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Author Topic: ☼Angelictower☼ (overseers wanted: new fort soon!)  (Read 38818 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #135 on: July 30, 2012, 01:36:00 pm »


I ordered the installation of a masterwork grate in Zen's throne room, and some landmines cages (he loves them for their eternal patience and sudden violence).  At least he can conduct his meetings in a nice setting. 

Negotiated peace with Drow. Again, I had no idea we were at war.  From the Droven hoardmaster I asked Zen to ordered some woolly mammoths, dragons, dragon raptors, and smilodons, and, some broodcreatures, I don't know exactly how these work, but we could use any way to generate labor.

A new human diplomat and trade rep; they're coming from the south and so locked out until I open up our new barricades, and they are followed shortly by human traders.  The have some steel bars for us, and other sundries, but we get everything we need from them for just a handful of metalcrafts.  The way the humans really distunguished themselves was as comrades in arms.  Late in Galena, we get a fairly major frost giant attack!  About 10 of them, fording the outer courtyard river from the south.  The giants lumber into the frag mine field, which doesn't do a lot of damage, but it does stun about half of them.  The best part of this is that it staggers the monsters' approach as they come now basically, one at a time.  I leave the main gate open; I suspect they'd come in through the well otherwise.  As it happened, the Giants stormed in under a hail of javelins and a blaze of withering gunfire from the humans, right into the waiting blades of the Anvils.  The Giants skin might be tough, but runic welded mithril still cuts through them like nothing.  A human cannonneer distinguishs himself in the battle, too.

* Limestone

A Giant thief was spotted just outside the inner courtyard. After the great battle in Galena, this seems like no big deal.  Manager Sarvesh quick-draws his militia crossbow and breaks its ankles with a couple lucky shots, and the Anvils move in to finish the job.  Except... that Meph is caught by surprise on his way to the well.  He panics, invokes the true name of dragonfire, and blasts himself into a pond.  Fortunately, and amazingly, no permanent damage done to either Meph or the fort.

Zen has done a nice job with meetings, but his lack of hands is stopping him from e.g. changing his clothes.   I again order him to the Church of the Depths, this time with a strict burrow , but still he doesn't take the job and begs off his "Noble" exemption.  Fine, go get a drink Zen, you've at least earned it for now. I am afraid that his doom approaches. I may have to attempt some more urgent measures before the year is out.

* Sandstone

A quiet month; Construction beginning on the Pub at the Top of the World.  The Infinity level is being installed with a gilded floor, so it probably won't actually finish this year.  Infinity-minus-one level is a brick construction, and for now just has some drink storage.  I don't think we'll have time this year to do proper furnishings.

* Timber

Bandit ambush from south of the river, hot on the heels of our outpost liason, who is cut down by a single volley of rifle fire at short range.  The bandits each only carry about 6 to 8 rounds of ammunition, and they waste much of the rest shooting wildly at long range at the couple of war dogs patrolling our perimeter.  A second squad emerges within range of the forward tower and is pummeled by the turrets.

The traders get safely inside, and they brought a fortune in goods.  Luckily we also have several crates of masterwork aluminum and platinum metalcrafts.  I also unload some of the more ornamental looted armor.  We get a big stack of good weaponsgrade metal bars (including splurging on a bit of slademantine).  An untranslated rune, for use in the Hall of the Mountain King. A great collection of iron golems, turrets and mines.  Magma-powered workshop blueprints: armory, weaponry, gunsmith, and ammo.  Too bad that the magma forge is so far underground, it takes forever even to walk there and back.  And finally, several units of treants, gargoyles, and orchids.

I immediately deployed the golems, summons, and slade/bullet/acid turrets; I'm reserving the hellfire and web turrets and landmines for use in greater battles in the future.  Unfortunately the Treants and Orchids didn't take, perhaps because our pets pounced on and killed some of the mechanical kits.  But we did get about 5 gargoyles.

