I've been feeling out the game, and learning what seems to work alright and what doesn't for me...
I like to split like bacteria at first, until I can get lots of extra people.
I like a full squad of 6 doing clothing, and a spare dude in a separate squad to occasionally run it down to the pawn shop, living in the same place where nobody but clothing people go.
As I'm gaining juice with my mass of untrained followers by freeing bunnies etc:
My elite squad, one or two or three characters, is going around training skills, or going to school training skills. They each focus if possible in different teaching modes, but all learn teacher.
I'll usually teach all noobs en mass in the sneaky skills, which luckily includes my biggest cash cow, clothing, so after juicing some noobs up to what I label "intermediate" (between noob and elite), they mostly go do their own thing.
Either they go into clothing manufacture constantly in order to turn mad money...
Or they go around stirring sh**, usually in the form of freeing bunnies and later prisoners, but anything I can do anywhere else for a while to shift opinion helps.
I move sh**-disturber squads around after I notice some heat, but keep them away from learning apartments and clothing apartments, which I like to put downtown once my clothing industry turns out tens of thousands of dollars per flush of expensive suits.
Yes, tens of thousands of dollars per flush. You juice up your clothier squad to gain them extra skill potential, so their tailoring skill can go up higher and higher until you get perfect quality expensive suits, x6 every day, or even have an extra squad of them churning out even more.
Hardest skills to train seem to be fighting skills. There's always that risk of dying by doing something too risky.
That's why so far I've usually relied on being really sneaky... If I can give up, I will, and I'll have money to pay for an ace lawyer because of my undisturbed clothing industry on the side.
I'll also have full upgrades for my bases and vehicles for everyone because that clothing is so profitable.
Oh and I like to have 2 writers for some reason. Helps all the sh**-disturbing make a difference in public opinion. I've gotten as far as elections turning in more and more liberals every year.
And I can agree with getting sleepers in the justice system. I seduce them, but it can be hard to find willing partners after your seducer has too many.
Spreading them out monogamously could help...
I focus on sneaking around instead of shooting the place up. I suppose I could try a violent gang style game some time, start with 4 armed guards. Could start by juicing them up. But I'd STILL be tempted to accomplish that with sneaky skills.
It's really hard to write the main points of the way I like to do things in this game, in an organized fashion...
My squad types:
Elite/Teachers (Giving everybody awesome skills, and of course disturbing the most impressive sh**)
Sh**-Disturbers/Intermediate (Active opinion influence, backup elites incase of deaths)
Writers (Passive opinion influence, get some sh**-disturber experience for juice -> higher skill max)
Clothing Squads ($$$$$, pre-experience program as above, retire into permanent clothing duty)
Haven't figured out how to take advantage of heirarchy to avoid losing lots of dudes to one death, but next time around I intend to arrange so that my most inactive, out of the way characters are the heighest up, with those who could die being more recent, which would require training up noobs as the new teachers/false leaders, then starting a new chain of command from there. If there are deaths, then I've got a backup set of squads ready to reproduce and train.