The Four Pillars of the WAHIS Mission
Surveillance on the Ground
As a WAHIS Observer agent, you are the foundation of the first pillar of our mission. The modifications to your genome prevent Type IV infection with the Saigai disease family, thus allowing you to observe in closer quarters than any conventional personnel. You are the key element that bridges the gap between data-collection from autonomous drones and the images gleaned from our satellite resources.
Using the equipment granted to you by WAHIS and the gene-mods deemed most compatible with your physiology and psychology, we fully expect you to survive long enough to collect tissue samples, map soil contamination, and neutralize critical Saigai tumors. By working together with your fellow agents, you'll create a global network of operatives united by a lifelong commitment to uphold the safety of your former species.
Early Detection
After collecting tissue samples, soils samples, water samples, or, if requested, live specimens, all WAHIS operatives are required to pass such samples back to the nearest field laboratory. From these hidden labs, top OIE scientists will analyze your samples via the latest techniques in order to determine new mutations of the Saigai strain. Every such sample brought back is one more step on the road to a cure for the world.
An exciting feature of these field laboratories is that, even if the research does not immediately result in a cure, it may allow the geneticists to tweak or augment your modifications. Remember that you are vital to the data collection effort, and your modifications can only be removed once the Saigai strain is completely eradicated, but we are always interested in increasing your efficacy in the field.
Scientific Verification
If the field laboratory uncovers a new feature in the Saigai strain, they will need your help in order to ascertain its effects. While the controlled environments of the lab are suitable for nearly all testing, there are some final stages that will require your unique abilities. Your body, for example, will serve as a perfect incubation for new test-strains of synthetic Saigai antigen and protogen. You are required to submit to such experimental modifications and return with the relevant test data.
It is also possible that a promising sample will be incomplete. In some cases, this may only require that you recover a live specimen of the original creature. However, more often the OIE scientists will require the pure template, which means you'll need to find the Saigai tumor that created the contagion and harvest a pulp sample. You are the hands through which WAHIS works, thus death is not only a personal problem, but a failure to uphold a larger cause.
Fast and Efficient Dissemination of Information
Finally, you will uphold the final pillar of the WAHIS mission whenever the field outposts collect enough data to transmit back to the Walled Garden. The data packets in question are of the highest priority, and supersede any other orders you might have, rest time you might be on, injuries you might have suffered, or any death you might have been allowed. After receiving the data on a secure drive, you will be required to take packet to an automated mobile relay station. Due to the Saigai contamination inherent to your modifications, the relay station defenses may, or may not, target you on approach. Regardless, it is imperative that you gain access and activate the transmitter to transfer the data back home.
As we all well know from the initial incident, the Saigai infected as a whole are heavily antagonized by wireless transmissions, and will likely attempt to destroy the relay station and anything in the immediate area. While you may experience pain as well, you will be required to aid the relay station's defenses until the transfer completes. Your success is mandatory.
Upon completion, you will be rewarded with a number of doses of regenerative chemicals in order to stabilize the bonds between your human cells and the WAHIS augmented tissues in your body. This cycle ensures that you understand how important your role is, and symbolizes the WAHIS mission as a whole.
Only by supporting the four pillars can you save the world.
Only by supporting the four pillars can you save yourself.