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Author Topic: ☼Angelictower☼ (overseers wanted: new fort soon!)  (Read 38817 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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☼Angelictower☼ (overseers wanted: new fort soon!)
« on: May 28, 2012, 05:06:35 pm »

*A short stout regally dressed dwarf sits atop his horse.*

Greeting citizens, mighty mountainking Urist McZenerbufen here, but of course all you dwarfs know who I am. Welcome to the future home of Angelictower! I thank you all for your attendance, Food and booze will be available after the ground breaking ceremony. Now I'd like to introduce the noble meph, my head of Research and Development.

*The king motions to a hooded figure who steps out of the shadows and nods his head silently as the surrounding dwarfs cheer, before he slinks back into the shadows and mysteriously disappears to who knows where again.*

Now, I know you are a small inexperienced bunch of miners, but your mining skills are desperately needed for this grand new project. I have assembled a team of talented, skilled, and experienced overseers to lead you, your descendants, and whatever immigrants you can attract to your new home. You are about to build the grandest fortress in the history of all dwarfkind. It will be a great tower stretching up to the heavens, with the most magnificent decorations and furnishings of all the land. It will be equipped with all the latest technology, and it's dungeons shall be dug down to the center of the earth!

*cheers, 6 more dwarfs take the stage*

May I present to you the team of overseers I have tasked to start this project, Panopticon, Ishar, Phones, Aseaheru, Betelgeuse, and oliverosky95.

*cheers, standing ovation, the king turns to the 6 dwarfs standing in front of the group of dwarfs, and gestures for them to address the crowd if they wish as he drinks ale from his masterwork mug encrusted with gems, and menacing with spikes of Adamantium.*

This is the official ☼masterwork mod☼ succession fort. Please keep all out of character discussion, requests to join, and feedback over here in the discussion thread, so that this thread is easier to read for future generations.

Turn List:
  Phones skip/noresponce
  Aseaheru skip/request
  oliverosky95 skip/mia
  jakmak skip/tohard
  etlaM skip/request
  etlaM skip/partying
 Child of Armok

 Meph Last Turn?

Ishar New Fort?

Stand by list:

 etlaM (still partying?)

« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 01:43:44 pm by zenerbufen »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

One figure was rather quite in all this cheering, a lone dwarf standing near the exit of the hall. He takes a good look at the king, then the 6 "lucky" dwarves... and slowly shakes his head before leaving the room. No one takes notice of him as he vanishes in the long hallway.
::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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Overseer's Log
Year 100

For my sins, I have been put in charge of the first year here, I've heard stories about these experimental forts and my dreams have been full of Murderous elephants, the walking dead, and demons from our darkest nightmares, the fact that the diviners believe there to be a "Mysterious underground structure" here, and that there is a Necromancer's tower nearby is doing me no favors either.

Imagine my surprise when I found out we are in a nice, temperate forest, the most threatening thing in sight is some deer. I might actually survive for a while after all.

We brought the usual stuff for a mining expedition: Food, booze, picks, wood. Also added a couple cats and dogs, more food and booze, some cloth, and some unworked marble so we don't have to go digging for stone to build with right away.

Ok first things first, gotta get the stuff from the wagon inside, and have to work on defense, got a mason shop set up with some of the wood we came with, told the woodcutter to get to it and then dug straight down.

Found an astonishing amount of minerals, Tetrahedrite, Copper, Iron, Silver, Gold, assorted gems and some Wolframite and Chromite

Summertime, the wall is about three quarters complete, the bridge is up, and the temporary dormitory is coming along.

Saw a flesh man go by, creepy

Midsummer, wall is done, bridge is linked to a lever, we can be secure now with minimal effort. Work is beginning on a dining room and food preparation areas.

Fishery worker- smiths guild
Wood burner, also decent at religion
Shearer, also competent speardwarf

Gah, gnolls everywhere, freaking us all out. Mangled a dog, which is sad.

Fisherdwarf got beat up a little too, which is worrying.

Ok, these gnolls are now preventing anything from getting done, four of them got stuck in the walls and won't go away. Gonna form up the crew and see if we can't at least kick them out of the fort area.


Well, no one liked that all that much, but the gnolls are at least out of the fort for now and no one was seriously wounded, we need to work on our coordination,

That poor fisher is still stuck up on the surface, no one seems to want to feed him either.

