Oh and in CQC it seems to me that RoF is king.
This is sort of what I'm talking about, Vanu guns have the highest RoF, and manage to keep a lot of that at distance. Not all of it, but so much more than the other teams.
No. They don't. Top 4 all have the same RoF, 2/4 are TR. 5 in the top ten (which also happens to be the next cutoff for weapons with equal RoF) are TR, 3 are VS. Next cutoff is at 19, and TR have 12, while VS has 6. Yes, they have a higher RoF than NC weapons in general, but NC have a consistently higher damage/bullet.
Thank you, Mini. I was hoping that I wouldn't need to be the one to call out blatant misinformation. If your case for VS being OP is so strong, why are lies necessary? It's not even a particularly good one, seeing as how just about every resource related to the game mentions RoF as being the TR strongpoint.
I'm honestly not entirely sure why that is. The lack of bullet drop doesn't matter for most infantry classes, given the distances involved for TR or NC to need to adjust a noticeable amount. Again, speaking as someone who plays both VS and NC: Yes, VS are a bit more accurate? Does that equate to autoheadshotting with a carbine from 200 meters? HELL NO. There's also the aspect that people always seem to conveniently forget: VS rounds have damage dropoff at range. We're a bit more likely to hit, but our shots do piddly damage at long range. As for CQC, I honestly can't think of a single time I've won a straight-up fight (no surprises or trickery involved, no prior damage, no big difference like LA v. HA) with a TR, nothing involved but our guns. NC usually comes down to whether or not they flip out and go full auto.
While it's true that VS have damage dropoff at range, it's worth pointing out that so does everyone else. In fact, VS damage dropoff is less steep than the other factions' but has a slightly lower minimum value. Just look at the spreadsheet Mini linked above:
Let's take the carbines as an example. All carbines do maximum damage (200, 167 or 143) out to 10 metres and then the damage starts do go down. TR carbines reach minimum damage (112) at 65 metres, and NC carbines reach minimum damage (143, 125 or 112) at 65, 75 or 85 metres depending on the gun. VS carbines, however, reach their minimum damage (112 or 100) at 115 metres.
In other words, there's a ~50 meter range (between 65-75 and 115 metres) where VS carbines always do more damage than other carbines, with the exception of the NC long range carbine where the range is 85-100 metres. The same applies for AR's and LMG's, even the ranges in many cases.
The minimum damage difference between VS and TR guns is also only 12 damage, or roughly 1% of an infantryman's health. I'd hardly call the VS damage "piddly", especially considering they do more damage in a certain range. NC can get up to 143 minimum damage with the specialised long-range carbine, but usually has 125 damage minimum (or 112 with one carbine) but that's still only 2.5% of an infantryman's health.
The VS battle rifle has a longer effective range (125m, rather than 90m); it also does substantially less damage than NC or TR at that range (167 at max range vs. 200 for the others) and does equal damage at everything before that extra chunk of range. The same is true for most of the other weapons. VS has a slightly longer arm, but the extra range doesn't matter very much when a) you're going to have difficulty hitting targets with anything but a sniper rifle, even firing single shots, at more than 100 meters out, even discounting lag, low FPS, and rendering bugs; and b) when you do hit, you're going to be doing very little damage, relatively speaking.
Unless you're seriously suggesting that all VS players can fire off four or five headshots in a row at 125m, with perfect accuracy, on a sprinting target, without aimbots. If that's what you're suggesting,
I kindly suggest you get some station cash and purchase yourself a reality check. The extra range with further reduced damage is a harassment tool. You might occasionally manage to pick up an assist, and a dozen people all firing long range shots at the same target (who is also in a wide open space with no cover and not moving very fast) might get a kill, but that's about it. And that's coming from a main-line Vanu player, I should bloody well know what I'm talking about. If I could pick off targets easily with no fear of repercussions I wouldn't be discussing it here, I would be in-game scooping up all that tasty effortless exp.