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Author Topic: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom: No new update...yet  (Read 265383 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #315 on: September 09, 2013, 09:45:30 pm »

Just pointing out he can use the same thing to make dry bones is all. Possibly. With actual coding knowledge that I lack.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #316 on: September 09, 2013, 09:58:58 pm »

I'm asking what the thing is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #317 on: September 09, 2013, 10:31:38 pm »

Here's the fort I just did a bit ago. Like I said I intended to get a community fort going with this mod, but I have a tendency to lose focus when playing and miss recording a lot of stuff. The fort ended quickly anyway and I don't think I'm a good enough writer to keep a community fort interesting long term. But I wanted to post this as I did the write up for what I played.

Logbook of Blue, Expedition Leader and Bookkeeper of Muffinbottle

Obsidian 23rd, 250
Well, I guess I should put down a foundation in this log explaining a bit of our situation.

We are Toads that live in a region called “The Destined Realm”. Our kingdom, “The Stick of Steel”, recently began a project to extent our kingdom’s borders. However establishing communities to far to the north became impossible as we approached the foul mountains. So it was decided we must spread eastward, so our first real push in that direction was planned.

Our group dubbed “The Teal Tile” by our leaders was sent to establish Muffinbottle, a settlement which in time will become the gateway to the east and eventually a central hub in our kingdom as it is set practically in the center of “The Destined Realm”.

Here’s the map of Muffinbottle’s approximate location (the yellow X).  The plan seems to put us pretty close to neighboring kingdoms, but we currently live in an age of peace so we foresee no real problems with them. We aren’t attempting to invade their land, just claim more of the untamed wilderness. Hopefully, they will see our project as a better opportunity for trade and commerce with our kingdom.
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Here’s some more detailed info about our situation. We really don’t have much more information on this area than this, but we are prepared well enough. We were even granted the use of a special item from our kingdom. Being the bookkeeper I have been given responsibility over it. This item is a book called “The Tattlelog”. Our kingdom has a compilation of data on all the various creatures of our world and recreations of it are pretty rare and extremely valuable. To hold one in my hands is proof of a mission given to us by the royal family.

I will try to include portions of the data from the Tattlelog as I mention the various creatures. Even though it is unnecessary I will include an entry of our species as well.

Creature:      Toad
Description:   A small, mushroom-like creature that enjoys peaceful living.
Life Span:      Between 60 to 120 years.
Social Traits:   Toads are naturally peaceful and remain calm and happy in dire situations as long as there is someone who can lead them whether royal, noble, or even a local hero. The Toads’ peaceful nature also makes them highly compatible with other species and thus will often befriend many different creatures.
Physical Traits:   Toads are unusually strong for creature their size able to carry large loads without losing much of their exceptional speed. Toads are easily injured, but as long as limbs aren’t removed they can heal quickly from any non-fatal injury. Also their fungus-like compositions mean they have no skeletal structures, so breaking bones isn’t possible. Also despite their fungus-like bodies Toads cannot live underground for long as they seem to require sunlight to thrive.
Special Abilities:   N/A

The Tattlelog goes into more specifics like anatomy and such, but much of that is too complex and detailed to reproduce here. The Tattle Log will be one of our most powerful tools here in the wilderness.

Well, back to our current situation. There are seven of us here beginning the foundation of Muffinbottle. I’ll give a bit of information on each of us.

Red:       Red is slightly experienced at combat and was sort of a local hero back home. I’ve known her for a while, but we don’t often talk which is odd as two of my friends are quite close to her. Maybe we might get to be friends on this journey. She appears to have quite the sense of duty as she took up the mantle of hero even though she doesn’t really care much for leading. She was recruited to be our guard as she has some combat skill with an axe.

Orange:   Orange is a bit of a mechanic. He likes building machines and the like and has always been that way for as long as we were friends. He’s rather tall for a Toad and I’ve never seen him get tired or sick ever. He tends to be kind of quiet and doesn’t care much for doing work; unless he likes the job then he can get so focused that he doesn’t stop and tends to talk to himself while thinking.

Yellow:   Yellow is another good friend of mine. She grew up as a carpenter like her father and has some experience building as a result. She was recruited to build things for Muffinbottle. She is an odd individual because she tends to sit to the side of things and not necessarily interact with people, but she is unusually kind towards others. She liked to make younger kids, like myself, small versions of different furniture which is what led to our friendship.