Finally, the overlook to the crystal cavern is in.  We now have a good field of view and can see a Forgotten Beast tearing up an antmen patrol.  Mokar and Meph head down for a look, but never got a good angle to fire on it.  The melee squads head out and drive away the few remaining bandits easily.

An artifact door.  That could prove useful in our assault on the caverns.

* Opal

Zen's mental state deteriorates.  Many of his good memories are fading, and he only remembers his traumatic injuries and obsesses over his increasingly tattered clothes.  This month it is his son, Zon, who brings the mundane reports from the office of the Duke, along with an intriguing proposal.  "What if we forceably restrain the Duke on the black Altar," says Zon, a dark fear in his eyes; ".. and someone else performs the Ritual?  Perhaps they'll both be changed."

"I have no idea what would happen, and besides, how can I risk it?  We can't put anyone else at risk like that.  Who would volunteer for such a terrible duty?"  But even as I tried to protest, I saw the resolve in his eyes harden.  "Zon, no.  You're the Ducal heir.  Take your father up to the Pub, let him contemplate the great works we've already done here, and if these are his last days he'll know that he completed his mission and died with honor."

"Nonsense; first of all, I'm not the only heir, there is my baby sister.  More importantly, you know as well as I that Father didn't come here simply to oversee the tower.  You lot could have handled that yourself."  Zon glanced away, just a little embarressed, but when he turned back his face could have been chiseled from stone.  "We are going to the depths.  Have your miners and mason continue working on their fortifications in the deep caverns.  Take whoever remains among your master smiths and rekindle your forges, for war, not for these trinkets."  He disdainfully cast aside a goblet that could have paid for a Human king's ransom.  "Please send for Darkhawk, and have him station the Anvils outside the Dark Temple.  I'll handle the rest."

Well, I followed most of his instructions, although for good measure I also station the Fortress Guard and the Hammer-praetorians behind the Anvils, and lock the Temple Door securly behind him once he has his materials.  That lad can take on the aspect of Armok's firey beard, I'll give him that.  For my own part I head down to the newly finished Great Magma Forge, founded during Panopticon II's tenure last year, and start on some obsidian and slade production.  These are the final reagents we need for Stonebinding rituals. 

After a night and day of restless waiting we hear a terrible gurgling scream.  Then nothing.  Ill tidings?  But then, if something had gone wrong, there would have been more signs of a struggle?  At least, there would have been a puddle of woolly mammoth blood leaking under the door.  Perhaps everything went according to Zon's plan?  We ever so carefully peek in, only to find Zon, or "Zen III" as he now styles himself, cloaked in a mask of darkness and terror.  In his eye, still the same calculating dwarf-spirited gleam.  The poor lad, just a young peasant with no skills of any kind, and now he'll be unleashed in battle and expected to scythe down enemies like a dark force of nature.  Well, at least I can get him equipped.  After our tour through the armory, he selects a fell masterwork welded wolfram meteor hammer and a kit of steel armor.  Perhaps we can massacre enough elves and orcs to round up another skill essence he can use, or else he needs some time in a library.  Gods save us.

His father is still the same; crippled, dispirited, although having a passing happy thought after a nice chat with his son.

*  26th Opal.  Masons finish a tiny viewport in the deeps and scouts report a great fortress of the undead!  We see at least two entraces, one breaching to the cavern floor not more than 70 urists due west of our Great Magma forge.  There are uncountably many undead in the form of satyrs, pekyts, draltha, gremlins, and a few tawny eagles.  I don't know whether the latter can get in through our fortifications .. I assume not ... but still dispatch the military to be sure.  Once it is clear that we are secure I let Meph and the javalineers stay in the overlook and see if they can do a bit of damage.

Our ancient tormentors -- a detachment of soldier ants -- are locked in a desparate battle with the undead as well.  On the far side of the cavern, great eldrich horrors rise from an unfathomable deep lake and begin their own skirmish against the zombies.  This place is a madhouse.  The first order of business is a stairwell that cuts a few hundred urists of roundabout travel out of the equation.  Next, we ask the mason to do his best to enlarge the fortifications, and have the haulers bring down a turret or two.  The ants fight valiantly but are overwhelmed by greatly superior numbers.

