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Our situation looks helpless.  What do we do?

Fight back the siege.
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Cheat to get a shovel then colonize a cavern.
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Author Topic: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Please Vote On Our Fate!  (Read 30876 times)


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #210 on: June 09, 2012, 03:09:27 am »

Yay awesome. I love that picture of the kobold trying to explain the giant birds and giant bees.

LOBSTER THINKS: I not first with pups. Not sad... I know saying, from uncle who thief: better to be second than first. Not sure if smart---uncle not come back from raid.  Also know saying: easier to feed 7 mouths instead of 8.  But that is saying for hungry times. All life not hungry times. Splinter pup so cute, I love. Soon I love my pups even more.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #211 on: June 09, 2012, 09:37:57 am »


i vote that there will be a quarry for stone. or a mine.
Highly Opinionated Fool
Warning, nearly incapable of expressing tone in text


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #212 on: June 10, 2012, 01:03:24 pm »

After finishing up their chores, the pups left to go find Chungotlus in his hut at the edge of the reservation.  The old man was nowhere to be found and so the little kobolds got to playing.  They danced and yapped until one of them picked up a stick.  “Look!” he said cheerfully as he swung the stick around.  “I'm FeralTalon!”  Immediately the others began picking up sticks and before long all of them were stabbing and bashing away at invisible enemies. 

Slowly from behind a tree loomed a spindly figure who stepped towards the pups silently.  The elf's eyes narrowed as he watched this imaginary warfare and he muttered to himself, “Little rats can't even be peaceful when we provide everything for them.”  A near skeletal hand reached for the bow at his waist, but before he slaughtered the pups he relented.  Then he called, “Here pups!  Come get your berries.”  The kobolds jumped and skittered with fear though the little scrap-earred pup stood with her “sword” raised in defiance.  “No!  Want meat!” she yipped out before charging.  The elf deftly smacked the stick aside and tossed her into a bush.

“Knife ears!” came a shout of a weak voice strained with anger.  “You will withdraw from this place.  I will not see these pups mistreated.”  Chungotlus limped in looking tired with bandages all up his arms.  The elf sneered at the elder, but withdrew.  The elder watched as the other pups helped the little scrap-eared pup out of the bush.  One of them commented with a chuckle, “That's what you get wanting to be Cadbee.”

“I would not underestimate young Cadbee,” suggests Chungotlus with a faintly proud sound to his voice.  “She may not have had the training some of the other Spirits had, but she came into her own.  Let me tell you more...”

Nix paced back and forth next to the huge pile of shattered bug-bits.  He grumbled as he walked spear held firmly in his paws before he turned to Straw and asked again, “No bones?”

Straw heaves a great sigh as she sorted through the chitinous remains of giant bugs and bug men.  “No bones,” she confirmed with an arched brow.  “Told Nix paw times.  No bones.  Bug no have bones.  Bug have...”  The bonecarver held up a piece of chitin with a twisted nose.  “This.”

“Nix need armor,” Nix reminded her again before turning to hunt down Corai.  Several of the kobolds had a habit of avoiding Nix as he frequently displayed something of a short fuse.  His very name carried with it an implication of possible violence.  When he found Corai inspecting weaponry, Nix tapped him on the shoulder and told him, “Nix need armor.”

Corai nodded at this as his big ears twitched slightly in annoyance.  “Corai know,” he assured him as he straightened Blue's leather armor.  “Need armor for all recruit.  Nix have skin armor.”  Nix gestured to his armor hand-crafted with the finest of giant sparrow leather, “This?  This no armor!  This feathery!”  He scowled and gestured to Corai, “Corai make hunt.”

For a moment, it seemed that the two might come to blows.  Finally, Corai nodded and gestured with his spearpoint.  “Form up.  Spirits hunt.”  Soon the kobolds had gathered up and were ready to hunt.  Corai faced them seriously with spear in hand.  “Bolds.  Spirits.  We hunt.  No need meat.  Camp have meat.  No need bugs.  Camp have bugs.  Need bones.  Bone armor.  Bone weapons.  Bones for pups.  For future.  Fight good.  Fight hard.  Live.  Kobolds-”  His speech was cut off by shrieking from the camp.  He looked back towards camp and barked out, “Spirits to camp!  Fight!”