Green:   Green is a farmer’s daughter and will be our key planter. She has a tendency to be tense and jittery which seems to be because she always seems to have energy to spare. I don’t talk to her much as she was quite a bit older than me. Though, she is a bit of an oddball as she only considers Violet to be her friend.

Blue:      This is me. I had no real skills but was chosen for my position because I seemed to show traits that befit a leader. Granted, I’m not all that strong for a Toad and I’m also rather clumsy. I fell off the wagon no less than twice while writing this, but I guess I should be sitting so close to the edge.

Indigo:   Indigo was another friend of mine that I met through Yellow. Indigo likes to design buildings a structures and she was chosen to be the lead architect, which is odd as she has a tendency to misjudge space available and her buildings tend to be cramped on the inside. She also likes to go against regulations when designing which has made her designs appear weirdly distinct.

Violet:   Violet is the last of our group. He is going to be the chief wood cutter. Being as wood is our most easily reached building material, his job will be very important not to mention dangerous. He is a pretty simple Toad though. He doesn’t boast at all, but does have some great musical ability. He is also the oldest of our group at the age of 35.
Other than that we have a pair of male Yoshis to pull the wagon, but once that job is over they will help Red keep us safe. I guess I can put some info on Yoshis here:

Creature:       Yoshi
Description:   A dinosaur with a long, sticky tongue and a hefty appetite.
Life Span:      Between 60 to 80 years.
Social Traits:   Yoshis are in tune with nature and either they tend to live in tribes or they are adopted into other civilizations. Yoshis prefer to live in peaceful conditions. They also tend to be very joyful and friendly. This allows them to get along with certain other species very well.
Physical Traits:   Yoshis are strong and stout making them pretty hefty in combat. They also have several special natural abilities. Yoshis, both male and female, can produce eggs. Interestingly, only female eggs can hatch into new Yoshis, but both genders generally seem to use eggs for combat. The Yoshis’ long tongue is also an effective weapon and is used to eat prey whole. Yoshis are lizard-like, but show some traits of dragons. Finally, Yoshis most prominent physical trait is their body color. Yoshis can be one of many different colors which can range anywhere on the spectrum to white and black.
Special Abilities:   Yoshis can use their tongues to attack as well as throw eggs at enemies.

As you can see Yoshis are much more formidable in combat than any of us Toads. Yoshis like to eat and as Toads like to cook, it is common for Yoshis to settle with Toads. There is the problem that Yoshis speak their own language, so we can’t communicate effectively. However, the Yoshis seem to have a natural way of understanding us without verbal communication.

They however can’t fight directly yet. We need to train them in combat and none of us have those skills.

That said we also have some Beanlets.

Creature:       Beanlet
Description:   A small green creature kept as a pet. It has an unusually huge mouth for its size.

I’ve decided to shorten down the description of non-civilized creatures for shortness’s sake.

Not much else to say about our journey which has been thankfully uneventful.

Obsidian 27th, 250
The journey continues without incident, but our extra guard will be leaving us in the morning which does put us in the open. The crew’s spirits are high despite this. Quite a few of our number have musical talent and their singing keeps us going along merrily. Even the Yoshis join in with their hauntingly beautiful singing voices.

Granite 1st, 251
Late last night we arrived at our destination. I woke up early to the sound of our beanlets barking. As I went to tend to them before everyone else awoke I saw the cause of the disturbance. A Royal Soldier riding a pink Yoshi was quickly approaching our position.

He asked for me and then gave me a letter with a royal insignia on it. As I began to read, the soldier and his Yoshi began to speed away back the way they came.

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A Royal Letter:
By the words of the great and majestic ruler of The Stick of Steel and the lands beyond:
“Greetings to you, and I hope this letter finds you all in good health. Your party of seven brave citizens has been chosen to construct the outpost of Entouforabi, your real challenge begins now.
Our scouts have informed us that there may be fuzzies lurking in the area. Use whatever natural resources you find to construct suitable lodgings, and do your best to produce something of use before the year’s end. We will send a trader’s caravan loaded with emergency supplies later in the season. Hopefully you’ll manage on your own until then!
May the stars shine down upon Muffinbottle. Good luck!
Yours truly,
The Lawgiver of The Stick of Steel.”

I was so surprised to receive the encouraging letter that it woke me up and I was feeling quite energetic at that. It was time for us to fulfill our destinies as pioneers of our kingdom! If we succeed we will be honored as heroes and that is an encouraging thought.