Ah, there we go, someone finally got around to it, I certainly couldn't be bothered, this refuse isn't gonna haul itself

More migrants:
Wood Crafter
Carpenter -  Berserker
Bone Carver

First supply caravan arrived, the contents will significantly contribute to our growth, though new of our newly acquired wealth might spread.


Oh hey, that fisher who was mauled by gnolls made a full recovery, that is nice.

Sweat man roaming outside, gross

Spring is here, we are still living in the dormitory and we only have 4 tables in the dining room, but it has room to expand and we have located what I believe to be Tears of Armok, which we should be able to use to fill a cistern and get a well put together.

Have a tour!
Here is the fortress wall, we have a lever linked to the drawbridge deeper inside, my only concern is we don't have a roof, but dwarfpower is short so I figure we can put it off for someone else to worry about.

The farm and refuse area, it's a dirty job, but somebody(not me) has to do it

Here is the temporary storage area, we mostly have wood here now, and a mechanics workshop for some reason. There is a hematite vein I am mining out in my spare time.

The new crafting and storage area, I've had most workshops built here, next to storage for almost everything as well. Got a couple stone stockpiles and some wheelbarrows here to keep the crafters from working too hard. Going to need expansion soon I think. On the other side is the dormitory.

Dining hall and food prep, we struck Tears of Armok in the kitchens, I am hoping to use them to fill the cistern below, but that is for someone else to do now I guess.

And the work in progress cistern area, on the right is under the dining room, on the left is under the kitchen, needs a bit of work yet.

Panopticon, Miner
Meph, Mechanic
BerserkNINJA, Shearer/speardwarf, renamed "Higgenbottom"

If you asked for dwarfing and I haven't named you it is probably because we have no one who meets your specifications, the Spring migrant wave shall probably provide you with some options.

Yes I stole the first caravan, no I won't apologize.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 02:55:33 am by Panopticon »


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

Reports from an unruly outpost came to the capitol. A furious liasion told of thefts and disappearing goods. An investigation is needed and for this, Sedilurdim, the Bloody Dungeons of Testing, will be watched by an administrator for one year. If the report is right, and the fortress did forget who they serve and what realm they are part of, justice will be done.

A nameless overseer has been selected by the court of justice and is on his way to the fortress just now, to make sure the dwarves stay loyal to the Mountainhomes.

//OOC:since I am dwarved as a Mechanic already, I thought a random admin/overseer would do.
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I have no idea what you are talking about, the Depot collapsed on its own due to, umm, a design flaw! Yes, that's it. Not my fault the merchants decided to leave their stuff in the rubble.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

The new overseer arrived at the fortress. Some minor labor assignements had to be changed. A bookkepper and psychatrist were missing, but farmers appearently did farm plump helmets, even with 600+ units of drinks in the fort. Their work labor is better used somewhere else. Unfortunately there seems to be no appraiser that could fullfil the role of a broker, so the fortress has to do without knowing any precise numbers.

A new depot was raised, and attracted a kobold thief, who unfortunatly cut up the fisher that caught him badly. He is still lying out there, sliced upon foot and all.

After this incedent the dogs and mastiffs, 5 in total, have been wartrained and stationed outside the gates. The Gate itself has been fortified as well, with some more walls, and the beginning of a little corridor for traders. Since this fortresses loyality is still unproven, no migrants have been allowed this season (Fortress attracted no migrants)

The Tear of Armok has been digged open and filled the entire reservoir, before being mined out by the expedition leader himself. To use the new won water source 4 wells have been build in the dining hall. At the same time some rooms for the general populace have been dug out, and a little mining shaft and exploration has been started. Z-lvl 17,18 and 19 are now free for the mining of ore, to fuel to future forges.

The road for the traders continues slowly, and a Storage Unit has been build to store and unpack possible crates that have been ordered. At the same time a little graveyard was errected, just to prepare for future incidents. To lighten up the mood, 2 musical stages are placed in the dining room, hopefully the local populace will move faster to the rythmic beat of the drums.

::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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  • Bay Watcher
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    • worldbicyclist

Labor continued, and many mines have been dug. Several ore veins have been discovered and stored in the future metal working area. Masons are constantly producing new furniture, und wood converted into beds and coal. No bituminous coal or lignite was found though.

Not much happened in the meantime, a beserker thief wandered by, some racoons tried to steal from our tradedepot, but were killed off by our dogs. Elves came to trade, and left a lot of mithirl items for us. We traded a few curious things we found in the stockpiles. They looked suspiciously like the goods from our missing caravan, but I cant proof anything, so I had to let it pass.