* Obsidian:

On 14th obsidian, almost simultaneously, ants send reinforcements to both the crystal and deep caverns, and orc ambushers arrive topside.  Since the caverns are secure for now, almost everyone reports for duty topside.  Meph stays in his outpost.  The orc invaders ignore our weapon traps of course, but are pinned down under a crossfire from the turrets.  The Anvils quickly advance to clear the courtyard, as a drowen diplomat reveals two fresh squads of orcs.  Unsure of the orcish numbers I order our forces to hold a superior defensive position and let the Drow engage first.  I think this was probably the right decision, since there was in fact another squad in hiding, and even the Anvils might have been wounded fighting five-to-one odds.  Once the Droven guards and turrets engage, and we pull the bridge levers to divide the orcish forces, our troops move in with the odds turned very much in our favor, and the battle goes smoothly.  But I regret that the caravan was lost.

In late obsidian, the ants had another run at the undead in the depths.  No scouting force but a huge army, that in fact fought the forces of the Dead to a standstill. I have no idea how much or how little Meph contributed to the carnage from his balcony -- the whole place is covered with gore and clouds of horrible vapors, like an Oblivion tower turned inside out.  It would be trivial to claim the deep fortress now: the remaining zombies could be counted faster than Ishar chugs two tankards of ale.  But we should still spare a thought to securing the cavern against ants and other nasties before cutting a breach! 

Thus ends year 115.  Only one death, by hammering; we now number 44 adults and 11 young.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #136 on: July 31, 2012, 02:24:56 pm »

Is... Is that a breastplate? You know, thats so offensive, thats like telling me im not smart enough to leap your head off!

"Leaps orcs head off"

And here, dear recruits, ends our presentation. If you have questions, report to Ishar, he is responsible for that crap....


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #137 on: July 31, 2012, 03:13:52 pm »

-Sir... mister spirit, or commander or whatever. I have a question.
-Crap. Yes?
-Should I really try that on the battlefield?
-God no. Stay the fuck back, and let him handle everything. If something gets past Darkhawk - even he can behead only one at a time - I will get to it. If by any chance something slips past both of us, you are free to try and take your best shot. We have plenty of coffins after all.
-That's... not exactly reassuring, commander.
-First off, Darkhawk is the commander, not me, at least not at this moment. Second, what did you expect, some elf hugs or what? This is The Bald Anvils, the most elite unit that ever existed, you should feel honored to be accepted. This is no place for little girls.
-I understand sir... champion? It's just that I don't exactly know what we are doing here. I mean I can hold my own in a fight, I can certainly take on any orc or whatever, one on one.
-What's the problem then?
-The problem is, the Anvils don't take on individual orcs. You, I mean we, take on dozens, and that's just way more than I can handle. Or any of us new members, really.
-Just try to stay alive then. You can kill any opponent I leave crippled or something. With a bit of luck, you'll have a chance to reach our level one day. Or die horribly. If you don't like it, you can go back to haul essence residue all day.
-Armok no! I'd take a good, clean death any day.
-That's more like it! Now go back to training.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #138 on: August 01, 2012, 10:46:35 am »

Spring 116

Cremating body parts (preventing zombie invasions). Prince throws tantrum, but without his hands, he is unable to do jack.

Released enemys in the arena. Not the effect i wanted, they are not fighting, but Meph can have his fun down there.

Meph is definitly not in the mood to kill, he left his quiver at home, and he doesnt combust anything. Depressing....

There is not much to do for me. Most dwarfs are doing their stuff, Ants are battling various enemys down in the caverns. Its a brutal battle, and the ants are in a 3-frontier war against zombies, Lovecraft-style thingys and a forgotten beast, and all of them are beating their ass.

Yay, migrants..... Wow, new record, those are four souls for us...... Where is the lever to let them in?

