AirHammer has too few rounds in the magazine to be terribly good against infantry. It's hard to hit them up close with it, and farther away it spreads it's pellets. Up close it's a one shot kill maybe, but you can't snipe or lay down suppressive fire from 300 meters in the air like the stock gun. I'd say the stock gun (with some levels of zoom certed) is better versus infantry in a number of situations, but the AH is better against vehicles in some situations as it takes less time to empty the magazine and start dodging. AH is a good gun of course, but it requires it to be used a risky way for it to be so. I have yet to compare it to the TR and VS versions in VR training so I can't say whether they have the short end of the stick or not on that. Airhammer is good in my opinion because it's very versatile as long as your target is close to you.
What I'd like to see is a variant of the AH that does less damage per shot, but be a fully automatic and shotgun with like 50 rounds and possibly have it not damage armor. Also it would be cool if it fired more pellets that do smaller damage individually so as to minimize the effect pellet spread has on whether or not you get enough hits before reload. Sort of like a series of big clouds of BBs with enough spread and pellets to blanket a spot and make infantry not want to be there until I have to reload or maneuver away. Sort of like rocket pods but weaker and over a longer period of time.
EDIT: Also I've noted a lot of people saying they have latency or 'internet lag' issues. If a redditor, SA user or other powerful community inhabitant would care to spread the word to their respective communities, tell them to search google for: windows 7 latency registry
The first result should lead them to this:'ve not had any as much problem with 'server lag' as detailed by the people /yelling about it, and I have to wonder if perhaps that tweak has something to do with it and I would appreciate it if more science is done on the issue. I still have some server lag, but it's somewhat minor and does not cause me any great difficulty; most troublesomely involving having to hold the medic beam on a target for longer than I should before the corpse wiggles to notify the reviver that it has been successful. I fully expect this though since it's double experience weekend. I imagine it will be easier to test after the event is over as it will be a more normal user load on SOE's end.