Everyone chugged the kool-aid and completely forgot that the Witcher games were all eurojank, with Witcher 3 only really coming into its own with numerous patches and being a complete shitshow at launch.
I preordered it yesterday, just for the preload so I can play it when it comes out. I expect to enjoy it with caveats, I'm usually good at tolerating jankiness. Going back and forth on what kind of build I want to play, was going to do a stealthy hacker but a lot of complaints center around wonky stealth aspects, so my other plan is a fast melee and pistol build with high damage. Wide agreement that enemies become bullet sponges if you don't put a lot of XP into damage, which is something I absolutely can't tolerate in a shooting game, so if I can't do it full stealth I'll have to go combat monster.
Set dressing I think was a given, and I'm fine with it. As long as the city looks good and feels lively at a glance, I'm not going to piss my pants because I can't actually sit down at the noodle stand, I know some people really want that super-immersive interactive world and that's fine, but it's never been important for me. For that kind of shit, surface level presentation does me just fine.
If the game is bad, I dunno. If it's unplayably bad I'll refund and wait to see if it polishes up like Witcher 3 did. If it seems like it's almost there, I'll probably keep it. Whatever. It's a video game.