In autumn a new diplomat arrived from the mountainhomes, with a new caravan. It was immediatly attacked by a vicious goblin ambush. Now this is the explanation I was looking for. This must be the reason the last caravan disappeared. The guards immediatly went after the goblins, and here we are. The culprit is found and my work here is done.

//OFFTOPIC: The save is from mid autumn, I am sorry, but I could not finish the full year. I saved at the time of a goblin ambush, so the next player starts with some fun. You have the guards, some military and 5 wardogs/mastiffs though, shouldnt be too hard.  If you think that the turn is unfinished, please replay the year. It took me a while to get that far with about 15-20fps. I have tons to do in RL, everything is way more interesting now.

::: ☼Meph Tileset☼☼Map Tileset☼- 32x graphic sets with TWBT :::
::: ☼MASTERWORK DF☼ - A comprehensive mod pack now on Patreon - 250.000+ downloads and counting :::
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Overseer Ishars' Journal
Part 1

Late Autumn, 102
This is my first entry as overseer of this bloody mess. Frankly, I’m not the least bit surprised that the previous overseer (what the fuck was his name anyway?) was chased away after that mess with the trade caravan. Basically, we just let them take care of the ambush on their fucking own.
I can understand that decision, considering the circumstances. What I can’t fucking understand is that how the hell did we let these circumstances came to reality in the first fucking place: the military is a fucking joke, and there are no clever traps or other feats of dwarven engineering to protect us from this mess. The most we can do at this point is raise the drawbridge if anybody comes to screw with us. Fine, it works, but this is a bullshit way to live. This is not the way for proper dwarves to strive for glory and wealth. This is the kind of shit that humans would do, and that’s saying something.

So my primary goal will be to strenghten our forces, and get some basic equipment. First, I’ll get some wooden shields, then get some metalworking going on, because frankly, this is a mess.
Also, the military structure itself is ridiculous. Whoever set these guys up apparently though it would be a good idea to throw them in a big bunch, and just order them around en masse. I’ve divided them into three squads, led by Panopticon, Higginbottom and me. The recent military failures (doing nothing is a goddamn failure in my books) proved Panopticons’ inability to command our forces as a whole, so I stepped into his place as militia commander.

Also, claiming that one of the chairs and tables in the dining room qualify as an ’office’ for our bookkeeper is a goddamn fucking overstatement. Proper quarters are being dug out.

The living quarters are nice and clean in design though, so I have to admit, good job on those. The mining operations are also impressive, and of course the adequate food supply is also nice, but everything else is a fucking mess in this place.

Early Winter, 102
Fan-fucking-tastic, another ambush right off the bat. Fortunately, they only killed a cat, and then left. I assume this may be a sign of things to come. Preparations are going nicely, we have begun ore smelting.
Panopticon and his squad killed a leprechaun with their bare fists. Nice, but we have a barrack set up for additional training.

Mid-Winter, 102
A couple of centaurs showed up, and I have to admit, they kind of look menacing. The guard dogs I’ve moved in front of the trade depot seem to keep them away for now, but if the creatures decide to attack, the dogs will be massacred.
Iron production is slow, so I’ll have some emergency copper weaponry forged for our troops.

Well, one of the centaurs just mauled some of our dogs. To my utmost surprise, the mastiffs actually managed to scare it off somehow.

Everyone is constantly working, there is much to be done. We could really use some migrants. I don’t care if they are potash makers or some useless shit like that, they could at least haul furniture or something.

Late Winter, 102
Nothing much happened, really. We now have some steel supply, but no weapons or armor yet. I don’t want any moron to touch the stuff, as we don’t have much of it. A nice supply of gold bars were also smelted, and a second forge was set up – this will be exclusively dedicated to creating gold crafts for trade, at least for a while. I don’t exactly like that our trade goods come from either goblin loot, or... erm... questionable sources.

(OOC: I claimed an untrained woodcrafter/mason for myself, he had the highest agility and heals fast. Sorry about rearranging the military and all that, but it was a giant mess to begin with. Also, thanks for the shitload of food, fuel, ore and furniture stockpile, that was really nice to start with.
This was the last of Mephs' year, mine will follow, I hope I'll be done by tomorrow, but no promises.)
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cursed by the Elves with a title.
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why am i here?
and why the heck am i up for a turn when i cant do anything of the sort?
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
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Dude, look at the first post, you see the turn list? It is Ishars turn at the moment, you will have to wait until your name rolls around.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cursed by the Elves with a title.
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i cant hAve a turn as i cant get a a internet computer normaly.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


  • Bay Watcher
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Ah, I misinterpreted your post, my sincere apologies for jumping down your throat.


