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Author Topic: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 3.  (Read 9554 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Opening.
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2012, 05:23:30 am »

 "Wait, wait, wait. Hold on."

 "So we have to kill each other?"
Kira replied, with emphasis on the word 'kill'. She took the book after replacing Le Morte D'Arthur back in it's original place, right next to a strange Red Book with the initials of M.P.

 " can we not stand a chance against other servants? Aren't the masters more powerful than the servants? Or am I getting the colloquial terms wrong?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Opening.
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2012, 05:40:47 am »

 Archer appears behind Kira as if he had there the whole time, although pinpointing exactly when he joined the presence of the magi would be difficult.
"After I rest, we will make a small sweep around the town, preferentially from the top of any high buildings. Lancer is currently running around the property chasing his own tail and due to that fact I doubt he knows the meaning of scouting. We will need a true outlook of this city's situation and that is exactly why we are going hunting tonight...Prepare yourself."
 He smiles ominously and then turns his back on the magi, walking away and disappearing as if he had never existed in first place, but before leaving he passes by Kira's side and whispers something only his Master is able to hear:
"Remember not to trust them blindly. Alliances do not last forever in the Grail War, and I know he seriously considered killing you at least once due to the fact he thought of you as a potential Master and he had the advantage of possessing a Servant. Even now he may be at ease because you have no combat experience and he believes that when the time of discarding you comes, you shall not be much more than a nuisance, an insect to crush beneath his boots. If you grow too attached to these people your pain will be greater when they turn on you. Keep my words."
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 05:54:40 am by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Opening.
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2012, 06:09:27 am »

A light grunt is all the response Archer gets from Rahul gets from the interruption.
"Servants are stronger physically, but we are called masters because of the command seals."
He shows the red glyph on the back of his hand, and points out the similar one on her.
"With a thought and a mental focus on the seal we can force our servants to bend reality to suit our whims. You have three seals, if you loose them all your connection with your servant is lost. And then you are nothing more than a human bystander."
The magi sits down in a high backed chair, wishing he had some wine or tea.
"The servants attempt to return each other to the grail, as fuel for it's materialization. However, with the servants as strong as they are, the weak point in a Master/Servant relationship is obvious. Most will attempt to target and eliminate the weaker human part. Killing is likely easier, but the removal of the hand with the seals works as well, or if you convince the master to give up his or her command seals they can take themselves out of the battle of their own will."
Rahul stops and gazes at Kira silently for a moment.
"I hope you do not get any ideas. If you back away now you will be open and defenseless. I personally will not strike at you if you choose to walk away, but other magi may not be so forgiving. Even if a master loses his servant, or his command seals, there is always the chance they can contract with another servant who has remained after losing their master."
The man seems to pause as if considering something, but then shakes his head at himself.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 06:13:48 am by Haika »
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Opening.
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2012, 11:11:28 am »

 "So it's aiming at the weak points then?" Kira replied. "A contest of martial prowess, and strategy? Like a game of chess with real people and beings as the pieces?" She opened the book and started browsing through it, keeping in mind Archer's words.

 "Hm, why doesn't my Servant have a name I can call him? I know that Archer is a name, but don't they have more...natural sounding ones? I do realize that mana is needed, but do command spells need to be fueled by mana, or when mana is depleted your command spell runs-" Her eyes drifted to the contents section of the book, listing all needed information on mana and such, along with other notes on the Holy Grail War.

 "Erm, nevermind. I think I've found it. Um, would you mind leaving me alone for this, if you don't mind. No offense, but this book is filled with a lot of text, and I read better alone.

 "There are multiple bedrooms in this place, including everything which you've seen to rest, if you'd want to. I'll be the library."
Kira managed to withhold the fact that she was afraid. Afraid that she would either have to kill, or be killed. Diplomacy was a better option, and the man next to her seemed inclined in doing such even if she didn't think the same.

 But Archer's words stung her. Alliances were temporary, intangible and conditional at best. Well, at least she'd have most of the day to muse on that fact.

