Yay! Pervert and kobold are back!
20 minute recap:
Mr Happyface and Zanzetkuken unleashed hell.
Mr Happyface used dark rituals to create a portal for demonic ascendency that caused widespread earthquakes and structural instabilities in the fortress. This led to a significant portion of the fortress population being trapped either in the deep hazard rooms, crushed in the halls, or stranded outside.
Shortly thereafter, zanzetkuken unleashed the horror of cyber-nanoassimilation based nanoplauge upon the fortress population, before self-terminating in a heroic fit of catharsis. His character is now dead. During this time, my character became the quintessential deus ex machina for a short while, which has seriously changed his appearance and powers, as well as returning his missing conscience. He is still mildly ascorbic though. His hair has a silver luster, but is otherwise still brown-- and he no longer raises festering zombies against the natural order. He now raises tangible ghosts, who are fully conscious and can resist and even refuse the summons.
Due to the extreme state of fortress damage and nonhabitability, various immediate needs are not being properly met, such as booze, food, and lodging availability.
To assist in this disaster, Eric has pressganged the the mining and masonry crews into heavy excavation work, and weird has constructed an anagama style kiln in the claybank near the riverfront. A charge of enormous clay pots and clay bricks has recently been unloaded.
A major plot revelation has occured in the past 6 pages concerning a dalek, and cryptic warnings about an omnipotent manipulator who is responsible for the forumite abduction, and many recent disasters. This occured at a 10,000 year old ruin that is nearby.
Corai has recently reclaimed control over his kobolds who had a small insurrection against him.
Many people are currently listed as MIA, given the recent confusion and lack of corporeal remains to determine death counts.
You and your companion are probably chillin in the panic room. Probably the only place with booze in the fortress.