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Author Topic: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued... FULL DISCLOSURE  (Read 262960 times)


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4200 on: October 11, 2012, 07:49:54 pm »

[I don't think I've made it clear, but just for the record, Vemini dislikes Roead.]

"With respect, I say this has gone far enough."

HugoLuman climbed groggily to his feet. "Vemini, you know we don't have a discipline system. I mean, there never were more than 200 or so of us here. No real problems, either."

"Nevertheless, this is unacceptable. You and me agreed to mind the party, and what happened? They got drunk, dwarf-drunk, smashed some of the few unsmashed things we have around here, endangered themselves and others, and assaulted you. We cannot seriously just leave it be!"

"Look, bring it up with Eric, okay? He's alright, isn't he?"


"What happened, anyway?"

"There were 6 involved in the drinking contest, who then proceeded to coerce 12 others into drinking copious amounts of very potent drinks. The healer, the necromancer, Reudh, and one of the three prisoners were among the victims. That oaf with the axes got piss-drunk and caused serious damage to a table, miracle that he did not injure anyone."

Just then, Roead strolled into the entryway, holding a blackened pitchfork and looking very satisfied. Then he stopped. "What kind of bloody stupid crap's happened this time, then?"
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Eric Blank

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4201 on: October 11, 2012, 09:20:46 pm »

[Roead has a really tame vocabulary for someone with such a desire to curse at everything.]

Eric jogged excitedly up from the depths, and climbed the stairs along the exterior of the massive pit, and headed for the dining hall. Along the way, he couldn't help but notice he was about the only person in the fortress who was in a good mood. Everyone he passed was stumbling haphazardly through the halls. One dwarf who had been considering heading down the stairs around the pit had stopped at the top of the stairs and lay now on their belly, just hanging their head over the edge and staring into the abyss below with dead, uncaring eyes. Eventually Eric stopped to ask a woman what the hell was going on.

"T' m'ch buz"

"Too much buzz? What, mosquitoes get'cha?"

"Beooze..." The dwarf then promptly vomited on the wall beside her, which was actually much better communication than anything else she could do.

"I... Suppose we don't have to worry about a massive surplus any time soon, then..." He said as he sidestepped around the dwarf who was now throwing off her vomit-soaked overcoat. She slumped against the wall and watched him jog up the hall, making her dizzy again.

Eric finally found somebody he fully recognized; slumped outside the dining room was Hugo, accompanied by an unfortunate gathering of bad-tempered individuals such as Roead and Vemini.

"Guys! Guess what?! There were 10 people down in the lower sections of the fort, and they're all in good health. They, uh, did leave somebody to die under a pillar on their way down, though, and buried her down there. They'll probably be on their way up soon, too. Lots of extra supplies, which is good since you probably wiped out the alcohol last night..."

Roead spat back without skipping a beat, "We didn't do anything! It was these damn dwarves getting piss-faced drunk. Do you have any idea how much damage they caused?"

"Ah, alright then. Suppose I'll probably have no crew to work with today..."

"That and you need to do something about the ruffians that punched Hugo here in the face, and crashed the damn party." Vemini said, accompanied by an accusing glare.

"Why me? Didn't you volunteer to deal with criminals? You leaving?"
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4202 on: October 11, 2012, 11:16:24 pm »

[Roead's in a good mood for once, which is why is vocabulary isn't as toxic as usual. Oliolli may have to go further afield for bogeymen.]

"Apparently, we don't have any definite punishments, says a godsdamn victim. Me, I would prefer to give them the traditional punishment of my homeland and flog them with a lemon branch, but apparently that might come off as 'harsh.'"

For two people whose faces were obscured, they seemed to be surprisingly expressive. Roead seemed smug as he said, "So, having some bloody good proper fun is a flogging offense, now is it? Well, I've always said you ain't doing it right if you don't wake up pissed as a skunk and sentenced to flogging the next day."

"And just where were you last night, then? I noticed you stole one jar of oil from us. Got a good explanation for that?"

"Yeah," said the mummy, rolling his shoulders, "shoving righteous flaming justice up some much-deserving holes. I could up-yours too, if you like."

Vemini stepped forward, seizing Roead by the throat and picking him up. "Listen up. I don't like you. And if you don't start behaving, I am going to see if human meat still tastes good after being dried for 2,000 years."

"Tough talk for a bloke without a mouth."

Eric sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Vemini, please put Roead down."

Vemini let the mummy go, Roead not seeming to care. "I am sorry, Eric. I've seen this type before. Uncontrollable anger. He's liable to do murder someone on a whim, and we simply cannot let him keep acting like he can just smite anyone with impunity."