The Unseen Spirits ran back to the camp with weapons drawn and ready for the fight.  Cogdis, who had remained behind from the hunting rally was standing toe to toe with a massive beast-creature with black fur in a mask, a long snout filled with teeth, and giant menacing claws.  “Coati!” grunted Corai.  “Coati man!  Big, but no kobold.”

The coati man swung a clawed fist at Cogdis, but he ducked beneath it.  The kobold spearman held up a hand forestalling help and then turned back to the creature.  Though the creature stood nearly twice Cogdis' size, he did not falter.  The coati-man swung a fist again and Cogdis dodged beneath the blow to stab his spear into it's side, blood and bile leaking out.  He ripped it free to a shower of gore and continued to spin and weave and stab.  Soon the monster's hands were both cut open and Cogdis seemed to have won.  With a roar of bloody rage the coati-man ripped the weapon from Cogdis' paws and charged for him mouth down and open.  Cogdis pulled back a fist and punched it in the mouth, shattered teeth flying in every direction. 

Nix tossed Cogdis his spear, Cogdis caught it in a spin, and stabbed through the beast's head.  He stood, panting for breath for a moment, and then turned to the other kobolds.  “Coati man big.  Kobold stronger.”

The Unseen Spirits scattered to fight back the beasts as they swarmed in upon the camp.  Ever eager to prove herself, Cadbee came face to face with a caoti woman.  The monster screamed out a chittering challenge and charged at her.  She stood ready with her sword and buckler facing down the  beast.  She tried to duck as Cogdis had, but wasn't quite fast enough taking a punch to the stomach.  Cadbee gasps in pain but rights herself to shove the beast back with her shield.  It draws closer again and punches her in the face, blood beginning to fall from her lip.  Her vision blurred as she stumbled backwards.  The coati-man drew closer and she grit her teeth again the pain.  “Plasobler,” she murmered out.  “Plasobler, give Cadbee strength.”  She then pushed forward with all of her might the buckler hitting the open mouth of the coati-man.  With super-kobold strength she bashed the jaw backwards up into the skull, causing the monster to collapse.  She spit out a mouthful of blood and shook her head to run on to the next target.

Little Taz faced off against a coati man with his axe ready.  The bone was already red with the blood of the coati before him, but he couldn't quite seem to move fast enough to get a decisive hit.  He had, at least, managed to avoid getting injured himself, slicing at the coati-man's hands whenever they came too close.  He bared his teeth and snarled out, “Coati!  Stay!”  Cadbee pulled up behind the coati and kept it in place by harrying with her sword.  Then the two fell upon the beast and slashed it to bloody bits.

Corai moved with the squad of Blue, Nerev, and Nix hunting for coati.  “Low,” instructed Corai as he loped through the underbrush.  Suddenly there was the flicking sound of a bow and he turned with a scowl on his face.  “Blue!  No shoot!”  She pointed and he turned to see that her shot had gone accurately, hitting a coati hard enough in the arm to split the bone.  He gave a nod and called, “KILL!”  He, Nerev, and Nix sprinted forward to finish off the beast.  As this happened, Blue turned to keep giant crows from getting too close by providing air coverage.

With the slaughter done, the Spirits returned to the camp.  They were greeted with cheerful grinning kobolds lead by FeralTalon.  “FeralTalon!” barked Nix with a scowl on his face.  “FeralTalon no fight!  FeralTalon coward!”  There was a tense silence as the two warriors faced each other.  Then FeralTalon shook his head and corrected, “FeralTalon father.”  Two little pups were brought forward by Straw and placed in his arms.  “MonkeyHead have litter.  Two boy.  This Jrusislis.  Him Clockcluttered, take aaaall time.  This Kureechlus.  Look head fur all pointed!  Him Grizzlepeaked.”  The Spirits inspected the pups and the feast began.

