More than anything, that makes me want to play an irreverent bard who goes around angering the gods .
Gods probably wouldn't give a shit, in all honesty. They don't have self-confidence issues. At least not most of them. And there's enough new and minor gods that some certainly could...
Lemme see if I can find my notes...ah, here we go.
A summarized history of the gods.
Approximate Length: Many trillions of years.
Events: The Originals exist, eventually couple, Astral Plane created; Firstborn wanted/accidentally created.
Gods/Flavor: The Originals; The First Couple; The Ageless Ones; The Fore-Born; In the beginning, there were but two gods. Before them, there is no known history or record, of anything, in any way. These gods have been Known by many names, and took many forms, but at their most basic, they are The Mother and The Father. The Creator and The Corruptor. The Sun and the Moon. The Destroyer and The Preserver. The Butcher and The Reaper. The Planter and The Shepard. Opposites and equals, comprising all that existed.
Approximate Length: 3-5 billion years.
Events: Firstborn exist, screw around for a while, couple, start messing with the universe, play around with Astral Plane; nothing much happens besides them finally coming together and forming the World-Shapers.
Gods/Flavor: The Firstborn: Fel, Goddess of Light; Kir, God of Shadow; Rav, Goddess of Fire; Pos, God of Water; Eiy, Goddess of Air; Dun, God of Stone
Approximate Length: 600-700 million years
Events: Originals and Firstborn create Material Plane for World-Shapers to use, World-Shapers exist, experimented on Material Plane, coupled, various hijinks, formed much of Material Plane, further hijinks ensue, started making the Middle Planes; Material & Middles planes essentially same (relatively speaking) as current forms; Life-Makers made by World-Shapers with assistance of Originals.
Gods/Flavor: The World Shapers/the Plane Keepers/The Eldest; 10 gods and goddesses
Approximate Length: 50-90 million years
Events: Life-Makers exist, explore, couple, begin making the races; won't finish until middle of next era, and Strife-Torn are born alongside the races.
Gods/Flavor: The Life-Makers, The Mind-Givers, The Thought Bearers; one god(ess) for each of the following races: Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, Halflings, Phellen, Magi, Dragons, Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, Giants, Bellin, and Mongrels(aka Half-Breeds).
Strife-Torn exist, learn and experiment, begin coupling, races are made, Strife-Torn get into arguments and spats, Originals & Firstborn help them make their own planes to be able to cool off; they finish couples and (mostly) come to peace; make The Exiles.
Gods/Flavor: The Strife-Torn/The Old Pantheon; 18 Gods in total, 2 for each alignment
Length: 600-700 thousand years
Events:The Exiles exist, time passes, Exiles grow unhappy, couple, feel unwanted/crowded, get into spats with Firstborn, each other, and Life Makers; dissent grows; Originals settle to sleep after existing for so long; Eciles seize opportunity and attempt an overthrow, 'killing' Firstborn/wounding Firstborn, who must rest and so become the Inner Planes; Exiles defeated and cast out, the Exiles who did not participate made to act of 'jailkeepers'/'gatekeepers' of the Far Realms, but also keep a connection between the main planes and the Far Realms; The Shamed Ones made during all this and awaken at end.
Gods: The Exiles; The Fallen; The Cast-Outs; The God-Killers; 22 in all
Not done with eras, but will finish later.