As I looked in the direction that the soldier had departed I was startled by Red’s voice coming from right behind me.

“Fuzzies? What is a fuzzy?” asked Red.

I decided to look it up in the Tattle Log.

Creature:       Fuzzy
Description:   A parasite that latches onto its prey and sucks their blood. Although small, they can be dangerous in large groups.

“Hmph,” Red sneered. “They sound like quite the annoyance. I think we should quickly start erecting our first lodging. It says they can suck blood and like to steal. The sooner we can keep ourselves and our supplies safe the better.”

It is safe to say I agreed this without pause. Before long we were all up and I began issuing orders. Yellow and Indigo were told to begin planning the shelter. I said walls and a ceiling over our heads was all that was necessary as speed was more important than anything else. Indigo laughed a bit and mentioned there being no time to stick to convention.

I also told Red to immediately prep for battle just in case. I told Green and Orange to be ready to help haul wood to an area I designated as a stockpile.

Just when I sent them off to do their jobs I noticed that Violet just sort of stood there. Then I realized I never gave Violet and order. Violet was told to begin cutting trees. I hope that was just a slip up on my part and not a sign of me being a bad leader. Not that anyone else here wants to be a leader mind you.

Work continued greatly. I needed to begin my work so I ordered a chair and table to be built.

My makeshift office is built and I begin to tally up what supplies we have left.

I decide we are low on food, so I order Green to gather some stuff from the surrounding area.

I never realize how cool Red was. She truly is a hero. She suddenly screamed and ran with her hatchet high over her head. She was yelling something about a Star Bunny.

Creature:       Star Bunny
Description:   A small, extremely fast lagomorph with long ears. They are hunted for the power stars they contain within their bodies.

I had to do a double take. These creatures have Power Stars inside them!

Power Stars are rare powerful objects. The more we collect the more Star Power we can use. If we can even get one this will have been a great turn of events this early!

Praise to the Stars for this fortunate turn of events.

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Red was able to catch up to the Star Bunny and even did damage! It was very fast, but not quite fast enough to get away.

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I think it is safe to say that the Star Bunny is going to be defeated. Shame we don’t have a butcher yet. It says here that Star Bunny meat is quite delicious. Oh… it says here the corpse needs to be butchered to get the Star… oh. Then… who? Orange! I’ll have Orange butcher it.

We got the Power Star. It’s kind of weird. It glows with an unearthly light, but it looks like it is made of polished stone.

Slate 21st, 251

I have had a trade depot built and Green has started our first farm plot. Meanwhile we continue to work on our shelter which I recently noticed for the first time… is square.

I talked to Indigo about our shelter being square and she said something about the typical round house being boring. I guess this will work.

Felsite 21st, 251
And the Stars smile upon us again! There’s another Star Bunny out there!

Red has taken after it.

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It is kind of harsh to watch Red attack such a cute creature, but we need the Star as much as we need its meat. It is just too valuable.

Felsite 24th, 251
The second Power Star appears to be made of a different stone. Yellow reckons the first was hematite and the second rutile. They are normal stones that can be dug up easily by other clans, but seemingly imbued with the power and image of the stars. How strange. It safe to say none of us had ever laid eyes on a Power Star before, let alone two. They are mentioned in legends, fairy tales, and even religious texts, but no one is even sure that a Power Star has even been seen in this age.

Felsite 27th, 251
The low amount of food had me concerned so I sent Red out after a swarm of buzzers.

Creature:       Buzzer
Description:   A large flying insect with a powerful sting.

It turns out this wasn’t the best idea. Red came back soaked to the bone and covered in bee stings. She said something about diving into a pond to take cover and do not anger the bees before slouching off and collapsing under the wagon.

Hematite 1st, 251
Summer has arrived and I guess things are okay. I starting to get a bit worried about our supplies, but what can we do.

I was going to build a well but I need mechanisms for that and Orange just informed me we need stone for that. Argh.

Hematite 3rd, 251
Ugh, a buzzer got into our shelter today. Luckily, the Yoshis took care of it. None of us Toads could keep our heads during the invasion.

Hematite 8th, 251
Yellow and Indigo gave me a solution to our well problem. We build a Warp Pipe. They can provide us with clean water just as easily. So we got that in the works.

