Eric Blank, Head Stoneworker cancels Drink: Interrupted by Earthquake.
A masterwork of Eric Blank has been lost! x7
Eric Blank, Head Stoneworker cancels Experience Earthquake: Interrupted by Strange Magickal Phenomenon.
Eric Blank, Head Stoneworker cancels Remain Calm: Interrupted by sudden sensation of many dead bodies throughout the fortress.
Eric Blank Head Stoneworker ‼PANIC‼
Eric leaped up from his seat at the table, shouting, "Everybody run! Get to the surface!"
Dwarves began filing out of the dining room, as small chunks of stone fell from the ceiling. In the halls, more dwarves were cowering in fear as the world seemed to fall down around them. This was an unstable part of the fortress, and the outdoors was closer than the next best section of the fortress.
"Everyone get to the surface as fast as you can! Don't worry about your possessions, grab your kids and get out before you get squished!"
From under a door nearby, blood was pooling. Eric didn't sense a viable corpse inside, so he assumed that someone was hurt, but alive, and opened the door. Inside, he found naught but more blood, coming from under a bed in the corner. Under the edge of the bed, sat a mug, covered in blood, overflowing with blood. Eric Picked it up and tipped it over. The blood kept flowing! Like a great tsunami, blood and gore flowed from the mug-shaped hole in reality. It was magical, too. It felt like the souls of a million angry dead, and a million more monsters unspeakable, all wrapped up in a tiny, evil package.
"Holy shit! What is this!?" He exclaimed to noone in particular. The blood was starting to soak into his boots, and even it's presense smacked of evil magic. Eric ran out of the room, yelled for everyone to get a move on, then descended to the hospital level. Couldn't lose the dragon, couldn't lose the doctors. Have to move. Now.