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How many outfits are we going to have (in the name of Science)?

1: NC
2: NC and TR
3: NC, TR and Vanu

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Author Topic: Planetside 2: Free-to-Play MMOFPS. 2000 players/server.  (Read 1122926 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2190 on: August 31, 2012, 07:20:31 pm »

How to be a Dick in Planetside 2: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Be Light Assault, have C4.
2. Find yourself one of those small bases that have a single cap point at the bottom of a radio mast. The radio mast has two circular ledges, you can cap the point while standing/crouching on the lower one. Do so.
3. Place C4 next to the cap point, then work your way up the mast to the second ledge (where the truss section begins). Wait there crouched until a lone enemy arrives on his quad or in a fighter, thinking to get himself some easy XP for a quick unopposed cap. 99% of the time he won't notice you on the mast.
4. When you see the cap point indicator flashing, detonate the C4.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2191 on: September 01, 2012, 03:42:38 am »

TotalBiscuit just posted a video of organized play done the old Enclave outfit at PAX.

They just curb-stomp a base with no vehicle support.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2192 on: September 01, 2012, 04:25:13 am »

I'm on West 3, as NC. Vanu are fielding massive scythe (fighter) wings now that their Air-to-air missiles are working. !!Fun!! :P

Also, I landed a reaver on top of one of the warpgate spires, and got it to stay:

(PS2 normally has FXAA on, but I have it disabled on the NVidia control panel, which means if you notice any pixelation, that's why.)

The white orb is actually the sun. It hadn't quite gotten high enough to get above most of the atmosphere and start appear very glowy yet (as it started looking sun-like a few minutes later).

Daytime, same place, 20 minutes or so later:
<Dakkan> There are human laws, and then there are laws of physics. I don't bike in the city because of the second.
Dwarf Fortress Map Archive


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2193 on: September 02, 2012, 03:17:39 am »

Havn't played this much and damn i don't remember the certs coming in so slowly... Or dying so goddamn much. Probably because US West 02 was nothing for Vanu population at the time i played yesterday and couldn't get a group, and those damn crappy VTOL aircraft (aka all of them) being so insane and "wonky wazzle woo- BAM! INTO THE FUCKING CLIFF FACE!" to handle in a dogfight.
At least the trooper and tank fights are good when you're the right class against the right class, or get lucky and fight someone who's half dead anyways. Still saddened that the developers decided to "streamline" the inventory system into a class system. Read: By streamline i mean remove, because damn do i miss looting corpses.
And that i have to cert the same customisations like 'laser sight' on every gun, as if it weren't interchangeable. ::)

... But at least it ain't a shooter that makes you miss shots that have clearly hit the target, and actually gives you the ability to do headshots. *COUGH* FACE OF MANKIND *COUGH*
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 03:19:36 am by Mechanoid »
Quote from: Max White
"Have all the steel you want!", says Toady, "It won't save your ass this time!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2194 on: September 02, 2012, 04:33:58 am »

... But at least it ain't a shooter that makes you miss shots that have clearly hit the target, and actually gives you the ability to do headshots. *COUGH* FACE OF MANKIND *COUGH*

I don't like headshots. The game encourages you to aim for the head, whereas every single armed force on the planet will teach its recruits to aim at the center of mass. Yes, it's just a game, but it does encourage using real tactics. You have to work in a group, lone wolfing won't get you far, combined arms operations are more effective, you have to use cover, covering fire, etc. Yet it rewards you for aiming in completely the wrong way. I find that oddly inconsistent.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2195 on: September 02, 2012, 06:00:19 am »

... But at least it ain't a shooter that makes you miss shots that have clearly hit the target, and actually gives you the ability to do headshots. *COUGH* FACE OF MANKIND *COUGH*

