I still don't see "population caps to prevent a single faction from gaining 35%+ population on server and/or continent". Until that's in there somewhere, this game won't be worth playing.
Just because you're outnumbered doesn't mean that the game isn't worth playing. You can still have a lot of fun and, if you have competent teammates, even win while outnumbered (and with so many bases to fight for there will be some where you have more men). And if you go on during rushhour, the teams will usually balance out.
Eh, I suppose. Let me put it another way. If population balance was the only problem, it would in and of itself not make the game not worth playing. Sadly, it's only one of many problems. Having measures to enforce population balance would offset all the other stupid bullshit enough to make the game worth playing. Not good per se, mind you, merely tolerable. But you know what? Between alerts being won because a faction had 50% server pop, all the various broken gameplay mechanics, such as utterly idiotic vehicle physics, super-narrow FOV while in vehicles, stark differences in infiltrator visibility due to graphics settings, scopes that lie to you about where your gun is pointing, shitty base design that makes every fight consist of 30 seconds of fighting and five minutes of spawn camping, completely retarded aircraft controls, endless bugs (such as the latest one, where using VR breaks your game), constant framerate hitches, laggy UI, rampant cheating, and SOE pulling shit like
this... I'm sorry, this game is a piece of shit. I've grown completely fed up with it and SOE's bullshit. The old saying goes "you get what you pay for". Well, this game is free and the quality is proportional to the price. Which is a real fucking bummer, because it's the only first person shooter I ever really looked forward to, and out of all the ones I played, I played this one by far the longest, hoping against hope that it'd get better. Now I'm sad.