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Author Topic: ~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 6: I dun' goof'd)  (Read 12146 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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~Los Desperadoes~ (Ch. 6: I dun' goof'd)
« on: June 04, 2012, 07:06:11 pm »

Why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

-Eagles, 'Desperado'

You receive the message. Whether that's by text, e-mail, letter, scroll, or enigmatic code that only you can decipher is up to you. No one knows who you are. Not even me. But that's why you signed up. Soon, everyone knows who you are. Whether that's because you're the greatest duelist in the world, or because your dismantled corpse is splattered all over a floor...well, time will tell that.

Due to the deaths of various duelists in the recent past, The International Duelist Association has brought you into the Top 100 of Duelists around the globe. With the sending of this letter, you are now able to target any of the duelists in your dueling range. You are also susceptible to attacks from any duelists in the Top 100 that have you in their range.

The I.D.A. is happy to have you on it's roster. So please, enjoy your time, make some friends, and try to make your inevitable death as entertaining as possible.


Mr. Fornicemdeus

Gameplay & Rules:

Welcome to ~Los Desperadoes~, a game of violence, bloodshed, and entertainment. This game is heavily based upon The No More Heroes series, and the gameplay is heavily influenced by Monkeyhead's Fight Club RTD.

In the year 2174, the world is now ruled by an international Fascist government called The Peacekeepers. And as such, the most violent sport is no longer Soccer or Football, but murder. Or as The Peacekeepers like to put it, Dueling. Many people around the world dream of becoming Duelists, specifically Duelist #1, a title which grants it's occupant whatever material dreams they desire, as well as prominent influence in the Peacekeeper Committee. After being spotted by a Dueling scout for one reason or another, you were offered a contract as a Duelist. After waiting for a spot onto the International Top 100 Duelists, you have finally been selected in.


The world of the Duelists are centered around, well, Dueling. Depending on your ranking in the Top 100 Duelists, you have a certain range of targets who you can select. A Duelist must fight, or be killed, whenever they are targeted by a fellow Duelist. To start off a duel, you list your Duelist's first attack, and then their general strategy. Every turn will result in several blows and moves being traded by the two Duelists. Each move will be calculated on a dice-roll, and based on Attributes and Skills that are relevant. (Attributes and Skills further explained in the character sheet section.) Duels may last one or multiple turns.

There are two ways to win a duel:

1. Assassination: What 98% of all duels end with. Simply put, one of the Duelists dies at the hands of their opponent. Because the I.D.A. likes to be sure that someone is dead, an Assassination is an attack that is 100% lethal. (Destroying the brain, puncturing the heart/lungs, decapitation, chopping someone in half, etc.)

2. Knockout/K.O.: If the winner is feeling generous, they can simply knock their opponent out. A Knockout is when one Duelist is unconscious, or has no real way of fighting back, (i.e. If all their limbs are broken). To preform a Knockout, a Duelist demonstrates how they could clearly win, (i.e., slice at their opponents neck but stop before contact is made) then declare it a Knockout. Usually, a K.O. results in the loser missing 1-2 turns, as well as their rank. This is a rare case, and usually only happens if the two Duelists are friends.

3. Draw: The scenario where both Duelists simultaneously end up dead or K.O.'d. In the case that both of them die, everyone under them gets an automatic Rank-up.

During the first round of the Duel, you must state whether your goal is to Assassinate or K.O. If the fight lasts multiple rounds, you can change your mind every round until it is over.

If the lower-ranking Duelist wins, they take the Rank of their opponent. If the opponent is K.O.'d, the higher-ranking duelist is switched in rank with the victor. If the higher-ranking duelist wins, they stay at their title.

The Rules of the Contract:

1. You will be observed by the I.D.A. always. Whether you know it or not, we will have eyes on you. This is mandatory.

1a. Any part of your life can be displayed on international broadcast for the spectators of Dueling.