Err, we have a minor outbreak in the arena.... The bald anvils are on the spot, murdering bandits, elves and goblins, but some breached the defense line and are now charging towards the recruits of the anvils, who where a bit late.

Uhhhh, shit, you remember that little pet Zen got for himself? Now, our courtyard is on fire, because that stupid thing saw a horned owl chasing the guy operating the crematorium. Well, i think i can scratch that herd of pekyts.... what are they doing out there? One baby died in the fire, fine, perfect, noone important died.

Im building a new lever for the bridges at the trade entrance. Yes, we have 11 levers in this fort, screw it, im not gonna test this things out, new lever, thanks.

Two harpys shredded one gargoyle into tiny parts.... too bad, i like this one. Yes, he looked like every other gargoyle, but i liked him.
Actually, someone died in the fire. Dragon 1 : Fortress 0. I begin to dislike everything about fire.

Zen III, the demonbound died.... he.... starved to death? We have hundred metric tons of fucking food.....
(OOC: I would say Meph, you should look at this raws, looks like he didnt eat anything....)

As i said, not much to do. Im trying to get the migrants in, mechanics are slow in this fort.... May be because my magical device that i use to control the fort is really tanking under the many things it has to do. Its still not killing it, that device is fairly powerful, but i see this being a big problem in the future.

Some gray langurs are trying to steal stuff from outside, but it turns out: Langur against slade turret isnt a fair fight.

What requests do we have? The humans.... No, wait, drows.... well, then, its easy. Gargoyles, and a lot of animals.

Ambush time, elf fanatics.... Outside of the bridge protecting the traders entrance. Yeah just waiting for them to leave again, im not in the mood for mass slaughter.
Well, i might not be, but our turrets certainly are. The first shot drops an elf, a clear headshot. Other elfs are dropping crippled, terrifying sight.
We lost a dwarf to those elves, looks like they have insane range with their bows. I ordered the civilians inside and Meph to the tower.

Elves are dealt with. Not much to do, we dont have the manpower to make big projects and the regular stuff is already set up.

Farmer withdrawing from society.... Yeah, make us a ring and then get back to your duties.
Oh no, its an amulet... yeah, back to work, lazy peon...

Spring ends. Ive ordered the construction near the bridge to the outer courtyard to be removed, its obstructing the line of sight from the tower.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 05:03:46 am by Firehawk45 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #139 on: August 02, 2012, 11:05:54 am »

sorry i only just came back online.

cant believe higginbottem's dead, whenever its possible can i be redwarfed same name preferably male and in the military as a melee dwarf with a sword or axe, thanks


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #140 on: August 03, 2012, 07:29:06 am »

Oh wow, firefox crashed during my writing, DF still running..... unfortunate

Midsummer 116

I drained the ponds in the inner courtyard and ordered more crematories to be build. We also have bis ambush forces down in the caverns, according to announcements, they are trogos. Also a new forgotten beast, a beakless parrot, also murdering and fighting on the eternal battlefield aka the third cavern.

Uh, migrants.... lets so, how many, i dont think enough. Three guys joining us.... well, ok, not enough, but ok. More haulers.

Ok, one question.... How can Darkhawks rotting corpse lie on the other side off the river, while he is happily hauling stuff around? I.... I dont know, thats overly creepy, i dont want it..... ( and i would show a picture, but my PC dont want it...)

The beakless parrot is murdering trogos... nothing new, they are unable to scratch it. Our turrets are firing on some monkeys plundering the northern battlefield. Im okay with them carrying stuff away, i dont need it.

The butchers and tanners are going crazy, shouting around that they dont have anything to tan or butcher, but they think they should have all the time.... (the job gets cancelled over and over because there is nothing to butcher and tan, but the workshop lists it all the time....)

Orcs, a full siege. I order (once again) everyone inside. Then i will lure them to the turrets. Should be easy.

One of the orcs dodges into the moat, he is out of the game. They brought a full crossbowsquad with them, so the anvils will stay back for now. The rest of the enemies are coming one by one.

