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Author Topic: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves  (Read 7268 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #15 on: May 31, 2012, 02:13:42 pm »

One tantrum, sure.  Five tantrums, maybe.  A genuine tantrum spiral? Not a chance in the circus.

Note that "its own bad cause" can be such heinous atrocities as failure to make an item from a material that is literally impossible to mine or work, or not finding a way to force a dwarf to drink one of the five other kinds of booze you have available instead of going back to the same one he's sick to death of, failure to stop rain from falling on trees that needed cutting, or even failure to completely and permanently isolate dwarves from each other after they decide to form grudges.

The game doesn't explain how a totalitarian leader - the player enforce impossible task on innocent dwarf. If by a whip then we talk about bad and chaotic player not a dwarf.
Jail is only a type of harsh remedy for mistakes made by the player. Dwarves trust you that you are good for them so they agree on centrally planned economy by default in this game.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2012, 02:23:39 pm »

One tantrum, sure.  Five tantrums, maybe.  A genuine tantrum spiral? Not a chance in the circus.

Note that "its own bad cause" can be such heinous atrocities as failure to make an item from a material that is literally impossible to mine or work, or not finding a way to force a dwarf to drink one of the five other kinds of booze you have available instead of going back to the same one he's sick to death of, failure to stop rain from falling on trees that needed cutting, or even failure to completely and permanently isolate dwarves from each other after they decide to form grudges.

The game doesn't explain how a totalitarian leader - the player enforce impossible task on innocent dwarf. If by a whip then we talk about bad and chaotic player not a dwarf.
Jail is only a type of harsh remedy for mistakes made by the player. Dwarves trust you that you are good for them so they agree on centrally planned economy by default in this game.

Your lack of experience is showing.  They're dwarves called nobles, many of them are appointed without the player's consent or control, and the only way to get rid of them is violently.  They can insist on things that are practically or literally impossible to fulfill, and what happens depends on whether or not you have a justice system in place.  If you do, a dwarf will be charged with a crime for failure to live up to the impossible demand, and jailed, beaten, or executed, leading to bad thoughts in the victim and possibly a tantrum.  if you have no justice system in place, the noble will be unable to have anyone punished, leading to bad thoughts in the noble and possibly a tantrum.

Dwarves do this shit by themselves and to themselves.  You're too stuck on your cliche and frankly irrelevant idea of what dwarves always are, and too eager to explain away anything that doesn't fit with your view as being players doing it wrong.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #17 on: May 31, 2012, 03:48:13 pm »

Quite similar it would never happen.
Famine causes tantrum spirals, angry nobles cause tantrum spirals, lack of clothes cause tantrum spirals, death cause tantrum spirals...
No dwarven fort lasts, you can become the mountainhome at 180dwarfs because the one before had less!
Forts are where dwarfs live and they are small, dirty and short.
We just need to get Toady to embed a Lisp interpreter into DF.  Learning lambda calculus in order to play the game wouldn't make DF's learning curve much steeper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #18 on: May 31, 2012, 04:23:06 pm »

Your lack of experience is showing.  They're dwarves called nobles, many of them are appointed without the player's consent or control, and the only way to get rid of them is violently.  They can insist on things that are practically or literally impossible to fulfill, and what happens depends on whether or not you have a justice system in place.  If you do, a dwarf will be charged with a crime for failure to live up to the impossible demand, and jailed, beaten, or executed, leading to bad thoughts in the victim and possibly a tantrum.  if you have no justice system in place, the noble will be unable to have anyone punished, leading to bad thoughts in the noble and possibly a tantrum.

Dwarves do this shit by themselves and to themselves.  You're too stuck on your cliche and frankly irrelevant idea of what dwarves always are, and too eager to explain away anything that doesn't fit with your view as being players doing it wrong.

Strategy with that complexity and details level should give more space for player's align (good, neutral, evil or mixed) on management style. Some creators understand it (for example in Stronghold game).
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 04:30:58 pm by dfTruF »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #19 on: May 31, 2012, 04:27:11 pm »


Wait, you insist all dwarves should think and behave a certain way, and then when some dwarves don't march in lockstep with what you expect, you complain about inflexibility?
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #20 on: May 31, 2012, 04:40:40 pm »

Tell you what, when a noble makes an inpossible request, you can yell at the screen until he sees the errors of his way.

Or if a dwarf happily waddles into a fire. Which they will do, as dwarves do not know what fire is, and cannot feel or sense it until after their fat starts melting out of their body.

This game is spontaneous. It was designed so that you will lose. Good Luck!
This is when I imagine the hilarity which may happen if certain things are glichy. Such as targeting your own body parts to eat.

You eat your own head


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #21 on: May 31, 2012, 04:46:07 pm »


Wait, you insist all dwarves should think and behave a certain way, and then when some dwarves don't march in lockstep with what you expect, you complain about inflexibility?

No, I said nothing about inflexibility. Dwarves should think and behave like dwarves from fantasy world conventions.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 04:48:38 pm by dfTruF »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2012, 04:48:11 pm »

should give more space for player's align (good, neutral, evil or mixed) on management style

implies that it does not currently give enough leeway in that regard.  You may not have used the word "inflexibility" but the sentiment was there.