2. All Duels are mandatory. To forfeit is to die, or at least hope the victor will only knock you out.

2a. While duels can be only consensual on one-side, both Duelists must declare they are ready before they begin. (I.e., If a Duelist is asleep, you must wake them up before the duel is started.) Failure to meet this rule results in disqualification and death.

2b. Likewise, trying to run from a Duel will result in death.

3. Killing non-Duelists is prohibited and will result in death.

3a. To ensure this, the I.D.A. has set up a large group of bodyguards for every Top 100 Duelist. So get used to them.

4. Duels can only happen at the targeted Duelist's designated Dueling Grounds.

5. A Duelist can use whatever they can carry to a Duel.

6. A victor may claim anything they can find on their opponents body, including weapons, armor and clothing.

6a. This is the only way Duelists may gain more equipment. Buying or receiving donated items are prohibited.

7. Rank & Range: Ranks #100-50 may target any Duelist that is at most 10 ranks above their's. Ranks #50-30 may target any Duelists at most 5 ranks above their's. Ranks #20-11 may target any Duelist that is at most 2 ranks above their's. Ranks #10 and up may only target the Duelist that is immediately above them.

7a. A Duelist can target any Duelist below them, as long as the lower-ranking Duelist is at most only 20 ranks below.

8. Researching other Duelists is completely up to you, including their name. If not known by name, you can addresses these unknown Duelists by their rank.

8a. Before a Duel starts, you must announce your name to your opponent.

9. There will be occasional Battle Royales, big duels where the sole victor takes the place of the highest-ranking Duelist involved.

9a. Unlike regular Duels, Battle Royales are optional.

10. Have fun!

Gameplay & Turns:

All actions in this game will use a d6, or in special cases, a d20. There are six Attributes, (Strength, Perception, Agility, Intelligence, Endurance & Luck) that will effect these rolls where they apply. In addition to Attributes, there are also Conditions your character can gain that will effect rolls. (More on Attributes and Conditions in the Character Sheet.)

Gameplay in this game occurs within turns, where you decide what your character will do. The actions you can take during a turn are:

Designate a Duel-

If your character does this action, it takes up their entire turn and they can do only this. To do this, you select a Duelist in your target range, either by Rank, or name if known. The I.D.A. will set you up with transportation, and you will head to the targeted Duelist's designated Dueling Ground. During the next turn, you and your opponent will get ready to Duel and tell each other your name. Next turn, you state your beginning attack and strategy. The following turn after that, the Duel begins.


You can choose to train your character in two Attributes. This will increase your character's stats in that area. How successful your training is, is up to a d6 roll. 


Each turn, your character can research 1 Duelist in their target range. How successful the findings are, are based on a d20 roll. Research is effected by Intelligence. You can Train and Research in the same turn.


If at any point during your turn another Duelist challenges you, you are to stop what you are doing and immediately head over to your Dueling Ground and begin the preliminary dueling activities.


If your character has taken an injury which leaves them unable to duel, they are treated at a hospital and their turn is skipped.

My Rules:

Winning: There are two ways to win. In both scenarios, a player must reach Rank #1.

A. Defend Rank #1 10 times.

B. Overthrow the I.D.A. Very difficult, even more than Option A, and you'll need to partner up with many Duelists to even consider achieving this. If you get killed at any point in this scenario, the whole Coup d' Etat falls apart, and everyone who was involved and is still alive will probably be killed.

1. I expect there to be a high player-fatality rate, so that is a warning to anyone who gets too attached to their characters.

2. I also expect there to be quite a lot of Player-vs.-Player duels. But don't worry, I don't pick favorites.

3. A good number of players for this game at any time is 6. I will never exceed 8 players.

4. A tip: Just because you can someone 10 ranks above you doesn't mean you should. It might be better to Duel some opponents closer to your level, so you can gain experience and loot.

5. You can choose whatever starting Armor and Weapon you like. However, if you try to make it horribly overpowered, I will horribly underpower it. So if you have an Atomic Bomb as your weapon, just know I'm going to make it have a 50-turn setup time.