Hematite 24th, 251
We have made some progress in terms of food, but our drink supply is getting low, but we don’t have the resources to resupply at this point. I have discussed this with Indigo who has decided to help out in that area. I gave her permission to build a still.

Malachite 15th, 251
I’m not sure whether to be happy or in despair as some migrants show up to join our settlement. We don’t have the supplies to feed all them, but hopefully we can use the extra help.

There are six adults and one child in the group. I try my best to redistribute tasks among us.

Malachite 28th, 251
I’ve slowly been tweaking job assignments to better use our resources, but we are still pretty far behind. Though, I have had time to make friends with most of the founders. Only Red doesn’t seem to consider me a friend. She really thinks I should get a barracks going, but right now we don’t have the space or time for that. Our shelter is taking too much of our building materials.

I’ve also had Orange asking when we’ll build barracks. I’m not exactly sure why he wants them built, but it still isn’t an option. The roof of our shelter has yet to be completed and we haven’t got much wood left in the immediate area. Plenty of wood, but it is farther and farther from safety.

I think we need to start a rock quarry, but I’m not sure if that is an option either. We lack digging equipment and it is impossible to make any. It seems that wood is still our best building material, but I’ve begun to wonder if we have clay here to build with. Clay could provide us with an easily accessible building material, but there doesn’t seem to be sign of any that I can find.

Galena 18th, 251
We managed to make plenty of drink from our harvest of the land. We sit in a much more comfortable position supply-wise.
I also assigned two of the migrants to help Yellow build the shelter. We need to start working on expanding our living space.

Limestone 1st, 251
We continue our toil into the season of Autumn. Recently one of the migrants, named Metallic Seaweed, has begun to attempt cooking. He explained that if we collected Yoshi Eggs he might be able to cook them. So I trying to have nest boxes built.

We Toads are busier than Buzzers collecting nectar. The days seem to just stream past in a blur with how busy we are. It is hard to believe we’ve been here half a year already.

The shelter has become quite cramped due to Indigo’s inability to grasp the concept of size, but at the same time I am glad it isn’t bigger. The square-ness of the building has begun to grow on me, but I still prefer our traditional round mushroom shaped houses.

Limestone 7th, 251
Today a Koopa showed up and attempted to kidnap Fushia.

Creature:       Koopa
Description:   A tough, turtle-like creature driven to building great fortresses.
Life Span:      Between 100 to 200 years.
Social Traits:   Koopas are a rather ambitious race on the whole. They tend to organize socially as a gang or small army and wait until they get a leader capable of leading them to glory. They also like to have other races join their ranks and will kidnap children to expand their army. Koopas also like to train various beasts to help bolster their strength and some of these beasts are more intimidating and dangerous than an army of Koopas. They also have access to metal and rumors exist that they can somehow use magic by studying the properties of magma.
Physical Traits:   Koopas are turtle-like having thick scaly skin and wear tough durable shells to keep them safe. Some Koopas, called Parakoopas, are born with bird-like wings and can fly. They aren’t fast, but are big and tough.
Special Abilities:   They can retract into their shells for defensive purposes.

Koopas and Toads tend to have rocky relationships, so while this was unexpected it isn’t entirely surprising. By the crest on her clothing we can tell she is from “The Superior Rampart”, a nearby Koopa clan. We are at peace with this kingdom, so this might be a local bandit or something.

Red managed to be right next to the door that the snatcher came in through.

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The snatcher was dressed in lightweight clothes and had no armor on. It seems she intended to use stealth and speed, but a Koopa even without being weighed down can’t match the speed of a Toad.

From what I can tell she didn’t even have a weapon. Her clothes are way too big for us, but I guess we can trade them later on.

Limestone 13th, 251
What just happened!? This…. Is horrifying!!!

Mango Tango suddenly split open like ragdoll and a huge machine thing stepped out!

One of our Yoshis immediately throws an egg at the moster, but it just laughed… at least… I think that was what that horrible noise was. I checked the Tattle Log for some kind of information…

Creature:      Machine Made (spear [REDACTED] infiltrator)
Description:   A towering mechanical weapon from [REDACTED]. It has a head shaped like a spear.
Life Span:      [UNAVAILIBLE]
Social Traits:   These creatures hail from [REDACTED] and seem to serve one purpose only, to conquer a [REDACTED] and purge it of all its valuable resources. This particular [REDACTED] seems to infiltrate a civilization by infecting a citizen. The citizen will have had its internal organs [REDACTED] slowly necrotizing the skin until the skin can’t contain the machine.
Physical Traits:   A huge body made of [REDACTED] metal with more strength than a [REDACTED].  The only known method to survive an attack is to [REDACTED]. These machines will never tire. Do not engage a Machine Made unless there is no alternative.
Special Abilities:   [REDACTED]

But I found no comfort within its pages. The missing information only increases my terror.

