Classes are arbitrary for the most part except when something (like a syndrome, interaction, or entity animal definition) calls on that class. But to my knowledge those are the only ones regularly used in the vanilla raws, so if you wanted to include a small number of animals it is easier to call them by ID and not worry about classes. On creatures you create you can use your own creature classes as well as any of the vanilla ones you think should apply.
But for those tokens, i would make sure animals selected as mounts, pullers, or pack animals at least have the corresponding creature tokens, like mount_exotic etc. But i could just be afraid of bugs that dont exist...
Ok, so i need some advice here too. Ive got these old creatures, the komeng, which im remodeling to match their current lore. So now theyre supposed to be humanoids made of plant and earthen material. Specifically porcelain exoskeletons on some parts, bark skin, wooden muscle, and hematite bones, with tree sap for blood. All thats in pseudo-ready-to-go right now, but one thing is still causing problems;
all of these materials fracture easily, theyre very brittle, not at all like the skin and muscle of regular animals. Its easy enough to hit them with a mace and watch limbs fly off in an arc.
What material/tissue properties can i change to make each of these behave more like the tissues its supposed to replace? It makes sense for the ceramic and stone to fracture and remain inorganics, but the wood and bark (which is also based off the wood template) id like to behave more like something living muscle/skin and take bruises and lacerations that dont mean fracturing and flying off.