I go and grab the cut Hm off screen, but since Ziggy is the only one that can learn it, I don't teach it for now because I don't want to waste the slot. We go back northwards, and plot happens! A grunt steals the Devon Goods and runs to Rustboro cave. We run through aaaand....
Easily win.
Hurr get it because the cave is blocked off and such.
Also we saved this guys bird that way taken hostage by the grunt.
Oh gee this favor couldn't possibly come up VERY SOON right?
After a brief meeting with the president, we get delivery duty
shoved at us, and get the PokeNav, which apparently everyone
had but us because even the most remote hermit stranded in
the mountains has a feature that's just been finished: Match
call. This means we can beat up people we've already beaten
up before to grind basically.
Oh look here's our rival they want to battle us don't they.
Also, case in point with the pokenav thing.
Yep, battle time. Also I've decided to go back and spoiler a lot of these posts because oh god image spam.
We win without casualties, and she tells us that guy we helped was once a sailor. Guess where the next gym is.
If you guessed, over the sea, or on an island, you were right.