If I were feeling petty, I would copy a list of the forum bans and point out how many of them were from FG&RP, but I don't have any particular desire to extend this argument for any longer than is strictly necessary. If you're not willing to listen, why should I waste time talking to you instead of designing my new roleplay, updating Vestals of the Waves, or, hell, even playing video games?
One person does not a pattern make. Follow Occam's Razor: is there a big exclusionary culture that everyone is a part of, or do you need to step back for a bit before you damage your reputation even further than already? I know which one is simpler.
I see. I'm surprised FEF has survived so long with that kinda thing stopping other, more popular games from hitting it off.
....granted, I'm also the one running a lot of the FEFs nowadays, but we're getting that community drive to move stuff off now that we have an actual calculator to do things.
FEF has a huge community around it sustaining it. I can't tell you how it
got to that point - you've been in the community for a lot longer than I - but I suspect the reason that no other game has gotten to that point is that there aren't enough people willing to launch something. GURPS, to use that example, is fairly niche among TTRPGs - and chargen has a Hell of a learning curve, so it almost demands that the GM is around to help. That sort of closeness just isn't possible with PbP, so you would almost certainly need to communicate off-site (i.e. Discord) and at that point why not just skip the middleman and run your game there?
Were there any experiments running FEF, or something like it, in real-time? I suspect since the system is not designed for that it won't work well, which makes it much harder to lose players to offsite games.