Perhaps, but the issue is that there is rarely a problem causing a big bad thought that affects only one dwarf. A baby dies? The mother gets a bad thought, the father gets a bad thought, the baby's siblings get bad thoughts, and that's assuming the baby has no friends and was the only casualty.
I didn't say that the mom didn't get upset, only it was the Dad who'd not been living the life of Riley and was the first to crack. As soon as he gets hammered (or current equivalent), that'd probably tip mommy (battle-hardened mommy, now with additional impromptu-shield skills!) to succumb if she's not had a
totally ecstatic dining experience recently, to help buffer the emotional hit of the twin family tragedies.
Anyway, 'twas merely a vague example, as I'm sure you realise.
(Albeit generally crafted from a few purposefully 'slightly' discomforts and then a 'real humdinger' that took the guy over the edge, but I'll admit I didn't put much research into it, hence the Fluffy Wambler oversight; although
also it's trivial to mess up your micromanaging and make
just one dwarf be deprived of alcohol. BTDTGTTS.)
An important question, though: Why would dwarves be happy at the sight of other dwarves' nakedness?
Well, it was rather in my original (offered-up alternative, not a be-all-and-end-all 'you
must do this') suggestion, that it's an "I'm better(/more) clothed than someone else, that's a
gooood feeling!" sort of response.
You're right in that
normally dwarves aren't so petty as to enjoy schadenfreude[1], but I was really just tossing an idea out. (Also, hoping to get Knutor to phase back into the real world for a follow-up post, but
that didn't happen. I've been tempted several times to suggest that he should either take less of something he shouldn't be taking, or
more of something that he ought to be...)
[1] Must add that to my spill-chucker. Wants me to change it to that notorious tale-teller, "Scheherazade".