The machine kicks Indigo in the head and Indigo skids along the ground an hits the side of the wagon then it turns back to the Yoshi.

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Red joins the fray!

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Apparently the machine is too confused with the additional targets (a few beanlets).

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Red isn’t doing any vital damage, but she is doing something. Can you even do vital damage to a machine?

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But now the machine is focusing on Red…

Red runs for it!

The machine follows but gets lost in the woods.

Indigo, Green, and Yellow all died during the confusion of the attack so did the other Yoshi.

Meanwhile Red continues to run through the woods with the machine on her heels. She escapes catches her breath and then fights back for a bit before running off again. I can scarcely believe what I see.

Sandstone 20th, 251
Red’s fight continues deep in the woods. But to my surprise migrants arrive.

Red comes in briefly to eat, drink, and sleep before setting out again.

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She is little more than a mass of walking scars, but she is in one piece.

Timber 14th, 251
The caravan finally arrives at our location. Perhaps we can get some help from the caravan guards.

I begin talks with the liaison, but my thoughts are constantly on Red.  When I get back I can see that she is managing to make a stand.

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It’s like she’s getting stronger from fighting the vile beast.

Moonstone 1st, 251
On the first day of Winter Red runs back in, rests, eats, and drinks again.

She runs out again and eventually gets stuck on the other side of the river due to the fight.

While we attempt to build a bridge, the machine begins to attack Orange!

The bridge is built and the fight is more brutal than ever!

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Opal 17th, 251
At this point this fight no longer matters. My fellows have begun to attack each other. Our dream is lost… isn’t it? We Toads usually can keep our cool in extreme conditions, but everyone is cracking.

But Red manages to mangle one of the machine's feet. It cannot stand anymore. It can barely move, but being a machine it continues to show no sign of backing down. It's red glowing eyes visible even from a distance seem to burn with a malice beyond that of any living thing.

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We may fail… but Red has proven herself to be a true hero!

But finally Red tires and falls. Her last wound was too much. The machine took the moment of weakness and retaliated with no mercy. The sounds of her screams seem to echo all around us. Now there nothing but a strange sound filling to void. Vree-een vree-een vreen... It is coming for us…

I guess… this is goodbye…

Obsidian 8th, 251
I’m still alive. I managed to escape when it ran after me. I’m trying to console the rest, but that machine is still running around. It is going after the weakest of us. Each one of us in turn is falling to melancholy and the machine seems to sense that mental weakness. It quickly attacks anyone who shows the slightest symptoms.

I have no hope. How can I expect to help others? I can’t even keep my own thoughts together…

ObSidean 15th, 2SI
Neah neah neHa
Hehehe hOhoOhhhOOO if I eat the hoohoo fruit I will be hoohoohappy… Carrots haunt my dreams and Artichokes eat my family… I’ma a mushroom but there sure ain’t much room… Indigo why… why must the shelter be square… the square is a mockery of all things Toad… if it ain’t shaped like a head I’d rather be dead… speaking of Red she’s dead… we never became friends… what a bitch…  Muffinbottle! beware the Muffin Forest for the muffins be huffin… I think I thought I saw the stars Does it matter anymore? I’ve come so far to lose it all… in the end it doesn’t even matter… the princess was in another castle… The Stars were shining but they are now laughing… the machine and the stars and the moons… do you tanooki? 

We do not suffer from insanity. We enjoy every single bit of it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #318 on: September 10, 2013, 12:34:11 am »

I'm asking what the thing is.

Toads can grow leaves that temporarily turn the one who eats it into a tanuki.  Without your plugins, it seems.


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #319 on: September 10, 2013, 01:13:30 am »

I don't make plugins, just scripts. I wanna change that, but oh well.

Anyway, yeah, SYN_INGESTED and CE_BODY_TRANSFORMATION were added in 34.01. No reason it would require me!