They flooded the outer courtyard! The anvils are on the way, but the gates were not closed fast enough. Now the orcs are involved in a bloody battle with the golems and a pile of wardogs. The defenders are highly outnumbered, so i dont think there is a high chance we can survive this.

The anvils are now on the battlefield, and ishars first action is to cut the warlord into two separate halfs. Impressive, but Darkhawk is charging the whole horde at once. The first seconds of the battle see the end of three orcs, and the punshing of another with such force, that the orc flies into the inner moat.... Darkhawk is incredible. Currently, he is murdering a troll by breaking everything that thing has.... The enemy archers are still busy shooting at the golems. The dogs are dead, as well as one of the anvil recruits. The other two recruits are holding the bridge agains three orcs.

Some orcs went through, but most of them got killed by Darkhawk. The rest runned into dragons, sauropods or got slayn by other things, like random bolts fired by civilians, Ishar, Turrets and Meph.
(Darkhawk is now up to 110 Kills, probably more, but some of his kills got stolen.)

It worked out, the orcs are down. The last one got shot by the doc. We have a full army of antmen down in the caverns, taking on the forgotten beast and the trogos.

I will leave this fortress now, the fps isnt nice to me and i think there isnt a huge lot that i can do to improve it further.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #141 on: August 04, 2012, 05:06:08 pm »

Edit: - on it.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 07:34:08 pm by Stormbuilder »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #142 on: August 14, 2012, 02:42:31 pm »

Panopticon II's log,

End of Summer

Once again I take up the reigns on the fort, Darkhawk being overwhelmed by the paperwork decided to eschew his management position, which is understandable, there are many who can push papers, but only he can kill our enemies like he has been doing.

On the docket is the usual recovery from the latest violence, trying to keep Zen happy, and building new things to try out, I read somewhere about a Fountain of Eternal Youth that can heal wounds, train wizards, and grant immortality, so I figure this will be a good thing to work on, first up is making an alchemists lab.

Additionally, the Church of the Dark Depths was destroyed at some point, so I am having that rebuilt.


Work is proceeding, reports from the depths are interesting, the forgotten beast down there appears to be happily destroying all it comes across, and despite being made of nothing more solid than acid, is proving remarkably resient.

Clothes are growing scarce once more, began making more.

Poor Zen, he is so touchy, but his missing hands means that the fights he tries to start end before they begin.

Alchemists lab is under construction, I understand Saltpeter will be needed as well so production of that has begun, fortunately we are well supplied with ash.

Reports of a ghostly Dwarven baby have reached me, I have ordered the engraving of a memorial slab to appease the possibly vengeful spirit.

Oh wow, we better get on that fast, the baby is Zen's kid, and is following him around.

Working on a Philosopher's Stone at the Alchemists lab, the untrained peons I told to work on it are not confident about initial success rates, but we will forge ahead anyway.

A new forgotten beast on the first cavern level, Sahel Menjemd Fajh, a towering one eyed dove that spits webs. perhaps I'll try to get Meph to set it on fire. There is no hurry though, other projects demand my attention.

Nevermind, apparently it was closely pursued by a hunting party of Gremlins, they shot it about a million times and it isn't an issue anymore, The Deadly Dust beast made his way over there as well, currently putting up a better fight than the last one. The Gremlins are also doing better than the Troglodlodytes, making it relatively entertaining viewing.

Ah, it closed the range, turns out its dust makes its victims rot it seems.

Holy crap, migrants, 3 total, a ranger, a woodcutter, and a highborn peasant, they can haul if nothing else.

More ants have arrived to challenge the horrors of the deeps, meanwhile up above, goblin lashers are chasing a cat around.

I guess they were here for the caravan, as that has arrived as well, along with a liason and a Human Diplomat? Doesn't he know it is not Summer? whatever, The Bald Anvils have been posted to the front, and the gates will be closed once the diplomats get in.

Or I'll just leave them open for Darkhawk to run through and kill everybody on his own, I suppose that works too.

