Is it possible to mod in an entity that goes extinct during world creation? I'm trying to mod in an "ancient" race that dies off before the game start. The idea is to create ruins with awesome equipment (the ancient civ would have access to better weapons and armor). It seems a simple enough idea on paper: ensure that the ancient creatures MAXAGE is smaller than the worldgen's target year, and keep them from reproducing. This second part is giving me a hard time.
I already tried the following:
1) Removing the [MALE] and [FEMALE] tags from the ancient creature castes, This makes worldgen skip placing ancient civs in the world.
2) Put back the [MALE] and [FEMALE] tags on the castes, but use [POP_RATIO:X] tags to make females 100x rarer than males (maybe they're smurfs
): Doesn't work. There's still plenty of females around, judging by how much their populations keep growing anyway.
3) Add [MAXAGE:1:12] to the female caste, so that they
hopefully die off before coming of age. Somehow, this still doesn't work during world gen.
4) Finally, I tried adding a third caste [CASTE:DOOMED_BABY] to the ancient creature, with [POP_RATIO:1000] and [MAXAGE:1:2].
This also didn't work. It produced some funny Legends mode screens, where Ancient civs have a new lawgiver every year (they keep electing doomed babies for the position, it seems), but they still don't die off.
Any ideas on how to fix this?