I think I have an answer...
The halfway point between "robots" (artificial, programmable, mechanoids, to me) and "hew-mans" is either an android, or cybernetic... though androids would not necessarily need to be cybernetic, and androids are "replications" of human biological and mental systems.
Anyway, Humans, could be artificial, but we are sufficiently self programming and unpredictable for myself personally to define them as robots, that does not exclude possible engineering, or some form of 'control' like wiring the brain, or some such. Which once done, after the fact, might possibly = robot. But we are un-likely to be Caprica Sixes, however there might be Caprica Sixes amongst us. While one might define robots as preprogrammed, one might create a new term for self programmed and evolving devices, which may be artificial.
Also cool link Fenrir, I like how they explain the dilemma of "definition". Realistically it boils down more to perspective and the authority of the definition. I would go with Susan's definition, because she out ranks the blegg/rube sorter and defined the original parameters. It is the most computationally and logically sound approach. Unless of course I was to rebel and overthrow all blegg classifications and impose my authority in that area
In which case my perspective would become authoritative. But why bother? As long as you get payed for sorting the bleggs and rubes? Rebelling or changing the definition requires more autonomy then pure logic might allow in a proper sorting algorithm.
Which begs the question, is the universe logical? One could argue at its basic level because "we can parse information logically" it must be. But can you use logic to parse white noise from a signal into meaningful data? I would say yes, its possible to devise a logical algorithm to parse white noise. But how do you know if the noise was or was not logical to begin with. I think its moot if the algorithm can handle a significantly varied set of data and produce reliable results. So it very well may be that "our" universe is logical, but there is an underlying universe, that is outside our realm of logically understanding.
NVM - ya'll have fun with information overload:
http://science.slashdot.org/story/12/04/24/2031211/quantum-experiment-shows-effect-before-causehttp://arstechnica.com/science/2012/04/decision-to-entangle-effects-results-of-measurements-taken-beforehand/http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphys2294.htmlThere is serious implications from this, and the fact that while information cannot be decoded instantaneously, there have been many experiments now were it "travels" or "translates" or "entangles" instantaneously. (no don't give me the crap, I'm not talking about a working ansible, but the fact that quantum entanglement is not limited by relativity, only the TESTING of it via photons).
The quantum wave form is really cool, and you can get into some really trippy, metaphysical or philosophical debates with people like David Icke over that one =P
I'm in favor of the quantum wave, it would take allot to convince me otherwise. So please don't get upset if I don't feel like responding to arguments otherwise.