Trading went well, we don't want for much these days, but they had some metals we don't have a lot of, we can always use food too, there were some landmines and golems available as well, plus I baught a fair bit of cloth since we are needing clothese pretty regularly now.
This caravan is huge, 7 wagons, some 14 guards, all well equipped and highly skilled, pretty sure these guys could keep us safe on their own for the duration of their stay.

Now is the time of Winter.

Ishar has expressed a desire to gain the powers of the Earth itself, perhaps in the hopes that it will let him keep up with Darkhawk, I gave it the ok and we have the stuff to do it, but now he won't stop sparring, whatever, I did my part.

Zen appears to be feeling slightly better, he just did a couple meetings with the liason, I requestedd that he order Welded Mithril, Turrets, and magic stuff, We'll see if his good mood persists.

He is in his office with the Liason, standing on his War mammoth, I don't even.

Mokar the Hammerer came to me today demanding a Meteoric table in his dining room, I told him to go away, even if we have any Meteoric stuff, I can't figure out where his dining room is anyway and damned if I am going to build him a new one.

I love my spear so much, gonna give it a name one day.

Success! A Philosopher's Stone has been made! Construction on the Fountain of Eternal Youth will commence immediately

Zen managed to finish with the Liason, so we will actually get things we ordered next year for once, feeling inspired by this, he immediately moved to talking with the Human diplomat who had nothing particularly important to say and left soon after.

I actually saw Zen smiling today, he said he was coming to terms with his disability and even had been happy recently.

I noticed we have essences, I have always wanted to be better with the spear, this is going to happen.

meanwhile the Drow have arrived, but we have a bit of a crowding situation as the Fall caravan is still here too.

Oh hey the Mind Flayers are back, been a while since they made an appearance, come on in guys, I got 2 caravans packed full of guards for you.

And apparently there has been a fire in a wood stockpile, some seeds from the third cavern level grew trees up here, and then they were cut down I guess? anyway no one was hurt it seems.

Trading with the Drow went well, we unloaded all our captured arms and armor, as well as our rotting clothes, spare weapons and armor that we don't use anymore, and a lot of ammo and crafts for a huge quantity of animals, we got Sauropods, Dragon Raptors, Dragons, Broodlords and Mothers, Smilodons, and a bunch of Wolverines for some reason. good times.

Spring is here. I had decided to finish trading before confronting the Mind Flayers outside, we should get on that shortly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #143 on: August 14, 2012, 02:56:30 pm »

From the Journals of Ishar
Darkhawk is still ahead of me. I train as hard as I can, grabbing every opportunity I have for a good sparring, but all these other guys are so much weaker than the two of us... I WILL surpass him one day.

The drow brought us a couple of war-trainable reptiles, those always come in handy. We also have some wolverines: after all, they are the best at what they do, and what they do isn't very nice - whatever the hell that is.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #144 on: August 15, 2012, 03:35:29 pm »


Things are basically peaceful, the Fountain is done but I cannot bring myself to stop training to go learn magic quite yet, Ishar is of the same mind it appears.

I think we need more Mithril, exploratory digging commences.

I finally got my butt in gear and took a tome of life to the fountain, I learned a lot of theory but nothing practical. I am meditating on what I have learned.

Meanwhile, Bandits have decided to lay siege to the fortress, or dear whatever shall we do. There are 7 of them!

My bad, 17, plus a Giant Hamster.

It is now Summertime, and the living is easy.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #145 on: August 15, 2012, 05:09:04 pm »

Meanwhile, Bandits have decided to lay siege to the fortress, or dear whatever shall we do. There are 7 of them!

My bad, 17, plus a Giant Hamster.