"Oh ho ho ho, boy. Believe me, you've damn well never seen my type. Kids these days. I only give people a kick if they've been bloody stupid and need the wheels in their heads jammed back into place, like Eric here. Anyway, things to do, tombs to find. Have fun with your tin soldier!" With that, he strolled off in search of Weird.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4203 on: October 12, 2012, 03:50:30 am »

Reaching an inarticulate hand with stubby sausage-like dwarven fingers into the now open jar (after several minutes of battling the damn thing; Damn child-resistant tops..) Wierd withdrew a small handful of aspirin tablets, and shoved them into his coat pocket after popping two of them in his mouth.

It was an acquired taste, but he actually liked the taste of aspirin, so instead of swallowing immediately (and probably choking on the dry tablets without any water), he sucked on them like lozenges. They'd go into his system faster that way anyway.

Grumbling a few more curses, he spun the lid back on the jar, and headed back into the atrium/lobby of the hospital zone, stumbling and weaving his way to the door leading to the recovery ward.

That blasted smart-assed robot had said something about a medical emergency... Maybe some damn fool had gone and gotten himself torn up during the party last night, and had bled terribly from high blood alcohol or some other fool stupid thing.

Then again, he remembered hearing a woman earlier...


There werent any women in the fortress.. none that SOUNDED like women anyway.. except...

Confusedly, he creaked open the door just slightly, and peeked in through the crack. Lana was looking worriedly at a prostrated and clearly unconcious Dr Gigozin sprawled out on one of the beds in the recovery ward as she sat in the chair next to it. All the other beds were vacant.

wierd closed the door again, and leaned against the door frame. He wasnt in any condition to give any moral support, but what had Gizogin done to himself to cause him to look that ruffled up, and get put into the recovery ward?

The doctor wasnt wearing a hospital gown.. so no surgery...

Fitful sobs came from behind the door in Lana's voice, followed by pounding sounds and shouting.

Alarmed, wierd creaked the door open again to just a mere sliver, and peered inside once more.

"Damn you, you idiot!" shouted Lana at the comatose form, while pounding the headboard of the bed above his head with her fist. "I finally get to see you again.. and you do this! Drink yourself into a fucking coma! God damn you!"

The pitiful sobbing returned as she returned to her seat beside the bed, continuing her vigil. "...god damn you.."

Wierd had been around enough emotional women to know that he shouldn't intrude. Even more carefully and discretely than before, he EASED the door shut, and did his best to tiptoe away. This was "alone time" for those two, for sure...

No wonder X had been in such a bad mood.... But had Dr Gizogin really.. drunk himself unconcious?  Did he get suckered in by the brewer sisters too?  Ugh.....

He rubbed his head, and leaned against the wall. The aspirin hadnt kicked in yet, and the throbbing was merciless. He also wished he had made some pink bismuth stomach medicine when he had made the aspirin.. (The main ingredient is bismuth subsalisylate, which you get by soaking bismuth in the raw salisylic acid, then subjecting the resulting metal salt to hydrolysis) but hindsight was 20-20, and right now, he wouldn't trust himself to do anything right, let alone work unsupervised in a chem-lab.

Clay... Yeah... high kaolin content clay, mixed with water was another (and almost impossible to get wrong) stomach aid....

He needed to find Rikod....



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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4204 on: October 12, 2012, 04:46:27 am »

[Pepto-bismol. Wierd, you're such a Chem Guy.]

Reudh shook his head roughly to kick his liver-brain into gear. It was a curious feeling, having the liver-brain throb powerfully as it processed the alcohol he imbibed, breaking it down from the ethanol into usable Acetyl-CoA, and numerous sugars. The throbbing subsided, as his liverbrain settled into its usual rhythm. Over to his right, Othob's liverbrain was doing the same.

Reudh, are you alright?
It was Archie. He'd been silent for a while, not troubling Reudh in the slightest since his last feed. He knew all he needed to know and wanted to know no more than that; he cared not for what happens in Reudh's life so long as his skills are being used and he gets to feed. Of course, he cares about Reudh; for Archie he'd've seen Reudh's mind dim and splutter under the heavy load of ethanol he imbibed. One can assume it would be very disconcerting having the only thing keeping you alive seem to disappear.

I am now, Archie. Thanks.

Archie remained silent. If Reudh was fine, that's all he really wanted.

Othob fared not so well as Reudh. He was functional, if you could call him that, but he showed all the signs of dwarven alcohol poisoning. He needed the doctor, again.

Hauling him up was a task indeed, for the little dwarf was portly, and Reudh was not so strong, but he managed it.

"I don't feel too well..." Othob moaned.

Reudh finally got to the medical facility, and knocked on the door. No answer. Weird...


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4205 on: October 15, 2012, 10:23:48 am »

X stood before a workbench, feigning busyness to give Lana a bit of privacy.  It didn't actually prevent him from hearing anything, which both of them knew, but at least this way they could pretend it did.  A knock came at the door, but they both ignored it.  It was probably just wierd again.

Aboveground, the G-Bodies and worker droids bustled around the temporary hospital, gathering the supplies to be moved back inside.  The Mk. VIII ran through the roster of patients, making sure they were all accounted for.  It saw the name 'Gizogin' on the list, checked in for 'acute alcohol poisoning', but lacked the higher thought processes to think anything of it.

