If I ever think Goon platoons are being led somewhere for a Goku certfarm again, I'm going to start warning the pubbies in /os and start my own platoon. Just so any cheeky Goku fellows know. That shit wasn't legit today. Either tell SoE to do server transfers so you can have purple GOON on another server and blue GOON on Mattherson; or play NC only (or VS if you like the bandwagon). If the issue is that pubbies are in Goon, then kill the outfit, kill Goku, and I'll recruit all the players on the NC side into DORF. Then you can restart the Goon tag on purple with your Vanu Goku chars and you can ruin the server in a legit way.
Any Goons actually read this thread?
I like the NC Goons when I'm in the platoon with them, but when a few of them are talking about cross factioning every day and how they login their VS for alert experience at the last second (before the recent change where that won't work anymore,) and now when a platoon made up of (mostly) pubbie outfit recruits led by a BR 15 or 20 SA Goon (who is yet obviously really experienced in the game) is led to a biolab being defended by more than us Goku while the only tech plant on Esamir is under attack, and it keeps happening more than once or twice, that's not right.
I'm going to type to AdmiralSnuggles next time I catch him in game and see if it's cool with him if I can help fix this mess up when I see it by pulling rank and starting a new platoon. This situation isn't too common but when it happens it helps break the server by diverting forces we could use to defend to an attack, which must be great if you are VS; though surely there must be sometimes when it's just boring because no one wants to fight you unless they are cornered; and then you have to chase them to another continent.
I think Goon Platoons should be led by people who play on one realm per server. If those people aren't around, the Goons should try to disperse to bolster public squads. How that would work I don't know but I'd guess the ranking system would help. I never used it in Dorf because there wasn't any useful reason to pull rank, but with Goon it might be a different story. It would be pretty easy to circumvent but at the very least people would be aware of the issue and might be able to notice when it happens.