I call that breakfast.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #146 on: August 16, 2012, 01:02:43 am »

Panopticon sat in his office late one night. knock knock His desk was piled high with notes. knock knock He stared intently at a drawing he had made. knock knock It almost made sense to him. knock knock He could not be too careful after what happened to the other two though. knock knock This "Magic" was the same stuff that had transformed Meph into a a god, knock knock able to control and summon pure untamed flame. knock knock But it was also the same power that had destroyed the princes son. knock knock Panopticon startled, noticing the knocking for the first time. knock knock "Yes yes! come in!" He poured back through his notes again. He had to get this right. knock knock "YES IT'S OPEN, I'M A LITTLE BUSY PLEASE COME IN!" His first attempt at forging the power of magic into his own self had been a failure. knock knock It was not as bad as the princes son, he was after all still alive. It just had not worked. knock knock "ARG"

Who could this possibly be? Bugging him so late at night. He slammed down his books and stormed over to the door. He flung open the door and was prepared to bash whoever was on the other side in the face.

He was completely surprised to see the crown prince staring back at him. This was highly unusual. The prince was a quiet patient man who had always kept to himself aside from his mildly irritating 'beatings' when he would go into a rage and get laughably violent. The dwarfs of the fort had found it best to pretend to be receiving the beating of their life until the prince got bored and wandered off. It seemed to help his mood.

Panopticon wasn't surprised when the beating didn't come. He was receiving a strange visit in the middle of the night from the prince. This was the most unusual dwarf in the kingdom. Hadn't he just seen him conducting a trade session in his throne room while standing on the back of a giant war mammoth? He was surprised the prince hadn't rode into his office on the back of a raptor, or that he wasn't making some insane demand. Panopticon sometimes wished that the prince was a little easier to predict, but he mostly stayed out of the way, which wasn't that bad as far as royalty is usually concerned. He studied the prince wondering why he was here.. the silence was making him uncomfortable.

"So, uhh.. I was just pouring through my notes.." *silence* "I'm sorry I didn't hear you" *silence* "would you like to come in and give me a hand?" *glare* Panopticon realized his slip up but no beating came, so he knew the prince was in a relatively good mood about something.

What the prince said next surprised him. Which meant that it was so unusual that it was exactly what he was expecting, so he wasn't surprised by it in the least. "Starting with the new year I am taking command of this fortress." Panopticon blinked, he didn't know what to think of that. Aside from a few silly mandates that made no sense to him at all the prince had never show even the slightest interest in the running of the fort. Now, suddenly he was going to take over full control. "Sorry I don't have time to explain. I have to get to a meeting."

The prince took off, and Panopticon closed his door and returned to his studies, but it was hard to concentrate over the noise of the prince having a very loud argument with a wolverine. Well at least he knew that the prince was still the prince, and hadn't been taken over by demons.


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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #147 on: August 18, 2012, 05:02:21 am »


Decided to have Meph go take a look at the Bandits, and by that I mean set them on fire with his eyes. We'll see how that works out.

I've told many of our walking wounded to go swimming in the Fountain, the first to be cured is our doctor, who has basically been rotting for a few years now. Hopefully Mokar will hop in there at some point.

Noticed that we have a ton of untrained animals, getting them trained up. We are the main source of Sauropod knowledge in the Dwarven caravan.

Darkhawk and Ishar appear to have decided to try their hands at gaining supernatural powers at the same time, they are busily engaged in carrying stuff to their respective buildings, this is mildly inconvenient as they are unavailable for killing those bandits, turns out they are too far away for Meph to incinerate.

Mokar went swimming and his brain injury got better! He is moving around much easier too.

Everyone went swimming at once it seems, so many pants lying everywhere. We all got together and grabbed Zen from the above ground dining room and dunked him, when he surfaced, his hands had grown back! I am sure one day he will thank us.

Ishar successfully bound an abomination from beyond our world into himself, and now has the powers of darkness at his command, so good for him.

Zen celebrated his newfound health by demanding barrels and padded mittens, maybe we should toss him in again just to be sure.

Time to see what Ishar can do, sending the Bald Anvils out the kill some bandits.

Well, that was anticlimactic, Ishar was asleep and Darkhawk killed everyone. Including a pack of 5 Sauropods that he came across en route.