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #320 on: September 10, 2013, 03:18:49 pm »

That's a pretty awesome playthrough, EmeraldWind.  Yeah a Machine Made that early can certainly ruin your day.
I've finally got the Piranha Plant transformations working properly, but they still don't breed... Got to figure out a way to run tests quicker than waiting a year for them to grow up in the hopes that it'll work correctly.  Maybe DFHack has something useful for testing purposes?


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #321 on: September 10, 2013, 04:09:19 pm »

Time to get cracking, but the download indicates it's for a slightly older version of DF.  Is the download the full thing, or do I need to insert it into a working DF download?  If the answer is the second one please change it to a FULL download for people like me with no clue how to download older versions of DF.


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #322 on: September 10, 2013, 04:13:47 pm »

Just use the latest one. There haven't been any raw changes since 34.08, and those were pretty minor and compatible with earlier mods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #323 on: September 10, 2013, 05:45:27 pm »

That's a pretty awesome playthrough, EmeraldWind.  Yeah a Machine Made that early can certainly ruin your day.
I've finally got the Piranha Plant transformations working properly, but they still don't breed... Got to figure out a way to run tests quicker than waiting a year for them to grow up in the hopes that it'll work correctly.  Maybe DFHack has something useful for testing purposes?

Yeah, I really enjoyed the fort despite the unexpected guest. Though I mostly learned I'm not the best person to try to write a community fort due to various reasons, but I tried. It ended to short to continue, but I really wanted to share the event.

The only thing I found with the Machine Made is that it was merely beating the crap out of my soldier rather than cutting or anything (granted once the next version is out I imagine she would have been pulped to death pretty quickly... which on that note might be a common death for a Toad). So whenever things got too rough the Axetoad ran for it and was a good deal faster than the Machine Made, then she'd avoid it until she healed up enough for another attempt. Actually, everything I wrote about Red's battle was pretty much automatic I would only occasionally change her station point if the Machine moved too far away. I would have probably had better luck if I had a hammertoad since it took the axe so long to bust up the shell enough to start doing real damage. (Ultimately, what killed the poor Toad was the fact that she broke its leg. The AI only flees due to having a lot of damage when it comes to military units, the Axetoad avoided getting tired by running away and resting until the leg broke then the Machine couldn't do enough to make her run. So she tired herself out which ended up worse than being heavily damaged.)

I also learned a little about playing with the Toads that I had overlooked. Most importantly is while the Toads need to be above ground, it is still necessary to dig for stone and to create storage space. Also that while stone blocks multiply, wood blocks are still 1 log to 1 block. I'm currently wondering if clay might have been a better direction to go for building materials. Lose and learn is the name of the game after all.
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #324 on: September 10, 2013, 06:13:38 pm »

You should totally code in a fast-growing mushroom that gets processed into blocks at the farmer's workshop to emulate the toad's giant mushroom houses.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #325 on: September 12, 2013, 12:47:11 am »

I was bored today. My muse was singing a funny song. Did some work. No promises of anything just something to look at. Spent all day on this.

Sprites are thanks to and are from the first Paper Mario. I edited them to be StoneSense friendly.

The Toads' mushroom caps match their description (except if they have stripes... can't do stripes quite yet) and their vests are colored with their profession.

The Yoshi have skin color matching their description, but their spikes, boots, and shells are statically colored right now.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 12:49:40 am by EmeraldWind »
We do not suffer from insanity. We enjoy every single bit of it.


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #326 on: September 12, 2013, 12:48:04 am »

Stripes? What do you mean, stripes? You'll notice that, when I was asking about eyes, Japa gave a pretty good explanation about patterns.


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #327 on: September 12, 2013, 12:58:42 am »

Stripes? What do you mean, stripes? You'll notice that, when I was asking about eyes, Japa gave a pretty good explanation about patterns.

He does for colors, but this mod has Toads that have striped caps as well as spotted. I couldn't figure out if there was a way to determine if the pattern was a SPOTS type or a STRIPES type. I tried a couple likely attribute names like pattern, pattern_type, and pattern_name, but I had no luck. So the striped patterns are just a nuance I could not figure out how to handle, but it pulls the colors the same regardless so you can still see the color the Toad would have just spotted instead of striped.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 01:01:55 am by EmeraldWind »
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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.3: Piranha Grove
« Reply #328 on: September 13, 2013, 11:00:35 am »

Update time!

Piranha plants are more functional now.  They'll grow up properly, although I still haven't seen them breed...The males now go through a mobile period, but it doesn't seem to help.  Does anyone here know how transformations interact with breeding?
At any rate, koopas can still purchase a few spores and let them grow into fortress guards over the course of the year.  They are dirt cheap and not all that bad at fighting when grown up, mobile or not.