5a. Also on weapons, the advantages weapons give you will be subjectively up to me. An advantage a knife has over a fist is that it won't let you get a +1 in anything, but a successful roll will do a lot more damage than just a punch.

6. ~Los Desperadoes~ takes place in completely insane universe where normal laws don't apply all the time. So a Knight in plate armor with a broadsword going up against a War Vet with a machine gun is a fair fight.

7. Everything in this game is subjective to my own interpretation. There is no numerical system, I determine how much a 6 vs. 1 is based on how much I think it should be.

8. If you have any questions or helpful criticisms along the way, please share them.

9. Have fun!

10. I'm going to use the words 'Duel' and 'Duelist' so much you'd think this was Yu-Gi-Oh.

Character Sheet:

Skills & Conditions:

There are 6 categories of Skills: Strength, Perception, Agility, Endurance, Intelligence and Luck. Each will modify any moves or attack related to them. I.e., in general, Strength effects Hitting, Agility effects Dodging, Perception effects awareness, Endurance effects pain and long fights, Intelligence effects fake-outs, Luck effects tricky attacks, etc.

Conditions are specialized modifiers that characters can randomly receive due to an infinite amount of circumstances. ((Ex. Small, Adrenaline Junkie, Pinch Hitter, Corned Mouse, etc.) Conditions can be positive, (Wrestler: +1 to grappling) negative, (Butter Fingers: -1 to Grappling) or both. (Knight: +1 to Medieval Weaponry, -1 to Modern Weaponry). Injuries also fall into the realm of Conditions. (Concussion: -1 to all rolls.) Conditions can last for a number of turns, or be permanent. In general, the I.E.D. will cure what would be permanent injuries after the fight.

The only way to effect what Skills and Conditions you start out with are based on your Biography for your character. So when keeping in mind what kind of fighter you want, remember the Biography is vital.

Biography: (Effects what Skills and Attributes you start out with.)

Starting Clothes/Armor: (This is the only armor you get besides looted armor, so make a wise choice.)
Starting Weapon: (Same, this is the only weapon you're allowed to have besides any you loot.)
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0 (Don't change these.)
Designated Dueling Ground: ( Can be general, (A country, a state, a province, a city or a region), or specific, (A house, a building, a room, a stage, a park.)

Player List:
1. agentorangesoda (Barnaby Jones)
2. Dwarmin (Spirit of 45')
3. barbequecinders (Glowing Ether)
4. IronyOwl (Sai)
5. Skyrunner (Miria)
6. Tiruin (Veilan Farthan)
7. Noodlerex (Mint Freehood)

1. Grimmjow6th (Za Good Doktor, Heiz)
2. Remalle (The One With No Face)
3. Spinal_Taper (Takahisa Misayo)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 05:46:31 pm by TCM »
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 07:06:39 pm »

((Reserved for an FAQ, if necessary.))
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 07:31:16 pm »


Unfortunately, the only character I can think to make is an unarmed 12-year old anime lightning bruiser. Uh...
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 07:36:35 pm »


Unfortunately, the only character I can think to make is an unarmed 12-year old anime lightning bruiser. Uh...

I could see it working. We're going to have Knights, Astronauts, Wrestlers, Gangsters, Pirates, Musicians and Cyborgs on the Duelist's List, just to name a few ordinary ones.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 07:59:13 pm »

Name: Barnaby Jones
Gender: M
Age: 29
Appearance: An afro sporting sunglassed man of tall stature and exaggerated disco fashion sense.
Biography: Barnaby spent his whole life wishing he had been born a decade or two earlier and lived through the age of blacksploitation martial arts and disco music you could really dig, man! He had given up on his dreams and lived the life of a mild mannered accountant, until fate stumbled upon him one day in the form of an incurable illness.  Eschewing all other life choices, Barnaby finally dedicated his life to controlling and mastering his Disco Fever. Unfortunately, this fever is a chronic ailment that will inevitably destroy him, and is a dangerous affliction if taken lightly. He signed up as a duelist in order to show the world that disco was not truly dead, and victory would label him as the messiah necessary to raise disco from the ashes. Unconsciously, he is seeking a cure to the terminal illness, of which a fiery passion constantly boils his brain.