 She wondered where all Spirits materialized from as she began whistling a mellow tune. She could hear Rahul's footsteps leaving her as she turned the next page.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Opening.
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2012, 02:56:38 pm »

 Archer's face, whilst still hidden by the darkness, keeps its grim smile as he melds into the shadows. It appears his message has found purchase into his Master's mind and she now seems more conscious about the threat posed by any Master, even the ones which seem helpful or kind. She is too naive, and the world of magi - and especially of those who take part in the Grail War - is not made of pretty tricks and fun, as he discovered during his life even though he had not been a magus. The girl's parents sheltered her from the truth and from how harsh the world was. It was already about time a violent shock shook her awake. He started to walk downwards and towards the treasure chamber while considering the possibility of her parents or relatives being involved in some way.

 Such a coincidence was too "fortunate" to be considered a mere machination by the forces of chance. Human hands seemed to taint almost each and every event which could be considered caused by the whims of luck and antiquate ideas such as the threads of destiny or fate. The tall figure enters the chamber, makes some simple preparations and tugs on a rock, which hid a handle. The Servant pulls the rough piece of rusty metal and is granted access to the hidden cellar through a wooden door. He promptly plunges into the darkness, returning moments later with a very old-looking bottle and crystal glasses, closing the door behind him. Resting just became more interesting.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 07:14:12 am by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2012, 11:25:12 am »

 Turn 1. Day 1.
 Outside Kira's Manor
 After leaving the others to converse, Lancer decides to take more time examining his surroundings, as having a good understanding of the battlefield could be an important advantage in any of the encounters that are to come.
 The city itself is built on a seashore and the main source of its income is trade. It is an old city that only recently received the attention of many large companies. As a result, the shore itself is the part where the oldest buildings are. Of course, there are also many docks, but they are built further from the old city, as to not ruin the beautiful sight for any tourists. The part with the docks is also the residential district, where most of the cheaper flats are located. Kira's manor is somewhat further from the rest of the city, but like all of the old buildings, it is closer to the historical centre. It is located on a hill overlooking the sea - a perfect view, very suitable for such a building. Further from the shore is the commerce district- the most modern part of the entire city. Most of the buildings there are skyscrapers built in the last four years, as well as office buildings and the more expensive flats.   

 Strategically, the manor is a great vantage point, especially considering that Archers are known for their inhuman vision. However the forest is really dense and dark, making it hard to fight in. Perhaps Saber, Assassin or Berserker could find such terrain advantageous, but even Lancer would have difficulties finding enough space to swing his weapon freely. Ranged classes such as Archer or Caster would be mostly useless here and Rider wouldn't even have enough space to fight mounted.
 The city is small and doesn't have an active night life, so there isn't much risk in fighting in the city itself after midnight. The buildings in the historical center and residential districts are built quite close to each other, but don't really put any class into a huge advantage or disadvantage. The commercial district, however is very spacious, giving ranged combat servants the upper hand. If one wishes to fight at a truly large range, the best location is the area surrounding the highways - open, level fields.

 After observing the surrounding area, Lancer returns home to rest and gather strength, as sooner or later battle would be inevitable. Archer mentioned going to "hunt" tonight, so the time might come earlier than expected.

(+300 energy for half day's rest.)
 Kira's Manor - Treasure Room
 The treasure room was quickly claimed by Archer, due to it being his favorite part of the manor. The knight of the bow stands there, sipping well aged wine from a crystal chalice. It is good that the cellar hasn't been touched since his death. In this time, selling all of it would net one a small fortune. However, unlike the cellar, the treasure room is almost empty. During Archer's reign, this room held uncountable amounts of gold, artifacts and weapons gathered from the entire world known during that age. In fact, if not for the bow, the Servant would not have been summoned for this Grail War. Even if he was reunited with the most treasured of his equipment, the bowman still misses his crossbow, halberd, dagger, war axe...

 However, now is not the time to think about this. Tonight may be the time of battle, so preparation is vital for survival. After finishing his wine, Archer dematerializes and rests to save energy. Even if his Master is incompetent, the Servant does not intend to die just like that.

(+1000 energy for full day's rest.)
 Kira's Manor - Rahul's Room
 After leaving Kira to her much needed studies, Rahul decides to set up a boundary field in case a hostile Master would decide to attack. He had already done so in his flat before even summoning a servant, so the lack of defense in the other magician's manor seemed careless. Since the Grail War has just officially begun, it is possible that a few Masters would decide to strike as early as possible, while the servants are still weak. Luckily, Archer seems to be a good leader, so that could partially compensate for his Master's obliviousness.

