Hello everybody,
i need some help since I am a bit (understatement) confused by the migration of the raw/objects upon new world creation. I modified the raw of the game itself because i wanted to experiment with an alternative dwarven society during world creation. So I changed dwarves (creature and entity) to basically an ant-like culture: Women have 5-10 Children at once, live twice as long as men, are the only one able to be assinged any position - from militia-commander way up to Queen - but make up only ten percent of the population. On Top of that some mino "flavor"-changes: female brokers are called "Brokess/Brokesses" and value of romance and self-controll brought up to 10 and 15 from 0. Also Oathbreaking was increased to unthinkable. Oh and i also added beards to women because it's basically there already and i found it satisfyingly ironic to increase the gener-gap enormously but eradicate even the last bit of sexual bimorphism.
But the changes, at least in the raws, did not carry over. ...\Dwarf Fortress 0.47.05\data\save\region5\raw is as vanilla as it gets. And i fail to see a pattern behind which changes persisted and which didn't.
I will list the changes i made below in spoilers to save on space.
[MAXAGE:300:450] for female Dwarfs - found one Queen in LV that died of old age after an impressive 320 Years long life and quite a few surpassing the 170 Years that are Standard.
Kind of/maybe worked:
[POP_RATIO:1] for Women [POP_RATIO:9] for Men - Can't think of a practical way to test this, but dwarflady-hf's in legendsviewer sometimes have only girls and Pop-ratio in my Fort is 11:19 rn
[ALLOWED_CREATURE:DWARF:FEMALE] to every entity Position - generally worked, i can't assingn any position to males in FM, but my Expedition Leader is Male and one dwarven Kingdom has a goblin queen
Didn't Work:
Replaced [MULTIPLE_LITTERS_RARE] with [LITTERSIZE:5:10] - very few of the female hf in Legends Viewer had as much as 5 children. In Fortress Mode "catsplosion" Dwarfs via dfHack resulted in one child per woman
[BODY_DETAIL_PLAN:FACIAL_HAIR_TISSUE_LAYERS] - None of the Women in Fortressmode had beards
I don't see what went wrong where... is someone able to enlighten me? It's not that i couldn't think of a way to fix this: just copy over the raws of the game file to the respective region. But i want to know how to avoid this in the future.
Thanks for any help and have a nice day.