I don't like headshots. The game encourages you to aim for the head, whereas every single armed force on the planet will teach its recruits to aim at the center of mass. Yes, it's just a game, but it does encourage using real tactics. You have to work in a group, lone wolfing won't get you far, combined arms operations are more effective, you have to use cover, covering fire, etc. Yet it rewards you for aiming in completely the wrong way. I find that oddly inconsistent.
Higher gun spread and greater kick would solve these problems. If hitting the head is going to do bonus damage then at least they can make it hard to hit even if you would use aimbots or the like.
Quote from: a Swedish electronics teacher
In Sweden, digital electronics is considered unteachable. That is why you are not being taught about it.
Most attempts of sesquipedalian loquaciousness on the internet will most likely end up in egregious delusions of eloquence. Finagle's law commands it!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2196 on: September 02, 2012, 07:16:06 am »

Gun spread is bad enough as is. It's also sci-fi... none of the armed forces on the planet have to deal with soldiers who have personal recharging shields or can aim as they're currently being pelted by bullets.

Personally wouldn't mind seeing you lose aiming capability for a split second if you're in the process of being shot. Otherwise, probably fine as is.

The head is decently hard to hit unless you're using a sniper rifle and decently close and they're standing still though. Maneuver is still almost always the best option. Get into a position to surprise them rather than try to duke it out face to face unless you know that won't work for you. (You're in a MAX or they're Light Assault and you're not.)

I happened to be in a relatively epic fight last night before bed. I was TR on West 02 and we were as far up as Dahaka(sp?) before we got held back by concentrated NC defense(and a bit of VS just being dicks because they didn't have any territory anywhere nearby.) We took Coramed labs, got it spawning people, I was flying a gal and move a bit north, took another surrounding base and finally moved down west of Dahaka and took one of the gateway bases. The gal didn't survive too long, but it was long enough to spawn about a dozen troops there and give us a strong push. Unfortunately a couple of tanks and some max suits stopped the push. Air cover was terrible and they had a lot of turrets nearby so we couldn't get any ourselves. We held that base for nearly an hour, defending from galaxy drops to the north and west, having to retake coramed labs numerous times. Vehicles crossing the bridge and climbing up the valley wall all attacked us including a convoy of sunderers. We finally lost both that base and Coramed when a serious push of at least half a dozen maxes and a dozen other ground troops swarmed over us. We didn't win, but it was a good fight and definitely the largest scale fight I've done so far. The AA streaming overhead. The occasional fighter swooping over at rooftop level.

My computer stuttered a bit, but not as bad as expected and except for getting a few nice rocket shots on the tanks and maxes, and one really silly lucky rocket against a light assault that landed right in front of me just as I fired, I wasn't able to do much other than run around, spraying bullets in a general direction and capping bases. Tried medic for a short time but found I was a constant target of snipers and since we were fighting in and around spawn points, nobody really needed reviving.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2197 on: September 02, 2012, 07:18:58 am »

Headshots are harder to pull off, so they should be rewarded, I guess... I do not like higher gunspread, as it makes shooting even more luck-based.

Awesome shit: I saw a pro in a scythe. Man, he made that thing dance. The front grip is worth the certs, C4 is less impressive.
Less awesome: killstreak (6) cut short because I ran out of ammo  ::), at least in PS1 you could get ammo from dead opponents. Right now the light assault is a better infiltrator than an infiltrator, staying alive behind enemy lines by flying around is awesome.

I've also finally got 12500 Aur, but do I get the A2A or A2G rocket pods? Or drop flying altogether and buy something else? Choices...

This one thread is mine. MIIIIINE!!! And it will remain a happy, friendly, encouraging place, whether you lot like it or not. 
will rena,eme sique to sique sxds-- siquo if sucessufil
(cant spel siqou a. every speling looks wroing (hate this))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2198 on: September 02, 2012, 07:36:13 am »

Im still having terrible (to 1fps not 20 like whiners on ps2 forum) in bigger fights, while easily having 40+ in small ones. Its making most fun part of the game unplayable for me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2199 on: September 02, 2012, 07:38:43 am »

C4 is less impressive.
I beg to differ, C4 is fantastic for taking out max units. Shoot a max to get its attention, back off behind a corner, plant C4 on the corner, back off a bit more, blow the max up as it comes around the corner.
Also fantastic for setting booby traps on cap points. Plant C4 on cap point, push the button when you see the icon flashing.

