on their asses for many club nights.
88. ? (15 years old.)
89. Convict: (Has a shank. Lives in a Maximum Security Prison.)
90. H00d R4T: An inner-city street-raised kid who is as sharp as he is quick.
91. ? (26 years-old. Wields an M16.)
92. ? (Wears a ski-mask, wifebeater, jeans and Nikes.)
93. Bob the Generic: A generic everyman stereotype.
94. Barnaby Jones: A smooth groovy disco-risko claiming that disco never died.
95. Spirit of 45': A WWII fighter lost in war purgatory, brought into the future to continue his fighting.
96. Glowing Ether: A metallic man who lives underground, creating intoxicating beats that pump blood, to fatal amounts.
97. Sai: A young Shinobi thrust into the world of Dueling in order to prove herself a worthy ninja.
98. Miria: A psuedo-witch pulled who's magical potential got here drafted into Dueling.
99. Veilen Farthan: A Holy Crusader on a quest from God to find the mystical Holy Grail.
100.Mint Freehood: An older man who rather than retire, took up his lifelong dream of becoming a cowboy.

Alright, our first Duels!

A reminder to everyone Dueling: Make sure to point out your initial strategy, as well as whether you're aiming for an Assassination or a Knock Out.

Also, I'm thinking of editing the "Win 10 Duels at Rank #1" Winning condition down to 5 or 6.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #95 on: June 14, 2012, 05:59:58 pm »

Name: Higurashi
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Sai was rather surprised at her latest find. She felt an odd connection somehow, and decided to contact her.

Getting out a scroll and ink, she began writing a letter.


I was pleased to find someone else in this tournament close to my own age, but am saddened by your loneliness and hate. I hope we can become good friends, and that I can show you that there are other paths than murdering everyone with a giant cleaver.

Warmly, Sai, Duelist #97

Finishing the scroll, she felt she might as well contact the others she had been meaning to while she was at it.

To the esteemed Bouncer-san,

I am pleased to find someone else who lives to prevent conflict, at least outside the tournament. I hope you are as devoted to calm as your profession implies, and that we can help each other bring tranquility to this chaos.

Sincerely, Sai, Duelist #97
Dear Miria-chan,

Hello! I'm pleased to see the one one rank below me is a cute witch. I hope we can become good friends. Good luck!

Sincerely, Sai

"Okay! I need you to deliver this to Higurashi-chan," she said, handing the first scroll to one of her ninja, "this to Bouncer-san, and this to Miria-chan," she finished, handing over the other scrolls.

"Meanwhile, more training!"

Train Str, Agi

Research Higurashi
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #96 on: June 14, 2012, 06:03:48 pm »

Everyman? Let's see how he does against me...

Action: Target 92# for a Duel
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #97 on: June 14, 2012, 06:13:41 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Oh, a letter! Miria ripped the envelope into three poor, ragged pieces and extracted the letter inside. Like one of her grandparents had said, "Crack through the shell and get to the pearl inside!" Sadly, he was caught, tried, found guilty and executed for tearing into a bank vault to get to the pearlies inside. He also had accidentally the money. That was too bad.

She read over the letter once and twice.

She then produced a pencil from the tufts of her broom and wrote,

Hi! Why did you think I am cute? I don't think you've seen me before.

Anyways, same to you, and hopefully we won't meet in an arena of sorts.


PS. What's a chan?

The '~' was a scrawl that seemed to show the pencil had slipped there.

Hmm. Well, all this running was boring, and stuff, and therefore Miria had to do something. And why not go challenge someone! Miria looked down the manila file folder of currently known duelists. Hmm... number 92 seemed obscured enough that he would be fun. With four exclamation points around that! Also, "wifebeater" didn't sound like a good man.

Challenge 92.

Just as she was going to ask one of the people who were watching her every move, one came over and whipped the file out of her grasp. He informed Miria that someone already is fighting with number 92.

Uh... Oh, well. Back to training.

Strength, and if one more is possible, Agility.

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #98 on: June 14, 2012, 06:33:09 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Sai quickly opened the response, eager to see what Miria had to say.

This required another scroll!


You're around my age and a witch, of course you're cute! I can come visit you and tell you yourself if you don't believe me.

I disagree about never fighting each other, though. By testing ourselves against each other we can become even stronger, don't you think?

Chan is what you call someone when they're small or cute. Most boys and many older people don't like being called chan, but I didn't think you'd mind.

Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #99 on: June 14, 2012, 07:08:25 pm »

Challenge 92.

Just as she was going to ask one of the people who were watching her every move, one came over and whipped the file out of her grasp. He informed Miria that someone already is fighting with number 92.

Uh... Oh, well. Back to training.

Oh yeah. The rules for challenging a target who is already in a duel:

You can still challenge for that spot, which means you travel to the duel, watch it, and then immdiatley face whoever is the winner.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #100 on: June 14, 2012, 08:41:39 pm »

Quote from: Letter to Sai
Well, I was under the impression that you were in a fight to the deathlet's meet sometime. :D
Chan... That sounds weird, but I suppose that's the culture.

Take care, Miria

Being informed that someone was already fighting with 92, Miria ... ignored that and continued training Strength.

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #101 on: June 14, 2012, 08:54:50 pm »

Two young, Chibi-Kawaii-Desu girls, one a ninja and one a witch, talking about cuteness and -chan.

It's like Tohou all over again.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #102 on: June 15, 2012, 02:52:27 am »

Veilen clasped both hands over the hilt of his sword and lowered it at mid-waist level, uttering a prayer for aid and protection. He wouldn't aim for a kill to switch places, for the man before him looked like a warrior of another age. With a blackened wand that could shake the earth with it's noise, he must be one of the Elenic folk.

"Enim Deo et Rege. Let this begin in earnest, I am ready to fight," he finished, after thanking God for the journey. He took a deep breath, savoring the arid, hot air while looking around at the run-down houses that littered the area- it was much like in the Crusades, but with less covert planning and more on direct contact. The part that was actually honorable for both sides - perhaps an even battle.

He raised his sword, and began the charge.


Rush in a zig-zag manner to avoid any streaks of fire from his weapon, aiming to go into cover if the target stays stationary.

If the target attempts to move deeper within the city, into buildings and such while not firing back, attempt to search for any easily traversed alleyways that aren't in open ground.

Always keep at least one hand on my sword.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #103 on: June 15, 2012, 05:35:11 am »

Gosh darnit, a wife and two kids, I can't leave no woman widowed, hey mister generic I'm gonna go easy on ya now, and whoever wins, you'll be walking out of here alive.
Knock out Bob, aim for the legs, get my gun out quick and end it quicker!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 4: Dueling Makes for Strange Acquaintances)
« Reply #104 on: June 15, 2012, 03:25:07 pm »

"Defend yourself, youngster!" "This duel is set to begin and there ain't no stoppin us now!"

Barnaby rushes forward with a flurry of disco dropkicks, expecting to quickly knock out this kid and teach him The Way
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