I get inordinately pleased with AA. A proper AA rocket launcher will probably be my next investment for when I don't want to/can't afford my AA MAX.
The only major problem with the game right now, as I see it, is the disproportionate strength of armor against infantry. AA options evened the playing field a lot with Infantry versus Air (Though I wouldn't mind seeing the option for a Heavy to carry a single burster), but Infantry versus Armor needs something similar to the burster for Anti-Armor (That the Heavy can also carry). Rockets are just too slow to be effective against armor, and that's all infantry have for ranged engagements with armor.
You're forgetting about MAX AV weapons, lock-on launchers, the engi AV turret, mines, and C4.
Infantry have plenty of options against armor. They have more options against armor than armor does against infantry.
Yes, but armor is hardly helpless against infantry if it happens to have a particular build. Whether a tank has AI, AV, or AA, it's going to tear through Infantry with abandon. How much abandon depends on the exact situation, but you'll very rarely see a tank helpless against infantry just because it has a particular turret.
MAX AV weapons are typically rockets or slow moving projectiles, and all of them but the VS varients have a ton of drop. The only exception that are effective are the Ravens and the TR MAX lock-ons, but those cost 2000 certs to unlock both arms. Hardly something every infantryman will have. The VS MAX have the most effective long-range AV weapons among all the MAXes (And AI weapons, for that matter...), with the Vortex and Comet being actual projectiles instead of rockets.
C4 is useful mainly against small groups of tanks that don't have any radar or are too focused to check for people sneaking up on them. The larger the group gets, the higher your chances of getting caught are. You have to be right on top of the tank in order to use it, so it's hardly a viable long-range option (Which is mostly what I'm talking about). Since this is the only AV weapon for Light Assault and Medics, it makes their AV options extremely limited. Tank mines have the same limitations of C4, but are more "fire, forget, and hope something drives over it". It can be used like C4 against stationary targets, but it utility is very limited. C4 is more useful against MAXes and infantry than it is against vehicles.
Engineers have guided rockets that are very viable at the cost of 1000 certs, and heavies have lock-on launchers, but again, both of those are slow moving, with the additional warning for vehicles that have a lock-on. Any vehicle that sees it coming and has enough cover can easily avoid it.
And I meant something for infantry with an effective range and speed similar to the Burster. I just want a fast projectile weapon similar to the Burster, except with armor piercing. It should have the ability to a harasser similar to the Burster's ability to kill a fighter jet (Two non-extended clips of continuous hits) and similar accuracy, but without the near-hit flak damage that Bursters get. Nothing special, but powerful enough to make infantry more effective against armor that's more than a few feet away. These will be given to MAXes for both arms, and if they ever decide to let Heavies hold a single Burster Heavy Infantry would be able to use one.
Additionally, a new ammunition type "Armor Piercing" should be introduced, which is little more than a tool for harassing armor and making combat against lightly armored vehicles with small arms more viable. This will give
all infantry something to hit armor with if they find themselves unable or unwilling to switch to a dedicated AV class (Like the Heavy). Its downside is that it is significantly weaker against infantry and doesn't do a whole lot of damage to armored vehicles.