Right now the light assault is a better infiltrator than an infiltrator, staying alive behind enemy lines by flying around is awesome.
Indeed. I initially thought I'd play inf but I've quickly zeroed in on LA as my favorite class instead. The ability to get onto higher ground to unusual vantage points that the enemy isn't expecting gives you a massive advantage. The only thing bothering me is the wimpy carbine. Even medics get better guns.
You can't really infiltrate as an inf yet. The class is currently set up as a long range sniper, the certs and equpiment to make it an actual infiltrator aren't available yet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2200 on: September 02, 2012, 09:27:44 am »

Medics get, arguably, the best guns... The carbines are great for indoor and short range work but have relatively accurate single shot capability, the heavy assault LMGs are really only spray and pray. Pretty inaccurate at anything but point blank distances and cant switch to single shot. Medics, however, get a traditional assault rifle.(Only class that does.) Which is both accurate and somewhat powerful. I do think the class system needs to be worked on... or at least give other classes the options to switch their weapons out for others, perhaps at the expense of slots... I wouldn't mind carrying a LMG as a engineer if I couldn't put down a turret... or an assault rifle as a medic if I had to give up grenades or something. Sniper rifles limited to infiltrators still seems really odd to me as well... I know some Light assaults that would love to get their hands on those.

Pistols also seem really underused... part of me feels like there should be a benefit to using them at close range... faster turn speed or run speed or something... apparently you can strafe just a tiny bit faster if you're holding a smaller weapon like a pistol, but if it's there, I can only just barely tell it and if it's not, it might just be my imagination.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2201 on: September 02, 2012, 10:05:08 am »

Yeah, the pistol really bothers me too. It's completely useless, there's no reason to ever use it apart from running out of ammo for your primary gun. In which case it's better to fall back and resupply anyway, because fighting with a pistol will only get you killed. And you can't even kill yourself with it. I suppose that could be a potential use for it. If you run out of ammo for your main gun and can't fall back to resupply, you blow your brains out with the pistol. There's no point continuing to fight, if you're cut off and having to resort to using the pistol it's pretty much game over by that point anyway.
Instead of one wimpy carbine and one totally useless sidearm, I'd be very very happy to have just the assault rifle on my LA as my only weapon. Alas...

Also, you're right about the weirdness of sniper rifles, though IMO it's not so much a case of LA wanting to use a sniper rifle. More like the inf wanting to have a jetpack. I'm really baffled by the fact that infs don't have them, what's the point of being a long range sniper if you can't get to those elevated positions that are best suited for sniping? You have to climb up ledges and such. Relocating to a new spot is so laborious and awkward that by the time you get there the fight has moved on again. Or a LA sees you climbing, jets up there in three seconds, and pumps you full of lead.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 10:08:02 am by Sordid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2202 on: September 02, 2012, 10:08:45 am »

Im still having terrible (to 1fps not 20 like whiners on ps2 forum) in bigger fights, while easily having 40+ in small ones. Its making most fun part of the game unplayable for me.

Did you try and set all of your graphics options on low?
Also known as the Knowlagable, the Forgetful, and/or the Ignored

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2203 on: September 02, 2012, 10:57:05 am »

Did you try and set all of your graphics options on low?
I tried even 0.1 rendering quality and 100m distance, performance is nearly the same as max (and at max it doesnt even get to 60% gpu load).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Planetside 2: Upcoming MMOFPS. 2000 players/server. Beta is beta folks.
« Reply #2204 on: September 02, 2012, 11:09:28 am »

Did you try reinstalling?

(i dont have the beta, but thats a thing that can be applied to nearly every game)

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