Starting Clothes/Armor: An open silver vest meant to show off his perfectly chiseled pectoral muscles, yet the sweet pecs are hidden behind a sizable layer of body hair.  White bellbottoms adorn his legs and a pair of black gators ensure a beat down that is truly out of sight.
Starting Weapon: All Barnaby truly needs to stick it to a cracka ass jive turkey is the raging hot soul of a funky disco beat, but he brings his trusty Survival Tool with him everywhere for protection.
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0 (Don't change these.)
Designated Dueling Ground: Master Jones Karate Dojo of Harlem For Disenfranchised Young People
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 08:07:39 pm by agentorangesoda »


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 08:03:25 pm »

Gots an idea. You forgot to mention temporally displaced Ghosts. :P

Name: Spirit of 45'
Gender: Male
Age: Indeterminate, appears in early 20's
Appearance: A ghostly looking young man with a pair of circular horn rimmed glasses. Wearing WW2 era Marine fatigues.

Biography: The Spirit of 45'-or just 'The Spirit'-seems to be, for all intents and purposes, the ghost of a former American marine who likely died during the battle that took place 200 plus years ago. The truth is a bit more bizarre-he, and many of his brethren, are the result of a Temporal experiment gone terribly wrong-one that turned many of the slain of that battle, into time lost shades, existing simultaneously in all time lines, past, present and none. They exist as half man, half nothing.

The Spirit up till now seemed to be on endless patrol-fighting alongside his fellow marines in endless combat, against an enemy they could never kill, and who could never kill them-never quite dead, and never quite alive. On and on, caught in an endless repeating loop. The Island was closed off from the public-though the shades couldn't harm each other permanently, their spectral bullets, knives and grenades could rend living flesh as easy as they ever could when their owners were whole.

The I.D.A, in it's own particular style of ruthlessness, was prodded by the Peacekeepers to provide a potential fan favorite-Patriotism levels were dwindling in some key regions, after all. Thus, the Spirit was brought into being-pulled more or less into the now by some technological advance or the other...and set to compete. He's lost a degree of his power, but is slowly gaining strength as he understands why and where he is.

The being himself is a torn individual-unable to remember his own name, not knowing where or when he is, tormented by memories of a lives he had and didn't have, people he killed and spared and killed again, seeking only solace in the 'Mission'-to become number 1 Duelist-rationalized to himself as seeking enemy agents, and ending the War so he can go home.

Only then, he reasons, can he finally find rest...

Starting Clothes/Armor: Jungle Pattern Camouflage Fatigues.
Starting Weapon: Thompson Submachine Gun
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0 (Don't change these.)
Designated Dueling Ground: Iwo Jima (Entire Island)
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2012, 08:48:18 pm »

Barnaby Jones:
ST+1 PC+0 AG+1 EU+0 IN+0 LK+1
Gettin' With the Groove: +1 to all rolls if a fight exceeds 3 turns.
Disco Inferno: -1 to dodging incendiary weapons.
No bro messes with the Fro'!: Goes into a rage if his Afro is heavily damaged or destroyed. +1 to offense, -1 to defense.

Spirit of 45'
ST+0 PC+1 AG-1 EU+2 IN+0 LK+1
Used to Bombardment: +1 to dodging explosives.
PTSD: Has a 15% chance to get a -1 to defense each turn.
Run & Gun: Suffers no penalty from shooting while sprinting.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2012, 09:02:43 pm »

Name:Glowing Ether
Appearance:A middle-height man, broad in the shoulders and thick in the neck. He wears a large trench-coat at all times, as well as a large set of studio grade headphones. On his face is a metal mask with small slits in it only for his eyes, nose and mouth. Nothing can be discerned of his face.
Biography:He was born Wilhelm in what was Germany. He grew up in a fairly ordinary way, but developed an obsession with computers and music (and any combination thereof). When he turned 18, he set out on his own, buying a computer and some headphones with the only money he had. After a while, his underground-beats reached a higher audience's ears, and he was given a contract by a small record label. With his newly found income, he began to tinker with his equipment. He found that by drastically increasing the frequency of his speakers, he could actually cause heavy physical harm to living things. This caught the attention of the the I.D.A. He was immediately drafted into the association.