While the Spirits had been gone, the merchant Cheechrider had arrived with his caravan and burned woods.  Though the camp knew of campfires, he could create dancing spirits in the flames.  Fortunes were told, gods were praised, and fine coati meat was eaten.  In the end, a bed and piles upon piles of arrows were traded for 2 blocks of copper, several stones, and an anvil for pounding out metal.  Best of all, the merchants had an iron chopper.  When Taz received it, he looked upon it with reverence and barked out, “Need more kill for axe!”

The festivities were well on their way and many kobolds had drifted off into Godruprus' drinking-sleep when the rattlesnake men and flying squirrel-women arrived.  No alarm was given and the camp was unready.  There were only two warriors who were not engaging in the revelry.

A small distance from the campfire, Cadbee and Nerev were training.  “Move feet,” instructed Nerev as his sword met Cadbee's strong enough to nearly take it from her hands.  “Move feet, take hit.  Need faster.”  Cadbee nodded at this and then reversed to swing her training sword at Nerev's head.  He brought his blade up just in time and caught her arm, flipping her onto the soft grass.  “Cadbee no strongest,” he explained.  “Need move.  Need quick.”

“But Cadbee no quick!” Cadbee complained as she got herself up to her feet.

“Cadbee learn,” responded Nerev with a smile and a pat on the head for the younger kobold.  He then paused, his ears twitching.  “Camp!  GO!”  The two ran back to find the kobolds in panic.  The warriors ran for weapons, the civilians ducked under chairs and tables, and the rattlesnakes and flying-squirrels tore through the camp, upending things and threatening the kobolds.  The two swordsbolds ran into the fight screaming at the tops of their lungs.

Cadbee came upon a rattlesnake woman first, stabbing it deftly in the hand and moving as Nerev had suggested.  She spun and twisted her blade, ripping it free in a spray of blackish blood.  When an arm came too close to her mouth, she sunk in teeth and wrestled the much larger best to the ground.  The larger beastwoman eventually got the better of her and pulled back her head to strike.  Cadbee screamed, swinging her sword as best as she could at the close quarters, but she was too late.  Blood sprayed and teeth flew as Nerev's bone-sword suddenly placed itself between Cadbee and the rattlesnake woman.  The snake pulled back, hissing and moving it's head rhythmically, but Nerev could not be taken, jabbing his sword into her stomach and ripping free the insides.

As Nerev was occupied with the rattlesnake woman, Cadbee turned to find a flying-squirrel woman bearing down on her.  She spun rapidly, jumped off a freshly cut stump, and kicked both feet into the squirrel's stomach.  With the beast down, she swung her sword in a downward arch ripping open it's chest.  Only a couple more stabs were necessary before it stopped bleeding and flailing.

Down to the south, Hugo was standing at the wall engraving.  His stone chipped away an image of kobolds as they danced and sang while in the darkness an evil force lurked waiting for them.  Waiting for the moment when they could be swallowed up.  He began to walk back towards the camp oblivious to the fighting that was going on.

Again, apologies for the crappy/few pictures.  Going to take more for the next season!  Currently there are still 4 squirrel people and 1 rattlesnake person left to fight.  What lies in store for Summer?

I'll be making a question answering/post answering reply later today as well as making sure that all entries and supplements are properly linked!  Then HOPEFULLY Summer will come on Tuesday.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 01:12:42 pm by CaptainKobold »


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #213 on: June 10, 2012, 01:21:02 pm »

Yay for Cadbee being useful! Here's hoping she doesn't die too soon although even if she does, I'm proud of her. Our bolds are doing really well, considering they're small and weak. Maybe they'll survive another year after all.
And then did ARMOK say, the east is the holiest of directions, and thou shouldst not stand there lest thou be strucketh down by my holiest of beards. And then did the dorfs did say, we shall build from the west, for more do we fear the beard of ARMOK than the strike of the elephant.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #214 on: June 10, 2012, 01:40:12 pm »

I'm thinking real hard to write something or other. Music perhaps?
And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and receive eternal life." But John came fifth and won a toaster.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #215 on: June 10, 2012, 02:06:20 pm »