(Roll: 12)

 Rahul takes a moment to appreciate his work. He managed to set up a very powerful boundary field without it taking much time and effort. Also considering that there are two servants in the manor, everyone should be safe, unless a really powerful Servant attacks.

 Since there is still time, Rahul decides to take a nap, knowing that he won't be having many opportunities to rest during the Grail War.
 Kira's Manor - Library
 After cleaning up the mess that Archer (and by extension, his Master) made, Kira starts reading a book, hoping to learn more about this "Holy Grail War". As time passes, she understands more and more.

 The "War" is a ritual. This is not the first one - it is held each year to decide who receives an artifact capable of granting any wish. These "Servants" are resurrected heroes of ancient myths. As Rahul said, they are indeed much more powerful than magi, and even attempting to fight them is foolish. Normally, no one could summon such a powerful being. But they are not familiars. Magi usually make weaker, smaller familiars, since keeping them under control requires a lot of mana. Even Kira knows that it is impossible to create such a powerful being. Yet Servants are something else entirely. The Grail itself performs the summoning. Being an omnipotent artifact, it doesn't obey the usual rules of magic. Instead of directly controlling the Servants, the Master can control them with their Command Spell, but it has only three charges, so usually the Servant obeys willingly or out of fear of wasting a Command Spell. Which is why Archer treats here like he was the Master, despite the roles being reversed.

 Kira looks at the clock on the wall. She apparently spent the entire day cleaning up the library and studying, as it is already 9 PM. Archer would probably want to discuss strategy before heading out, so everyone should gather right about-

 "Now", a familiar voice speaks behind her "we should discuss strategy before heading out. Rahul and Lancer are already waiting in the kitchen. I would prefer you to not delay the meeting."

 Kira turns around, but Archer is already gone. This time she isn't even surprised. The bizarre happenings of the day and her Servant's unbelievable rudeness have driven her to the point where nothing is unexpected anymore.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 01:51:11 pm by tomas1297 »
There was a time when cocksuits would have offended me. It's kind of bad that the time has passed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2012, 04:58:44 pm »

 The tall figure leans against one of the kitchen's walls once again, calmly waiting for his Master as also do Rahul and Lancer.
"We may start now, as it seems everyone is here."
 Archer says, implying with no amount of subtlety that Kira is to blame.

"From what I have seen through the windows, the area around this location has not changed much since the time I lived here, except of course for many of those buildings. The woods nearby are the only place which we should avoid at all costs and if needed, execute a plan to lure enemies who may be dwelling there."

"The town itself, on the other hand, appears to be a good battlefield for any of us. As for our 'group', I would say that it may be obvious already, but we have to remain separated and preferentially away from each other. Even though we together may be fully capable of taking down a Servant such as Saber with more ease, we have to keep in mind the other Masters may also be watching. If we are seen together all the time and hunting as a team they may get desperate and create temporary alliances for the explicit reason of destroying us, or we may simply be constantly attacked by various enemies until we are ultimately killed."

"In any case, we shall remain together only when needed, such as inside this property during the daytime or when a particular challenge appears, such as Berserker. Showing them we do not trust each other may ease their suspicions even if they happen to discover we are living under the same roof. Aside from that..."

 Archer's eyes narrow mischievously.
"We also know that we should not trust each other too much..."
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 05:29:36 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2012, 09:41:41 pm »

Kira shifted in her seat as she listened to her Servant. She was late, but it was inevitable. The book she read was filled with new paths of knowledge and possibilities, and she wasn't even halfway done yet.

"Alright, so we head to town then, I take it?" she said, trying to shift the topic subtly away from matters of 'trust'. "And...other Masters can detect connections between masters and servants, right? Not visually, but magically?" She was still confused on a few handfuls of topics, but decided it better to ask in the current time than to regret knowing it later on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2012, 10:00:53 pm »

 Archer answers his Master without even shifting his gaze.
"Affirmative, we are heading into town tonight. Waiting here is a waste of time as of now. We do not need to necessarily involve in combat, but scouting and analyzing the current state of the War may lead us to fortunate developments. Magi are usually not so easily attuned to sensing the connection between Masters and Servants, but the Servants themselves can sense each other, although even that may be blurred and made more difficult when dealing with Servants capable of hiding their presence, such as me."

