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Author Topic: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: GAME OVER, Scum Victory!  (Read 67576 times)

Jim Groovester

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Level 2. One replace needed.
« Reply #225 on: June 26, 2012, 11:11:48 pm »

The extra lives ran across the level, throwing out accusations as they fought.

"Deathsword!" One shouted as he ducked under a divebombing bird.

"I agree!" Another shouted as the bird swung around for a second pass.

"Me too!" A third shouted.

"Fine! I get it." Deathsword said. "But I won't go out like blackmagechill. I'll go out on my own terms."

Deathsword ran up to a thug with a gun. The thug fired three slow bullets. Deathsword slashed them all away, except the last. Deathsword was blown backwards and crumpled into a pile.

But the extra life counter does not lie.

The extra lives left Deathsword's body and climbed up a ladder, steeling themselves against the upcoming foe.

Boss Battle 2 Begins!

[4] Deathsword: Shakerag, Theodolus, IronyOwl, Tiruin
[2] Chaos Armor: Deathsword, Flying Dice
[1] Flying Dice: Chaos Armor

Deathsword has been lynched. He was an Extra Life (Vanilla Town)!

It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end Tomorrow 9:00 PM MST or when I receive all actions.

Hapah is replacing abculatter_2.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.

Jim Groovester

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Boss Battle 2
« Reply #226 on: June 28, 2012, 08:28:31 am »

A giant statue marches towards the extra lives. He swings stone sabers in short, jittery motions. The boss shoots three red projectiles at the extra lives. They all ninja flip away, with the exception of IronyOwl.

IronyOwl takes the blow square in the chest and is knocked back into a bottomless pit. "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." He screams on the way down.

The extra life counter decrements by one.

Chaos Armor throws rapid-fire ninja stars and the health bar of the boss is depleted.

The extra lives peer over the edge as the score counts. "He must not have been a very good ninja." Theodolus remarks.

"Maybe." Shakerag replies. "But he could tell what's fair or not. I think we lost a valuable (extra) life today."

The ninjas nod somberly as...

Level 3 begins!

IronyOwl has been killed! He was The Litter Sister (Cop)!

It is now Day 3.

Day 3 will end Monday 9:00 PM MST.
I understood nothing, contributed nothing, but still got to win, so good game everybody else.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #227 on: June 28, 2012, 09:45:33 am »

Seriously?  Damn.  I'll have to do a full reread now, as my theory was quite neatly shot down. 

[And on to the fun part.  Where there once was nine, now there are six.  Which is not a terribly great number, because that means we are at MYLO.  Which is some bastard shortening of "mislynch and lose".  There is a very real possibility that the game could end at the end of the upcoming night.  If another townie is lynched today, and scum succeed with the night kill, it's game over and victory for the scum. 

Generally, this will go one of two ways today.  One is that everyone scumhunts like they're about to lose the game (because they possibly are) and (hopefully) scum is lynched.  A second option is to "no lynch" today.  After the night kill, that leaves us with a 2-in-5 chance of picking scum, as opposed to a 2-in-6 chance today.

Scum: You're doing a good job so far, but don't rest on your laurels.  The town could rally for a comeback and manage to get one of the two of you.  There is the possibility of a doctor to contend with as well.  Keep up scumhunting to not appear scummy.

Town: It is even more important now to scumhunt, scumhunt, scumhunt.  If you don't, you stand to come across as scummy and get mislynched for it, which hands victory to the scum.  You need to decide whether you are 100% convinced someone is scum and go for the lynch, or no lynch and shoot for better odds tomorrow.

Good luck, everyone!]


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #228 on: June 28, 2012, 10:03:21 am »

I've got my suspicions, but I would like a little more data. Can't exactly afford mistakes at this point, and I'd hate to be the guy that builds a compelling case on an innocent person.

Everyone: Who do you suspect? More importantly, why do you suspect them? List at least two.


I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #229 on: June 28, 2012, 03:09:31 pm »

Right then. I'm dead, but I'm still an IC. That means that while I can't really do any hunting or comment on specifics, I can continue to provide advice on how to play the game.

