ty! I was hoping the syntax was fine with that argument, but oh well.
I'll just set up several patterns to run through the color modifier (I'm familiar with the ratio system. I'd already set it up for most of the body now)
edit: Ah, I did not realize that was how IRIS and PUPIL worked too. I'm not seeing them used twice, so I can only assume that the [color=white) and [color=black) in each iris file is the schlera and pupil respectively, and that the PUPIL file either works with the rest of the eye being black, or just the iris and the pupil being colored.
I'm not sure how the game reads these on print, but that means I'd need to set up patterns for each IRIS/PUPIL combination I planned, just like I'll be doing for the fur. On the upside that's a relatively easy thing to work with, as it'll let me prevent bad color combinations for eyes I guess.
edit2: I won't be using it for this, but I just realized that you can color nails and claim all members of the species paint there's (tho iirc nails aren't in-game?). then realized the homestuck mod probably gives the trolls orange nails like canon....
anyway the more open I learn dorf fort is the better things get
EDIT3: ok so just to clarify, how does the game handle it if you declared something like [PATTERN:STRIATED]? How does it handle printing that in a description, or does this do little to effect that? I'm wanting to make sure if I can declare new [PATTERN:]'s or if they're hard-coded. I can't find much on striped/spotted/mottled patterns and if they're hard-coded, or much usage in creature raws (if it's never used I am happy it exists regardless).
This has added more work than I anticipated at each leg of things than I thought, but at the same time it's fairly exciting just to see what I can and can't do.