A couple of days ago, they've made some significant updates.
- The game now uses BattleEye. I'm not sure if this is good or bad.
- Numerous new base buildings, Light Vehicle/Aircraft Terminals: LVT spawns non-MBT vehicles, LAT spawns ESFs and Valks, both cost both Nanites and Cortium. Elysium Spawn Tube: Allows spawning without parking a Sunderer there. It costs Cortium per spawn, so a Sunderer may still be a good idea. Ammo Dispenser: Reloads nearby vehicles' ammo, and yes, Cortium per reload. Pillbox: A smaller bunker? Large Vehicle Gate: No more gaps in walls to allow ANTs through I guess. Alarm Module: Alerts the base owner and their squad when any enemy approaches or attacks a structure within 100m of the module. And lastly, the Glaive Ionized Particle Cannon: Yes,
artillery. Not sure what it means by "disrupts shielding systems", probably Sunderer shields, but it says it does little damage to players and vehicles. It is also unmanned and requires the AI module near it.
- Cash-shop unlocks for base buildings is now unlocked for all characters on an account(like NS weapons for characters). If the same module was cash-shopped for multiple characters, DayBreak Cash will(eventually) be refunded.
- Cash-shop instant purchases(instead of Cortium) for base buildings removed, replaced with purchase via certs.
- Numerous weapon changes, including significant buffs to Vanu and NC vehicle weapons. Little is mentioned for the TR, except the Gatekeeper, which has an accelerating projectile(starts slow, goes faster) but no more recoil.
- Valkyrie gets buffs. Squad Logistics is now inherent, certs refunded. Gunner seats have 360° swivel.
- New Nanite Systems weapons lines are being introduced, starting with the Naginata LMG. I can't tell for certain, but they sound like they will need Nanites to equip
[CITATION NEEDED]. A new directive line for NS weapons is added as well.
- Bonuses for winning a continent now persist until the continent is claimed by someone else(meaning the bonuses stay after the continent unlocks).
- You can respawn directly into a vehicle if respawning at a base where the vehicle terminal is intact and the base fully owned. It uses your "first loadout", which most likely can be changed in the vehicle screen while waiting to respawn.
- Several bug fixes and changes. Bounties can be placed on your killer with both DBC and certs. Fixed Q-Spotting through walls(damn, I was relying on that