Encyclopedia Mysterium by The Order Of Light
The Kobold God Thegendered, God of Rocks, Rolling and Rebellious Young Adults

A few hundred years after the Creation (P.14), the Kobold Gods Godrupus (God of Revelry and Song, P.542) and Chifothler (God of Longevity, P.548) were deeply in love. However, they were both female, and could not mate. They were deeply saddened by this, but Godrupus had a solution. Godrupus found a kobold hunter and seduced him. When she was pregnant, Chifothler gave a lock of her fur to the child in Godrupus's womb. Unlike ordinary kobolds, the Kobold Pantheon only give birth to one God at a time, if ever. When Godrupus finally gave birth, the child was named Thegendered. The great Divider (Cosmic force, related to Armok and Elven forces of nature, P.14) gave him the holy duty of rocks and rolling, and as usual, gave no hints as to how this would be accomplished.

Thegendered was unusual in that he disliked the traditional godlike "Wait and see" tactics favored by most pantheons, and preferred to get involved a lot more. This is why Thegendered has a very vivid description (An albino kobold, usually dressed in clashing colors, and covered in similarly colorful warpaint), unlike most gods, and why his worshipers are usually happy. Thegendered, however, is not well-liked by most pantheons, but most of the Kobold Gods enjoy his company. He has a very slight identity crisis due to the fact he does not know what his place in the world is, but that doesn't bother him, as far as we have judged from research. His holiday takes place on Obsidian 20th, and consists of getting drunk and doing inadvisable things.


Valk was certain he was dreaming. He felt like he was floating, but he was walking on fairly solid ground. He seemed to be in an endless, white room, with no visible ceiling or floor. This wasn't Tadlotlindrifrajer, that was for certain. He could see someone on the horizon, so he walked. He kept walking, and walking, until he was almost certain he wouldn't stop walking, but then he was almost right next to the person on the horizon without even noticing.

It was a white-furred kobold in a very silly outfit (A yellow full-body suit with red markings) sitting on the ground, noodling on a guitar. But, it was not the woody, normal sound of a guitar. It didn't even look like one, for it was metal and black. But the music the kobold was playing was remarkably familiar, despite Valk not even knowing the melody... It almost sounded like the sound of the universe...

The kobold looked at Valk. "Hey, man." The kobold said, smiling. "I'm Thegendered."

"... I'm a kobold."

"Yeah. Did I say you weren't?" Thegendered chuckled. "I heard your music, it's pretty cool."

"How'd you hear it?" Valk asked, confused. No-one was there when he was playing it, was there?

"Dude, I'm a god."

"Wait, you are THE Thegendered?"

"You are stating the obvious today, just flow with it." Thegendered stopped, and started adjusting the tuning of the guitar. "Damn, sorry. Bet the big guy up there ain't gonna be happy when his music just stops, is he? Heh..."

"Big guy?"

"He calls himself Captain Kobold." Thegendered looks at Valk. "Uh, don't mention that to anyone, could ya? It's not really meant to be like, prime knowledge, get what I mean? So, yeah, just keep it under your hat."

"Um, alright." Valk scratched the back of his head. "Listen, what did you need me to do?"

"Your music rocks, but your guitar doesn't. You need a better guitar, man. That acoustic sound? Doesn't match your lyrics. We... Well, you kobolds need proper music like yours to get behind. Elves have those prissy love songs, goblins have war chants, dwarves have those bar chants, humans have lutes and 'I'm a noble, I gave my heart to another noble and then she stamped on it' songs... Kobolds don't have much. So, yeah. You can borrow one of my guitars, give you a blessing or two, then you can just... rock out."

"Do I have to pause a lot and go 'dude' for these blessings?" Valk asked, somewhat out of line.

"Heh, nah, man. It's cool. I'll just make your singing skills from awesome, to like... beyond awesome."

"That won't hurt, will it?"

"I just did it. Sorry for not telling you, but yeah, that's how much it hurt." Thegendered smiled again at Valk. "Do you want your guitar, then?"