The dwarves do think and behave like dwarves from a fantasy world.  You're just wrongly expecting cliches from some other fantasy worlds to apply to the fantasy worlds generated by Dwarf Fortress.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2012, 05:45:12 pm »

DF's dwarves are more... chaotic neutral, with tendencies to chaotic evil.

Other fantasy dwarves are lawful good, with tendencies to be chaotic good.

Note the difference there.

DF's dwarves =/= other dwarves


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2012, 08:01:31 pm »

Sounds to me like a) the OP hasn't even played DF, and b) has read some obscure hipster fantasy series and thinks it either does or should reflect all cliche from henceforth.

Honestly the ONLY series I can remotely think of where Dwarves are non-violent were in The Deathgate Cycle, and even then only on the one world....and then they were far from enlightened.  Indoctrinated yes, but you'd never hope for them to figure out how to solve a problem such as, you know, the real life scenario the OP proposed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2012, 08:07:55 pm »

How dwarves behave is totally dependant on how the author/developer/creator decides they behave.  Just because the dwarves in your head (or D&D, Tolkein, etc) act a certain way does not mean this is the global law for all dwarves everywhere in all fiction. Is this not just common sense? Are you trolling?  ???

In this game dwarves are totally amoral, chaotic, and prone to bouts of rage and insanity. Welcome to DF. Learn to like it. :P A dwarfy solution to overcrowding (by the standards of this game) would definitely involve horrific mass murder, probably with magma and dead kittens in there somewhere.

Also.. Deathgate - awesome series! Even some of those dwarves eventually go a little nuts and start tearing apart their machine. The one on Pyran is pretty damn murderous for a while.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 08:12:07 pm by feralferret »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #26 on: June 01, 2012, 04:16:34 am »

How dwarves behave is totally dependant on how the author/developer/creator decides they behave.  Just because the dwarves in your head (or D&D, Tolkein, etc) act a certain way does not mean this is the global law for all dwarves everywhere in all fiction. Is this not just common sense? Are you trolling?  ???

In this game dwarves are totally amoral, chaotic, and prone to bouts of rage and insanity. Welcome to DF. Learn to like it. :P A dwarfy solution to overcrowding (by the standards of this game) would definitely involve horrific mass murder, probably with magma and dead kittens in there somewhere.

Also.. Deathgate - awesome series! Even some of those dwarves eventually go a little nuts and start tearing apart their machine. The one on Pyran is pretty damn murderous for a while.

At last normal answer to my question.
Now tell me what would be the solution for Tolkien's dwarves.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 04:20:04 am by dfTruF »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #27 on: June 01, 2012, 06:01:45 am »

How dwarves behave is totally dependant on how the author/developer/creator decides they behave.  Just because the dwarves in your head (or D&D, Tolkein, etc) act a certain way does not mean this is the global law for all dwarves everywhere in all fiction. Is this not just common sense? Are you trolling?  ???

In this game dwarves are totally amoral, chaotic, and prone to bouts of rage and insanity. Welcome to DF. Learn to like it. :P A dwarfy solution to overcrowding (by the standards of this game) would definitely involve horrific mass murder, probably with magma and dead kittens in there somewhere.

Also.. Deathgate - awesome series! Even some of those dwarves eventually go a little nuts and start tearing apart their machine. The one on Pyran is pretty damn murderous for a while.

At last normal answer to my question.
Now tell me what would be the solution for Tolkien's dwarves.

Dig deeper, ostensibly for more underground living space but actually for greed.  Pierce the circus tent, release clowns.  Die horribly and en masse.  Overpopulation problem solved.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.

Spinning Welshman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #28 on: June 01, 2012, 06:48:36 am »

How dwarves behave is totally dependant on how the author/developer/creator decides they behave.  Just because the dwarves in your head (or D&D, Tolkein, etc) act a certain way does not mean this is the global law for all dwarves everywhere in all fiction. Is this not just common sense? Are you trolling?  ???

In this game dwarves are totally amoral, chaotic, and prone to bouts of rage and insanity. Welcome to DF. Learn to like it. :P A dwarfy solution to overcrowding (by the standards of this game) would definitely involve horrific mass murder, probably with magma and dead kittens in there somewhere.

Also.. Deathgate - awesome series! Even some of those dwarves eventually go a little nuts and start tearing apart their machine. The one on Pyran is pretty damn murderous for a while.

At last normal answer to my question.
Now tell me what would be the solution for Tolkien's dwarves.

Dig deeper, ostensibly for more underground living space but actually for greed.  Pierce the circus tent, release clowns.  Die horribly and en masse.  Overpopulation problem solved.

That actually happened Prior to the story in the lord of the rings. Moria anyone? If any writer can act as a template for elves, dwarves, orcs etc, then it's tolkien. And his dwarves are actually closer to DFs dwarves than you might think.
I also just had a human diplomat enter from the surface, hold a meeting, then exit the map via hell.... I guess he thinks he's pretty hardass.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Solution for overcrowded world by dwarves
« Reply #29 on: June 01, 2012, 06:56:32 am »

I am familiar with the more well-known works of Tolkien, though I've avoided his more obscure stuff.  I like his ideas, but a man that can take three paragraphs describing the grass is a bit too wordy for my tastes.
Listen up: making a thing a ‼thing‼ doesn't make it more awesome or extreme.  It simply indicates the thing is on fire.  Get it right or look like a silly poser.

It's useful to keep a ‼torch‼ handy.
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