A joke I often use is "My old shooters are becoming RPGs and my old RPGs are becoming shooters".
I seriously feel like I'm the only one who dislikes RPG elements in MULTIPLAYER shooters. It feels, to me, that it only furthers the gap between veteran and new-comer which is ideally something a multiplayer game should be avoiding at all cost. Hence why I used to loovvvee Team Fortress 2 ... before it became ... what ever it is now.
I know why it's there. People want to work towards something, have easily mapped out goals for them to reach. However I grew up at a time with none of this, the only way to advance in a shooter was to simply get better and have fun doing it.
Same could be said about single player RPGs. I watched the Mass Effect series go from a light-RPG to a fully fledged cover-based shooter with an, albeit nice, storyline. I watched the more "action focused" RPGs like your Elderscrolls, Borderlands, Fallout 3s, Diablo 3s, Alpha Protocols, New Final Fantasies; become the new go-to RPG rather than the more tactical focused cRPG, the stat crunching aRPG, or the ... charactor focused (?) jRPGs of yore.
That doesn't mean that this mixing up of genres is a 100% bad thing. RPG elements work in some shooters (personally offline works better here) and action elements work in some RPGs. I just find it a little ironic how the games have switched their core-gameplay at the same time.
Anyway, I think I went on a bit of a rant here, had to get it out my system.
As for getting off topic, it's going to happen. There isn't much to discuss currently since the game is very bare-bones and the potential is obvious.