[Not much of any import, because I'm typing on my phone.]
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One FB post. Many dick jokes. Pokemon. !!VOLCANO!!. Dwarven mood thingee. Derailment itself. Girlinhat's hat. Cuba. Karl Marx. This is why i love Bay12 forums.
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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4206 on: October 16, 2012, 01:34:47 pm »

[sorry for the absence. My job responsibilities are growing again, but in a good way. I am being tested to see if I can do CNC programming work, which I feel I can. It comes with a significant pay increase. :D]

Wierd slid the dissolving aspirin tablets under his tongue where he could more easily suck on them. The thin skin beneath the tongue was very permeable to a wide range of pharmaceuticals, and this helped to reduce swallowing the stomach irritating aspirin as the primary means of absorption.

Maybe his head was clearing if he could think to do that. The notion that having thoughts about thoughts was funny, temporarily titillated his crooked sense of humor. Little things like that let you know you were truly intelligent, but not in a snooty fashion; More in the 'de-facto proof' way.

Yup. definitely clearing.

With purpose, he unlatched the door, slid outside the hospital, and gently pulled it shut behind him.

Rikod had been knocked out cold by Jerry's antics the night before, so maybe he wouldnt be hungover, just nursing a goose-egg on his head. Then it hit him... He had no idea where Rikod's dorm was.

Frustrated, he kicked the wall like an insolent kid, when the sparkling gossamer-glass wrapped mummy showed up.

'great.' he thought to himself, as the undead closed the gap between them. 'just who I need to see. somebody immune to the effects of alcohol, but intrinsically determined to try anyway.'

well, at least he might be able to shed some light on what happened last night...


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4207 on: October 16, 2012, 01:58:11 pm »

As he stumbled through the halls, he noticed a distinctly large amount of Vomit.
"Well, either the merchants aren't kidding that where we use Paint, Dwarves use vomit. Or I REALLY am not gonna be feeling good after this hangover."

[I might make a few modifications to the charactersheet later. Just saying.]
Ow! How the fuck do eldritch abominations bitchslap people?
With our pimp tentacles, obviously.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4208 on: October 16, 2012, 04:10:45 pm »

Anyone who wishes, feel free to use the soldier, but keep the any effects of the crystals hidden for now.  I want to write that information myself.
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It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
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<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4209 on: October 20, 2012, 10:56:38 am »

(I saw someone comment that it was 24 hours since the party.  I would think it would be 16 hours at most.)

Mita awoke and left the barracks, and almost tripped over the dwarf who was having a hangover.  He looked around and saw much of the same.  What did I miss last night?  He headed down to the medical area, knowing that the mechanoids would probably be the only ones who would not be overtly hungover.  Or hungover at all.  Might be able to hand the crystals off to Gizogin as well.  At very least, Gizogin would have a higher chance of speaking to Joykill.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4210 on: October 21, 2012, 07:04:15 am »

Just re-read the finale of the previous fort. 'Twas glorious!

Hey, have the workshops been cleared yet? I can't remember.

Quote from: Girlinhat
When all you've got is an adjustable spanner and an entire freight warehouse of terrifying cogs and gears, everything looks like "just a prototype".
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You all turned Swordthunders into a bastion of madness that seems to warp in on itself under its own hatred of sanity.  I'm so happy!
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drowning babies everywhere o-o

Eric Blank

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4211 on: October 21, 2012, 01:41:39 pm »

[Nah, they're about as spacious as a pancake is high, same as the stockpiles around them. Probably could find some unused space to work in, somewhere. Deep forges by the magma sea would still be in acceptable condition.]
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4212 on: October 22, 2012, 07:36:55 pm »

[Again, didn't think that the fort was THAT badly damaged. And all the way down to the magma sea would be a very, very long walk down many, many stairs. Refer to previous rant about fortress layout several pages ago.

Ugh, terribly sorry, but I am currently massively distracted by City of Heroes, what with its closure being announced. Someone think of another whimsical event to follow this one so we don't get back into the ALL YE DESPAIR FOR DOOM stuff too soon.]
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4213 on: October 22, 2012, 07:41:16 pm »

Mita was about to enter the hospital, when he saw Wierd Joykill.  However, he saw the mummy he had heard about getting ready to speak to Joykill, so he stood back against a wall at a respectable distance, so as not to overhear the conversation.  However, he was strangely able to hear what was being said with perfect clarity.

[He is currently in his catfolk form, with his armor hanging a little looser due to being slightly skinnier, but not enough to cause the clothing to shift.]
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 08:02:59 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: If Bay Forum were a Mountain Hall, continued...
« Reply #4214 on: October 23, 2012, 08:04:22 pm »

[Mr Grumpy Mummy is Hugo's char... I don't know what the old crust wants, so I can't write for him.]
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