"As we traverse the city's ground, I will answer any further questions and doubts you may have and may have forgotten to ask at the moment. We shall also discuss your specialties and how to employ them properly during our hunt across the town. I assume you are not afraid of heights and you have also understood enough about the Holy Grail War to comprehend that you will need to do things you have not done until now in the name of survival."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #24 on: June 03, 2012, 10:08:23 pm »

"Well, as we're heading into town at night, then we'd better pack up and bring everything we need. Um, where in town are we heading again?

Oh, and right. That reminds me, if we're splitting up, um, wouldn't that make us all easier targets than if we were together? I mean, you don't look any different from...a soldier. Nor do you two.

And what things would that be, Archer?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2012, 10:23:33 pm »

 Archer sighs. It seems she has not yet grasped the situation she is in.
"We are not going out to have fun. Eat and drink before we leave, and if you need to take anything, travel light. A device to communicate with Lancer's Master could be taken with you for the sake of precaution. And we will search for a high building and use it to my advantage. Servants of the Archer class can see much farther than any human and than most other Servants."

"As I already mentioned, walking around in a group is basically spreading the word to the other Masters that we have an alliance. Not only that, sensing the bond between Master and Servant is not an easy task for most magi, and while I am able to conceal my presence, Lancer is not. Both he and his Master would attract unwanted attention our way. We could be targetted by various adversaries all at once and overwhelmed."

 His gaze shifts slightly towards her before he completes his speech.
"And the 'things' I was talking about for the sake of making it an easier matter for you to understand...They mean killing whenever you get the opportunity or when I tell you to do so. It does not matter how sympathetic, polite or gentlemanly the other Masters and Servants may appear. They are our enemies, and this is a war. Murder them now and mourn their deaths later. While this situation persists, you will have to do what it takes to survive."
« Last Edit: June 03, 2012, 10:25:17 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2012, 10:50:08 pm »

"Oh, those other things.

And when you stated the fact about sensing other magi, um, that isn't...natural for others? Huh."
She began mumbling under her breath. "...and to think my senses were normal...stupid third eye..."

After a while, and noticing the silence around her, Kira spoke up. "So we are ready to leave then? It is night, nearly ten o'clock already. Um, are you ready to leave?" She looked at Rahul, noticing his serious expression.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2012, 11:12:23 pm »

 Archer goes back to propping his back against the wall leisurely.
"You should not be so eager to plunge into the night as you are now. We should wait to hear what Lancer and his Master have to say; there is no need to hurry them. After all, most of the Masters start to roam the streets when it is close to midnight. The reason is obvious: no one wants civilians to witness magi and Servants in action. We have enough time to discuss the matters among us, and they are yet to emit their opinions on the subject."
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #28 on: June 04, 2012, 01:20:14 am »

Kira nodded at Archer's words. "But...won't they be alarmed by any kind of battle? Magic is a messy thing, when brought into combat. And Servants are more powerful than those who wield it, so won't fighting in a city be...trouble?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: FSN RTD (All spots taken, no waitlist.): Turn 1.
« Reply #29 on: June 04, 2012, 03:55:51 am »

Rahul listened to Archer and Kira banter, as he checks his cane. It hes been quite some time since he had used the thing. With a mental command the thing shimmered and revealed the form of the long thing nail-like blade. The single black key that the Burial Agency rewarded him with after telling them about the death of his father. It cannot summon them out of existence like a full executor but the concealment spell on the weapon worked for his need.
He notices the others looking at him and addresses Kira,
"Communications are advised, as Archer suggests. A weapon at hand for personal defense is important as well."
He returns the sword to cane form, and lowers it to his side, and slips a black cellphone into his shirt pocket.
"I would agree with all points except one Archer. It would be foolish for us to split up now. Your master would be a sitting duck. And you know it. You need to learn to temper your emotions and give your master a little respect. Other masters might consider to use a command seal to put you in your place. Luckily, I would suggest prudence and Ms. Kira is far too gentle."
Eventually responding to Kira's question.
"I hope that such a battle will be what we find. Before they find us. the chance to observe the fighting style of other masters and servants is vital information. If your skill of sensing the other magei holds true, we should put this to good use."
The research assistant couldn't experiment with plants because he hadn't botany
Don't expect a bonsai tree to grow the miniature planting it.
Trust your calculator. It's something to count on.
Pencils could be made with erasers at both ends, but what would be the point?
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