Humans are here, yay I guess, they don't really have much we need. Oh well the usual ambush should provide some distraction.

Ooh, not an ambush at all, rather a siege, some 50 or so, a good number got in before the gates could be closed, but so far we have no losses other than a few animals, or as I like to call them: Distractions.

As soon as the courtyard is clear I will have the doors lowered and deal with the rest.

Ishar still sleeps, as he has since he bound to a demon.

That went well anwyay, Darkhawk is unstoppable as usual, this fight was notable though in that he actually was hit a couple times, taking bruises to the head and hands, hwoever they healed before the fight ended.

Darkhawk has named his sword, he calls it: Oilforest and has killed 85 beings with it. This is roughly half his total kills, which means he has killed a great many with his fists, feet, and teeth as well.

Ishar still lies in the Odinsleep, when the medics judge he needs food I have people dump him out of his bed and he eats, then he sleeps again. I know not what malady assails him. I have ordered a musical stage built next to him in the hopes that he may be revived by a sprightly jig, or something.

Autumn has come


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #148 on: August 18, 2012, 06:06:20 am »

A conversation between Darkhawk and Ishar, at a sparring session:

-I'm amazed, Ishar. Despite all my training in the hall of the mountain king, we are still completely even. I guess all this time, you've been pushing yourself even harder than I have.
-That may be true. I've pushed myself to the edge of my limits and beyond. But you've been born with a natural talent far beyond my own, no amount of training could have closed the gap between us. I realize that now. It was made painfully obvious to me today as I watched your fight with the bandit leader. Imagine my shock, to see the undeniable truth, to discover that no matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to catch you. A wandering spirit forever living in the shadow of a mere mortal. So that's when I secretely made up my mind.
-You mean, you... you fool! You deliberately let yourself fall under the demon's spell!
-Yes! I saw the power of the demon's magic, at the church of the dark depths... Zen Jr's transformation. The people who had seen his new form couldn't understand how he's become so powerful. But you and I know, don't we? It was the demon's magic. And I know what its magic has done for Zen Jr, it could also do for me. I knew that if I allowed myself to fall under its control, the difference in our power would disappear. I'm quite pleased with the results... even if they do come at a price - I'd say the end more than justifies the means!
-Ishar, I don't understand. You've never allowed anyone to help you before in your life, why start now? Why the demon?
-Because I wanted it to reawaken the evil in my heart. I wanted him to return to the way I was... before! I was the perfect warrior, cold and ruthless, I lived by my strength alone, uninhibited by foolish emotion... But slowly, over the years, I've became one of you, my quest for greatness gradually giving way to this life of mediocrity. I awoke one day to find that I had... settled down, formed friendships. I had even grown quite fond of them. Woudl you believe that I almost started to think this fort was a nice place to live? Do you understand now, Darkhawk? That's why I needed the demon, to set me free, by releasing the evil in my heart! He has freed me of these petty attachments. And I have to say it feels pretty good.
-Do you really believe what you're saying?

(OOC: I've been planning to do this for a while now.)
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: ☼Angelictower The Bloody Dungeons of Testing☼ (overseers wanted)
« Reply #149 on: August 18, 2012, 04:06:31 pm »

"Darkhawk stands near Ishars bed"

Ishar, you have failed your origin, the honor to be a dwarf was given to you, and you traded it for the powers of the underworld. May your soul be cured by your endless sleep, and may Armok have mercy with you. Zen jr and the worthless death he died should have been a warning to you, but you ignored it.

If it wasnt for the good of this settlement and its inhabitants, i would ensure you would never wake up again. But as it stands, your my brother in arms, so you shall live...... For now.

"Darkhawk walks away, the personal responsible to feed and water Ishar gets completely ignored by him"

Yes, Oilforest, he will discover what he traded for his powers shortly, but until then, we will honor Armok and hope he smiles mercyful at one of his greatest warriors, to cure him from the one mistake he made in his life.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 04:10:21 pm by Firehawk45 »
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