Flying Dice:
Do you think that there is a certain type of "feel" that some new players have that makes it basically impossible to tell beforehand if they're scum or town because they react (panic) in the exact same way when pressured? I'm curious to see responses both from you as a player and as an IC.
I doubt very many people react in exactly the same way, but yes, some people, new players especially, have a tendency to dig themselves deeper when they panic. This is also somewhat more severe in newer players because you have less metadata on them; at least with established crack-under-pressure people, sometimes people will be familiar enough with them to make a judgement about whether they're being scum-scum or panicking-town-scum.

So you if you had been paying attention to my post better instead of lurking around being a lazy IC you'd have cautioned against it and/or questioned me on it later? I'm curious what was so awful about it other than the lack of evidence backing it up. I saw it as a valid pressure tactic. Granted I didn't follow up on it right away, but it also didn't even make Deathsword blink right away. It wasn't until he mentioned it that it became a discussed issue and at that point became a point to question him on, working as a pressure application as intended. (Curious about this from your player standpoint and your IC standpoint incidentally)
Excessive or exaggerated claims are indeed valid as pressure tactics. The issue is that they're not valid as lynchvotes; there's a difference between pressuring someone with fluff to get a solid read, and just lynching them with fluff. It can also be hard to tell which is which, since, after all, pressure isn't very effective when it's known to just be bluster.

Pressure that goes ignored should also generally warrant a reminder or similar. I don't really recall the specifics, but it's generally odd for something to be ignored by both target and accuser, then become relevant later on.
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The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Flying Dice

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #230 on: June 28, 2012, 04:18:21 pm »


Flying Dice:

Summary of Flying Dice's posts so far this day.
1. Accused me of starting a bandwagon and voted me. This vote, as I stated above, was going to be a vote that ended in me being lynched until the day was extended. Asked Theodolus a question.
2. Unvoted me, Chaos Armor, then in his defense he explained his reasons for voting me. Never explained why he unvoted me in that post.
3. He claimed to have removed his vote because he wasn't sure if I was just newbie town or scum. Then at the end of the post he voted me again and tried to draw attention from himself by reminding everyone that the IC's could be scum.
4. Tried to explain away the reasons for unvoting me then revoting me.

In summary:
Blah, blah, blah I'm trying to appear active by throwing one or two questions at other players then not following up, defending myself, and attacking Chaos Armor for nonsensical reasons.

In post three you posted,
Looking back, you did mention that you were having internet problems (though you still managed to make several votes)
What do you mean by "still managed to make several votes"?

For two, what are your reasons for voting me now, scum? The last I checked they seemed to consist mostly of "He started a bandwagon".

Summary of Chaos Armor's responses thusfar:
1. Blah blah I don't want to actually address his point so I'll just handwave it.
2. Hey look at all this fluff I can try and make a fake case out of.
3. Bother doing anything beyond saying "Your arguments are invalid but mine aren't"? Hah!

We can all do that, mate.

How about this:
You vote BMC for what (admittedly, much more so in hindsight) was a null tell because it could have been panicked newtown just as easily as it could have been panicked scum. You then make almost no further pressure on him (and much of that is the same sort of crap you're responding to me with; "You are wrong, answer my questions the way I want you to!") and seem perfectly content to leave your vote on him until he is eventually mislynched. Not only do you not investigate him to any significant degree, you also avoid pressuring ANYONE else until I start pushing you and you get defensive. So yes, I think it could be argued that you started the bandwagon on BMC in that you made a vote which (while initially valid) went practically unsupported. On top of that, you appear to have been sidelining for much of the game, avoiding drawing anyone's attention and instantly turning on the one person (myself) who did start seriously pressuring you about your negligent vote.

So yes, I feel perfectly justified in saying that you are looking pretty damn scummy to me, especially in comparison to just about anyone else in the game.

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #231 on: June 28, 2012, 05:48:02 pm »

PfP, will try to get in a longer post tomorrow morning as I won't have a chance to get on tonight at all.

Chaos Armor: I'll go over the reasons later, but basically read through everything Flying Dice has posted and you'll see a compelling argument. I need to go through it more myself now to be sure, but from what I can see there's some good indicators there.