"... Sure." Valk was very sure that this was a dream, and a very strange dream at that. He'd have to tell Lobster about such a strange dream.

Thegendered pointed to a red, metal guitar hanging on nothing. Valk fell in love almost instantly. It's curves, it's strings, it's jagged edges... He could play one hell of a tune on that thing. He quickly ran over and took it. Then everything was fading out, except Thegendered's cosmic noodling...

"See ya, man..." Was the last thing Valk heard from the God of Rocks and Rolling before he awoke in his bed.

Valk was happily sure that it was a dream, and that his wife Lobster would find the dream very interesting, and that he would promptly forget it forever and ever and keep going on with his life. He was happy in his bubble, until it burst when he saw on the table a crimson red, metal guitar in place of Valk's handcrafted one.

His palm met his face, and he was sure that his life was going to get a lot stranger from here on out, but he was going to have to play that thing in front of a group of kobolds, no matter what he was planning. That thing deserved to be played.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #216 on: June 10, 2012, 03:09:33 pm »

And here I was thinking it was us doing the dyng!


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #217 on: June 11, 2012, 12:00:31 am »

@Lobster, Hopefully Lobster gets some pups too!  I want this camp crawlin' with the little guys!

@Aseaheru, I'm not planning on getting a stone industry going really.  As it currently stands, kobolds are not strong enough to dig through stone.  Theoretically this can be changed mid-game, which I may do if we find that the challenges that above-ground hunting offer are too weak.  That likely shouldn't be a problem though.

@Cadbee, I told you she had some use in her!  Yeah, Cadbee suddenly went from being totally useless in combat to kicking ass against this latest threat.  Hopefully she can keep it up!

@AustralianWinter, Music is cool as are stories, missing scenes, journals, or whatever!

@Fniff, If only gods could be added into pantheons mid-way. 

@Splint, Yeah, I may have mislead you guys in the IRC in order to keep the drama present.  I've got some bad feelings about this summer, but I'm not going to start the actual season until tomorrow.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #218 on: June 11, 2012, 02:03:02 am »

so my bold a dad is he, sweet that means i is the first doesnt it?


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #219 on: June 11, 2012, 09:01:56 am »

My kobold had the first litter of 8.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #220 on: June 11, 2012, 09:59:42 am »

Yup!  Splinter and Cogdis had the first litter (8 pups!) and Monkeyhead and FeralTalon had the second (2 pups!).  That brings us to 10 pups on top of the 17 adults.  Obviously having this many pups brings about it's own little challenges because they are mouths to feed that produce nothing.  We may soon need to start some kind of farming program though I've not checked recently to see what kind of seeds we might have.  Of course, in 2 years (if we make it that long) we will suddenly have 10 newly productive members of the society!  Kobold maturation time is always exciting because it's practically a migrant wave.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #221 on: June 11, 2012, 10:05:11 am »

...Why do I have a feeling Nix didn't actually do much, and you only added him in for flavor?

But still, that was nice of you.   
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #222 on: June 11, 2012, 10:13:45 am »

Nix for some reason didn't end up in a whole lot of action despite there being quite a bit of fighting.  He was very helpful in taking down the coati he was involved in, but that combat was kind of a boring one.  Just LOTS of thwacking.  I can tell you that at the end of Spring, Nix is in combat with a rattlesnake man.  There are four other kobolds involved in that fight as well and I'm rooting for one of the ones who hasn't gotten a kill yet to get one.  Then there's still the small army of flying-squirrel girls.

Also, I always make an effort to include the kobolds belonging to people that I know are reading based upon the fact that they are posting.  Obviously anytime a significant event happens to a kobold I'm also going to document it, but part of the community thing that I love is being able to weave the stories with all of you!


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #223 on: June 11, 2012, 10:14:45 am »

And we all certainly appreciate your effort, don't we fellas? 
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Tadlotlindrirajer: Community Kobold Camp: Claim a Kobold Pup!
« Reply #224 on: June 11, 2012, 02:32:10 pm »

Im still trying to figure out how Corai's diary entries will be like. >.>
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute
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