Can't really comment on many of these changes till I've played around given how many are minor tweaks and QOL changes, but a few things that I just have to mention.
Firstly, the greatest buff ever;
Short Reload: 2.6 to 2.595 seconds
The tank changes are worrying as a Heavy Assault player. On the other hand it makes me want to dump some more certs into my Vanguard/Lightning. AP Vanguard with Enforcer was already a great tank killer and it just became more valuable after these changes. And the Lightning just became an even greater threat against infantry. It also pushes me even more strongly towards the Dalton for the Liberator, given the Zepher is even worse against armour now.
UBGL resupply being cut down to once every 4 seconds... OK. I'll admit I abused the hell out of this. It was just obscene when one side was being camped in a biolab, no matter which side you happened to be on. I haven't checked but I think the reload time was around 3 seconds. You still have the same initial/mobile engagement ability, just can't hole up in a fixed position and spam quite as quickly. I'm fine with this and actually think I might have pushed it to 5 seconds. Nice to see a minor buff to the Gauss Compact S to compensate.
The similar change for rocket launchers doesn't worry me that much. Being able to constantly spam rockets as fast as you can reload was rare, and more rarely actually effective. And in many cases I'd rather resupply from a terminal to skip the reload time altogether.
The MAX armour buffs seem significant and, again as a HA, worrying. High level MAXes are going to be even more of a pain in the arse to take down now.
As far as the mine changes, I doubt it will make them as useless as claymores and I still die to those occasionally. Worse, I still see people running into the most blatant claymore traps on the planet. One had a brick of C4 sitting on top of a tank mine with a claymore next to them. You couldn't make a more obvious explosive trap short of surrounding it with grenade icons. And a friendly infiltrator still ran straight into it.