Hapah: Your coming in fresh this day so it's really hard to get a good read on whether that player chain is just a scum who's been panicking or not. It's a bit telling to me that there was no lynch on N1 and that player chain was incredibly inactive as well. For that matter, Borno, who Flying Dice took over for was also very inactive during that time period as well. Of course that's night assumptions and those are proven to be bad to base suspicions on so take that with a grain of salt.

I'll do a thorough read-through of everything tonight and be a fair bit more active tomorrow.
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...

Flying Dice

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #232 on: June 28, 2012, 07:46:22 pm »

Actually, I've been in from the start, Theodolus. I believe borno was also a starter who dropped due to lack of time and was replaced by Tiruin, IIRC.

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #233 on: June 29, 2012, 03:28:53 am »

I've got my suspicions, but I would like a little more data. Can't exactly afford mistakes at this point, and I'd hate to be the guy that builds a compelling case on an innocent person.


You're acting quite strange in this post, Hapah. Why would you state the bolded portion like you have a reasonable idea of who is innocent or not?

Quote from: FD
I believe borno was also a starter who dropped due to lack of time and was replaced by Tiruin
Yup! I'm his rep.

And now to re-read.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #234 on: June 29, 2012, 06:54:16 am »

Shakerag: I'd love to know what you were thinking when:
Seriously?  Damn.  I'll have to do a full reread now, as my theory was quite neatly shot down. 


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #235 on: June 29, 2012, 08:48:19 am »

Shakerag: I'd love to know what you were thinking when:
Seriously?  Damn.  I'll have to do a full reread now, as my theory was quite neatly shot down. 
I am wrinkling my brow at you, good sir, because I'm not sure what you're getting at.  I claimed you and Deathsword were scumbuddies, Deathsword flipped town, ergo you two can't be scumbuddies.  I thought that was obvious. 


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #236 on: June 29, 2012, 08:57:01 am »


Tir: I'd hate to be the guy that builds the best case he can and ends up lynching a townie because I don't have enough information. Not getting a lot of response, though, so I may have to go for it anyway.

I guess I'll put my big post together tonight.
I can't be expected to remember the names of everyone I've tried to stab.

Bored? Go read the EVE Chronicles.


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #237 on: June 29, 2012, 01:15:45 pm »

I'm here just going through a re-read of everything. Will have something up by the end of my lunch break.
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...


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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #238 on: June 29, 2012, 03:31:56 pm »

Well that took longer than expected and didn't clear up as much as I had hoped it would.

Sorry about that, got my names mixed up....

Flying Dice
What do you think of IronyOwl turning up Cop? You were hitting the 'Suspect the ICs' drum for a bit (#212, #201) and now one of them turns up dead and town. Does that change your perceptions at all?

I'm curious what your feelings on Tiruin are now. Do you still feel like he's scum due to your prior stated reasoning, or did Deathsword turning up town make you change your mind on his alignment?

Chaos Armor
You have to realize that with both BMC and now Deathsword turning up town that it would cast a lot of suspicion on you. I'm curious who your top two suspicions are and why.
Someday I'll find a hilarious quote and put it here...

Flying Dice

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Re: Beginner's Mafia XXXIV: Nine-Life Ninja: Loss of Life at Level 3
« Reply #239 on: June 29, 2012, 09:12:19 pm »

Flying Dice
What do you think of IronyOwl turning up Cop? You were hitting the 'Suspect the ICs' drum for a bit (#212, #201) and now one of them turns up dead and town. Does that change your perceptions at all?

My perceptions? Yes, obviously, because I have more information. Though it was less the "Suspect the ICs' drum and more the 'Suspect Everyone, Regardless of Who They Are' drum. Anyhow I don't particularly regret doing so, though the story might be slightly different if it had lead to a mislynch. Possibly because the BMXXXIII IC-scumteam was still very fresh in my mind and I didn't want to let anyone be ignored. I'm not going to spread WIFOM by speculating on the reasons (if any) for the scum NKing IronyOwl, if that was what you were pushing for.

Tiruin: What makes Shake's statement so suspicious, I'm curious? I don't doubt that I've posted something similar in the past; new information on alignments often does shoot hypotheses full of holes, after all.

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