Does a creature need to have [EQUIPS] in order to be able to perform hauling labors? I seem to be able to pick up items in the object testing arena without it, but considering it spawned me in with the item strapped to my back, I suspect the arena might be cheating/not respecting my lack of EQUIPS.
And can a creature dance without any [STANCE] body parts?
Finally, why does this syndrome not appear to be working correctly?
Specifically, the problems are that according to the 'v' menu, the syndrome is being applied to creatures other than the 2 TARGET_CREATUREs, even the ones who have the NECROMANCER creature class (when they should be immune).
And when it comes to the TARGET_CREATURE_1 and TARGET_CREATURE_2, it seems to only partially work; they never have their CE_DISPLAY_NAME updated, and they have messages about exertion/exhaustion and being "mortally wounded", even though they should be undead now (since I basically copied part of this from the example interactions folder).
And with both, even despite the RAISED_UNDEAD syndrome class and the SYN_IMMUNE_CLASS, it seems to be stacking the syndrome infinitely (the window saying something like ", 39 phases (2808 seconds)"), and this just goes higher and higher all the time as long as the material I have this syndrome attached to is on their skin.