Starting Clothes/Armor: Heavy Trench coat with small titanium plates inside it.
Starting Weapon: Portable Bass Cannon
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0 (Don't change these.)
Designated Dueling Ground: Any subway system


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2012, 09:19:48 pm »

IN! sheet will be up in a couple of hours


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2012, 10:14:52 pm »

Name: Sai
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Appearance: Lithe little girl with long black pigtails and green eyes.
Biography: Sai is a member of an elite dojo teaching martial arts, as well as certain philosophies behind them. Specifically, they seek to bring peace and balance to the world by bringing it to oneself first- but, there's a fair amount of wriggle room and conflicting ideologies in there, and many members end up fighting against each other. Further complicating matters is the fact that each master selects and trains their own pupils, meaning differences in technique and perspective can and often do split more with each wave of students.

Sai happened to belong to one of the more central and traditional branches of her school, but had the unfortunate honor of being her master's least talented pupil- or so he claimed, anyway. She decided to go engage in an extended fight to the death in order to prove him wrong and surpass her peers, which was perhaps not the wisest or most innerly-peaceful decision ever. She does, however, intend to bring a measure of inner calm and rationality to the competition, something she's rightly assuming is sorely lacking under the current regime.

Starting Clothes/Armor: Armorweave Gi. A tight-fitting, vaguely ninja-like outfit made of armored threads, protecting against slashing and piercing attacks while being essentially just clothes against blunt force. Her master's symbol is on the back.
Starting Weapon: Bronze Knuckledusters and matching foot bracers.
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0
Designated Dueling Ground: Urban ruins of any sort.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 10:19:34 pm »

Spots left? If yes, I reserve til tomorrow afternoon. >.>

bay12 lower boards @ #bay12lb
"Oh, they never lie. They dissemble, evade, prevaricate, confoud, confuse, distract, obscure, subtly misrepresent and willfully misunderstand with what often appears to be a positively gleeful relish ... but they never lie" -- Look To Windward


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2012, 10:23:16 pm »

Spots left? If yes, I reserve til tomorrow afternoon. >.>

Yep, you got the last lucky spot.
Because trying to stuff Fate/Whatever's engrish and the title of a 17th century book on statecraft into Pokemon syntax tends to make the content incomprehensible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2012, 12:01:11 am »



Waitlist It appears, I'm in!

Spoiler: Done (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 07:36:35 am by Tiruin »


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2012, 12:07:38 am »

Wait list me if possible.

Name:Za Good Doktor, Heiz
Age:Appear's in his late 20's
Appearance:A small man, in a doctor's outfit colored entirely purple. A gas mask, jack boot's, and surgeon gloves.
Biography: A doctor from germany, his medical practices were deemed far too crazy and dangerous for normal use and was thus stripped of his license. ever the dreamer, this didn't get Heiz down, he traveled the world, saving (and ending) quite a few lives. He appear's very young....but he is far older then many think through the use of his own creation...
Starting Clothes/Armor: Doctor's outfit as well as a gas mask.
Starting Weapon: Chemical bomb's
Skills: ST+0 PC+0 AG+0 EU+0 IN+0 LK+0 (Don't change these.)
Designated Dueling Ground: His underground lab in an abandoned military base.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 12:10:17 am by Grimmjow6th »
I don't care who they are, if they show even a bit of weakness, just kill them all.


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Re: ~Los Desperadoes~ (A Dueling-based RTD)
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2012, 02:03:08 am »

Waitlist!  Sheet incoming!

Edit: Sheet arriving!  Brace yourself.

Spoiler: TWONF (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 02:21:14 am by Remalle »
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