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Early Spring, 103
Blast furnace is finally set up, that should simplify our metal production quite a bit.

We also started setting up a hospital next to the cemetery. Higginbottom told me this will not be exactly good for morale, but I told him to shut up. Well, not exactly like that, since he can gut me with his spear with a single move, but I explained that the graves will be a good motivation to get better soon: either man up and get back on your feet, or you might as well just roll over and die. This is basically the same thing as telling him to shut up. Definitely.

Mid Spring, 103
One of our scouts (our only scout, frankly) spotted a group of gnolls not so far off from the fort. This may be a fine opportunity for our military to test its might against a real enemy, not just leprechauns and laughable things like that.

Late Spring, 103
Total success! The gnolls were decimated devastated*, not a single one of them was spared. It’s not like we’re slaying frost giants anytime soon, but this kind of thing is good for morale. The wealth of the fortress is steadily rising, Tholtig tells me we’re over 80000 urists net worth now. I hope this increase brings in some migrants soon, we could really use the extra work force.

Fucking elves of all things have come. Unless they bring dragons, I’m not fucking interested. Damn tree-huggers.

*Note to self: Do not write journals after midnight. At least not as long as we have smartasses like Panopticon around here.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2012, 03:44:40 am by Ishar »
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Panopticon's log,

Ishar seems to know what he is doing when it comes to security, we went out and beat up gnolls recently, which was quite satisfying. I wish he would learn the proper use of the word "Decimated" though, we certainly killed more than one in ten of them!

I heard him ranting about Elves and Dragons, so I am hoping that means traders have come, not Elves riding Dragons. I also hope they bring Sauropods, I have always wanted a giant herbivore of my very own to step on my foes.


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Early Summer, 103
Well, what do you know. They DID bring a dragon. The only problem is, they demand 35000 urists worth of good for it (plus profit). I couldn’t match that price if I gave them everything int he fort that isn’t bolted down, so sadly, we have tol et that one go.
We went for the next best thing, and bought a sauropod and a dragon raptor. I was tempted to go for the magma hound as well, but that would’ve meant selling every one of our weapons, and that’s a risk I’m not taking.

The two beasts are assigned to the trainers, I’m certain they’ll be useful. Panopticon seems to like the sauropod, so he’ll get that one, but the dragon raptor – that, I’ll keep for myself. Also, the fucking hippies have finally left. Oh and some of the slain gnolls came back to life ( I suspect elf necromancy, though I can’t prove anything), but were promptly put down. Mostly by the dogs, but our militia helped a bit.

Midsummer, 103
Catsplosion imminent. We have decent meat reserves, but this may come in handy later on. Most of the ongoing issues are, well… ongoing. We have so many tasks, and so little workforce, things are not exactly going smoothly. Our military might is steadily growing, but everything else seems to be sorely lacking. Food stores are still adequate, but we are below 300 portions of booze. That’s still a lot, but could be much more. It’ll surely last until my term as overseer is over, so the joke’s on the next sucker who gets this shitty job.

Late Summer, 103
Zamnuth just went apeshit, started collecting various raw materials, and doesn’t let anybody near the glass furnace. Fortunately, he seems to have found everything he needs for his project, so no harm done I suppose. Who knows, maybe something awesome is brewing there. I swear to armok, if he comes out with a fucking window or something like that, I’ll have his hide.
A green glass bucket, worth 9600 urists. Close one, I think I’ll let Zamnuth live. Especially since there haven’t been any fucking migrants. Come to think of it, I don’t think anybody came here after us. What the fuck?

The fisherdwarf (who also happened to be our only weaponsmith) who was cut up last year has finally died of thirst. That’s kind of a big deal, since now we only have 17 capable souls – and two children – living around here, which is simply not enough for the grand designs I have in my mind.
Also, this death could have been avoided if the fucking miners would just fucking mine already: the hospital still only exists in theory. No wonder the guy died in his room.

We also have some problems with undead wildlife, but the dogs seem to able to handle that, at least for now. They ARE getting some minor wounds, and an occasional semi-serious injury, so we’ll need those new warbests trained ASAP.

(Autumn update later today)
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!
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