Suggestion threads. We've all seen them. We've all commented on them. Some of us have even started one or two. This is a suggestion thread . . . for bad suggestions. Changes that you don't want to see. Not things that will make the game harder--just worse.
1) Cats should reproduce by asexual budding.
2) Dwarves should get bad thoughts for wearing the same clothes that they had on the day before.
3) Standard Dwarf Fortress music replaced with dubstep.
4a) If you reach a population of 200 dwarves before the King arrives, the balance of power shifts and all professions with at least 10 members will form labor unions. These unions will make sure the work is distributed equally ("Oh, you wanted the ☼Legendary☼ Weaponsmith to make that axe? Sorry, it's Competent Kadol's turn"), go On Break twice as often as other dwarves, and will declare a strike if they think their living quarters are too shabby.
4b) If you attain Mountainhome status before reaching 200 dwarves, when the King comes he'll bring lots of new ideas to make the workspace more nimble and dynamic in a changing world market. Get ready for monthy Kaizen events, wherein a Clothier, Fish Cleaner, Miner, Beekeeper, and Thresher will tell the Legendary Stonecrafter that he could do his job much more efficiently if he just color-coded everything in his workshop.
5) Necromancers and Evil biomes should affect plants as well as animals.
6) Necromancers and Evil biomes should affect the earth itself.
7) Elves bring more cloth.