Working on a lore-friendly Playable Kobold mod, with less D&D/tribal vibes. One feature I'd REALLY like is to be able to milk venomous creatures, and apply those venoms to weapons and trap parts. Milking venom is easy, but I cannot get a functional venom onto (or into) a weapon for the life of me!
I've combed through old posts for past attempts to do similar things, but so far I'm having no luck finding a working technique to make a syndrome-inducing weapon/a reaction that creates syndrome spatters.
Things I've tried:
A reaction to bring a weapon to a workshop, and create an instantly-boiling venom there too. No splatters are created on the weapon, workshop, or worker.
>> Theory:
I'm guessing boiling materials like steam don't leave spatters or contaminants, the way mists do? If there's a way to condense them into a liquid spatter, please share! And correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no way to create a venom mist via reactions, right?
A reaction to glaze an edged weapon with a CONTACT or INJECT syndrome-causing venom, as an improvement. The venom becomes a "frozen" solid version of the venom, and doesn't seem to work, even via weapon contact.
>> Theory:
I'm guessing that decoration or improvement material properties are ignored during weapon strikes?
A reaction to create a weapon entirely out of a CONTACT/INJECT syndrome-causing material. I've heard offhand mention that folks have had success with this, but it also seems to not work?
>> Theory:
It's not actually contaminating or injecting the target with anything, so it's not triggering any syndrome-related code. I've tested the material both with and without ENTERS_BLOOD. Is there a way to make this happen I've missed?
Has anyone had better luck with techniques to create syndrome-inducing weapons or ammo? Ideally, I'd like to let weapon materials pass on their associated syndromes, but if anyone has a reliable way for a reaction to put a functional venom spatter onto a weapon, that'd be great too.
P.S. I know Masterwork can add spatters somehow, but at a glance it uses LUA extensions or something, and I'm trying to make this vanilla-compatible.