Will this tokens work if not add night creature hunter? What if make creature with four castes? Will night creature hunter spouse converter breed if have megabeast and/or power?
It does technically work without night creature hunter, but only on historical figures, so like wild animals that earned a name or megabeasts (I've never tried it with megabeasts tho) I know if you add it to civilized races, things get even more awkward, with historical figures trying to kidnap other races as spouses.
Multiple castes, gets weird. I know from experience, that if you have say, two male castes, one converter and one converted, and two female castes, following the same rules, the beast will kidnap people of the appropriate gender, but then might do a sex change by converting them into the opposite gender, ending up in a homosexual relationship, which is cool, but producing biological children, which makes no sense. Now if you had one caste converters and one converted, and two extras, idk. As I understand things, children born from spouse converters should always take on the spouse converters caste, going on to kidnap spouses of their own. So in theory, those "extra" castes should never be born from a marriage. Maybe they can appear in the wild though, from normal breeding.
If you had one converter caste and three converted castes, it would probably choose at random between the three when converting a humanoid target into the spouse converter. If you had multiple converter castes but one converted, the spouse would always be the same but the children would be one of the three at random.
I have no idea how pop ratio tags will react with converter child birth rates or spouse conversion choices. It could have no effect, it could choose castes according to pop ratios, or it could crash the game. In fact, crashing he game is always an option with any of this. When Toady One programmed the behavior, he obviously didn't intend for multiple converter and spouse castes, so everything else is also a "this might crash the game or not work like you expect"