I would like to put in a request for more variety in car colors. I myself have modded in hot pink bugs, star spangled pickups, camo jeeps, etc. I will post the code for this after I get off work.
I guess the squad get a malus to stealth by using pink bugs
I was hoping for heart bonuses for driving a flower power bug, but whatever.
I'd like to drive a Green-and-Yellow van that looks like the Ninja Turtle Van. With a squad of four mutants.
Or a blue and green mystery machine with a hippy, some college students, and a canine hero.
Add Chyslus Highwaymen when nuclear laws get conservative!
Fallout 2 FTW!
If you lose 100 liberals in one month, then you obviously have low luck, and should get a free canine hero, preferably with the "special ability" of generating 100 heat on his own wherever stationed.
By the way, I found a bug: The cops didn't tear down my "fortify for a siege" option after they raided it while I had it undefended. I was under the impression they always destroyed all improvements.
Or maybe its a feature. I guess many fortification effects in the Crack House are quite hidden.
Police One: Wow, this Crack House sure is a lot more durable than the ones I'm used to raiding.
Police Two: Must be a new developer bought it.
Police One: Are you sure? Steel reinforced shutters don't seem standard for most residential homes.
Police Two: Look, we can either chalk it up to a new developer and grab a beer now, or we can spend the next twelve hours tearing the place apart because of your "
Police One: Must be a new developer, lets grab a beer.
And for the above dialog goodness, I rewarded myself with a new sig. Yay me.