Oh, no. If you want to talk about anything feeling like cheating, talk about TR. I main VS and my primary alt is NC, but recently I made a TR alt. It's absolutely obscene how easy it is to get kills, even with default gear. W+M1 will win 75% of close-range fights, and if you actually bother to play smart, it's incredibly easy to do really, really well.
I mean, I've always sucked with NC, and it took a good investment of time and certs+SC into VS before I started doing well, and even then I tend to prefer guerrilla tactics and cheese; my most-played infantry types are LA, UBL spam-centric engineer, and infiltraitor, either for long-range sniping or with my suppressed Artemis. TR, though, just pick any random class, find a fight, and start spraying bullets. >.>
I'll be frank, the lack of bullet drop on non-sniper weapons is not equivalent to TR RoF (neither is the NC damage bonus, IMO). Non-sniper bullet drop is largely irrelevant for VS because: a) few infantry engagements occur at >50-60m, and those that do almost never result in kills, even when the draw distance isn't fucking you; b) VS non-sniper weapons don't have the single-shot damage to reliably kill people at range, even if you land 4+ shots from a battle rifle or scout rifle; c) bullet drop doesn't matter at all in CQC, which is where most infantry fights occur (<15m). No bullet drop for sniper weapons would be horrendously OP and is obviously not an option. A better one would be to have no recoil, which is more in line with the level of advantage of TR RoF, and which fits the fluff equally well. Add a slight buff to NC small arms damage and we might actually be approaching a Starcraft style of "different but equal" balance. NC have high-damage, low-accuracy, medium-RoF guns; VS have low-damage, high-accuracy, medium-RoF guns; TR have low-damage, medium-accuracy, high-RoF guns; and they all work out to roughly equivalent TTK without just being carbon copies of each other.
Pretty much the only case where bullet drop matters at all for non-sniper weapons is in the rare case where you're trying to pick off a lone infantryman in open terrain with single-shot fire at a range around ~75m. Since auto and burst fire will fuck your aim with recoil, your only option is to fire semi-auto, and in that situation VS has an advantage because they can place those shots on target easier than TR or NC. As opposed to RoF or damage, both of which are excellent in the most common form of PS2 infantry combat: CQC clusterfucks.
Oh, and nerf the fucking ZOE and give us our MAX jumpjets instead.
On an unrelated note, I'm actually quite pleased with how the AA situation has worked out, both as a dedicated Scythe pilot and as an AA specialist. It's become easy to rack up absurd amounts of exp with a Skyguard, bursterMAX, or AA launcher simply by preying on stupid pilots. As a pilot, it's still possible to run rampant over ground forces if they don't pull AA, and if they do it can usually be avoided if you're careful, though you can't attack with impunity like you used to. Air's awesome against anyone without AA, terrible when assaulting places with heavy AA (typically limiting you to max-speed runs where you drop your rockets and hit the afterburner as you zoom away low and fast). I think it's a sign that on some level SOE is capable of effective balance, even if it takes bloody forever for them to do it.
The only think i would like to have from vanu is hteir faction specific rocket launcher.
This thing is just hilarious since its almost hitscan and gives NO warning to the pilot removing on of their no.1 defense consisting of flares.
I predict the lancer will become ridiculously OP once the ESF patch hits and nerfs lockons to obvilion.
Have you ever used it? It takes upwards of 5 seconds to fully charge a burst, IIRC takes two full bursts at minimum to kill an ESF, and leaves a glaringly obvious tracer for a couple seconds. Certainly much less powerful than flak or lockons fired from beyond render distance; it's only really great against idiots that fly slow, low, and stick around after taking damage. Also, unlike flak, it can be avoided by moving out of its effective range. Unlike missiles, it can be avoided by breaking line of sight. It's a good weapon, but only within a certain situation. That situation being against a stupid pilot/with several people using them in coordination, and if you fly into a coordinated AA nest you're fucked regardless of what they're using. TBH after testing and watching reviews of it, I'm probably going to pass over it and stick with my Bursters and Skyguard when I can, AA launcher when I can't.