Koopas can also produce 'necro potions' in the Magikoopa Sanctum using a charged gem.  When drunk, they begin a process that ultimately turns the drinker into a Dry Bones, which is a new koopa caste that behaves as a pet.  You can no longer give them orders, but they will continue doing whatever labors they had assigned before their transformation forever... they will not need to eat or drink, they will never complain, and although they will lose most of their combat skill they are really hard to kill.

Koopa behavior has been reprogrammed slightly to make playing as them less annoying in fortress mode.  They will no longer hide in their shells when seeing an enemy - they will simply ignore it until it attacks and hits them, at which point they will curl up in their shells and wait to be rescued.  This should help deal with the issue where koopas encountering shellcreepers in the caverns would enter a kind of limbo, both of them hiding until one of them died.  Which would usually be the koopa dying of thirst.  So that won't happen anymore.

Speaking of shellcreepers, them and their relatives are no longer invincible when curled up.  I hadn't even realized it, they were literally invincible (I realized something was wrong when I read about SCP-682 being unable to break their shell), because the only exposed body part had no organs or blood, and apparently the RETRACT_INTO_BP function causes the game to ignore everything except for that body part and whatever is inside it.  This made shellcreepers the most dangerous enemies in the game, since soldiers don't stop fighting until they are either injured or kill their target, they could easily die of thirst while trying to kill a shellcreeper.  So now their shells are tissue layers instead of a separate part, so you can kill them with stabbing and at least bruise them with blunt weapons.  They also have a special gougable part, so unarmed wrestlers can also damage them, although slowly.

The star beacon has been redone.  There are more powers you can get from Power Stars, and when you get 21 stars you can fuse them together to make a Grand Star.  Grand Stars are the next tier up: while Power Stars can give you long-term minor power boosts, Grand Stars can unlock powerful super-spells that include putting sieges to sleep, fully regenerating all friendly creatures, reviving the dead, damaging large groups of enemies from inside the fortress, all the way up to instantly killing half the hostile creatures on a map and unleashing a Supernova that can wipe out an entire enemy army in one blow.  And of course, the Star Beam, which lets you mop the floor with demons.

I need new ideas about how to collect power stars though.  The top tier power uses 7 Grand Stars (note that none of these powers destroys your stars, only breaks them into smaller fragments to be put back together again) and that means collecting 147 regular stars.  Currently, the only way to get stars is to fuse together 5 star pieces (assuming there even are star pieces on your map), killing Star Bunnies, raising Lumas to maturity (which can only be done on Good mountains where Star Bits are found), or killing megabeasts.  I don't know how long a game usually takes, but I think I need new ways of collecting stars so that people get to see the top-tier powers.

Also there's a surprise waiting for you in the Underworld... and he's actually a good guy!  Well, sort of.  Don't mess with him unless you REALLY want that Quartz Charm.  (It doesn't do anything...yet.)

Next up... badges?


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Re: Rise of the Mushroom Kingdom Returns! Update 0.31: Piranha Grove
« Reply #329 on: September 13, 2013, 09:43:37 pm »

Another way of getting stars... hmmm...

Other than having a rare Super Star caste for some creatures that produces one I can't really think of much other than implement more SMB bosses and minibosses. At least nothing that feels in tune with the SMB series...

Unless you can create a special Coin item that can be used to create stars. 100 Yellow Coins (SM64), 8 Red Coins (SM64), and 5 Blue Coins (SMS)... The only problem I see is how to implement that in a way that makes sense. How do the Coins exist? Where do you get/make them? What material is the result Star made of? I suppose Yellow Coins could be a butcher-able drop for non-sentient creatures (since in game a lot of creatures tend to drop them), but that might make it too easy to get one hundred of them. You could complicate the process a bit by making them first form into Star Coins and 3 Star Coins can be made into a Star.

You can also create a Purple Comet effect for different regions that requires you to collect a bunch of Purple Coins (which rain from the sky) to create a Star, but material the coins is made from disappears (ala the Subcon materials you have) after a time. This way getting a Star is possible, but requires the player to be both quick and lucky. But this would only be somewhat useful, but if a player is attempting a long term use of a world they could use this set up to export Stars to their civ and then build another fort and request them for trade (if that sort of thing works yet).
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