If he did that, the gold that whicked into the crevises on his scales through capillary action would stand out all sparkly! If he wasn't having problems with klepto dwarves and kobolds before, he certainly would after! Poor guy would be bald in a week!
Weird smiled.
"Data speaks better than anecdotes." He chided playfully, and pointed at the hastily and sloppily recorded data log and napkin-back, hand-drawn henscratch schematic drawings he had included in the updated package. "Since you are so quick on the uptake, it would greatly speed things up if you looked that over first." Weird was practically beaming. Rubbing the robot's nose in it was a sadistic, if childish delight.
X simply raised an eyebrow, hesitated a second with a bemused expression, then began scanning the documents. The expression incrementally changing from bemusement to rapt curiosity as the seconds passed. He examined the henscratch "mini-core, conversion mode prototype" drawing for several seconds, then spoke.
"Your handwriting and spelling are attrocious." X chided.
Weird raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"And your notes are poorly organized."
Weird laughed. Guilty, both counts.
"However, unless you have seriously bungled your data, this is indeed interesting." Said X, holding up the hand-drawn seal concept drawing. "I have never seen this before. I cannot interpret the data, despite your annotations. Could you please elaborate?"
Weird looked confused.
"I fully annotated that drawing. I admit that its a bit sloppy, but I assure you, it's completely defined. Even the sigils I invented for it!" Weird protested.
"The data appears to be incompatible with my cognative processes." Said X, his voice terse. "The information deletes itself from the processing queue shortly after being registered. I have scanned and attempted to process this diagram 1000 times before requesting assistance. I cannot retain an internal copy of this information."
"Whoah, hold up there. If you can't parse a litte drawing, its not my fault. That thing is fully annotated. I even included flag-notes to fill in the gaps! If you can't interpret it, its because your software is faulty or something."
X scowled. "I have run 10,000 self diagnostic cycles while you were talking. I cannot account for the deletion. I have attempted to store the information in protected memory. The value returns to blanked zeros shortly after recording. What is the source of this data?"
Weird was getting irritated. "It's a concentration circle. It's like a pictographic representation of a reaction and logical process. It's a mneumonic tool to assist in performing necromancy.."
"That might account for the data loss." Asserted X. "I managed to sneak a peek at Eric's stone slab, but I cannot recall what I saw. I know I have attempted 6 discrete times to accuire that information, but have been unable to. If this information is similar, this might be a related phenomenon."
"Maybe..." said weird. It was really odd that X couldn't even read the tablet. Then it hit him. X couldn't complete the contract, because he didn't have a soul! He was physically unable to contain the information! The idea made him laugh audibly.
"Is something funny?" Asked X irritably.
"The reason you can't process the data, is because you aren't really 'alive', in the traditional sense. The tablet can't be copied by any conventional means, and that includes you."
"Explain." Demanded X.
"I'm quite concernd that you tried to add necromancy to your skills list..." mused weird. "But I'm glad you failed. You need a soul to use necromancy. No exceptions. The information isn't stored in your head. It gets stored in your core being. No offense, but you're software, cogs, gears, and wires. Just like I can't factor the square root of 'e' to 2000 places as a trivial matter, you just don't have the needed components it seems."
"Frustrating..." mused X under his breath. "No matter. I an curious to double-check your recorded data. Your research notes have recorded an interesting phenomenon related to the activity of the G-core and this unprocessable information. I might be able to store inferrences concerning the other factors of the process."
"So, you want me to use the gloves?" Weird asked.
"Not exactly. I want you to use one of the gloves, and leave one here for analysis."
"If you think you can solve the power regulation problem, be my guest... but I wouldn't put it on, or put it on a non-necromancer. The energy it produces is potentially dangerous."
"As you pointed out, I do not posess a "soul". The annotations you have elsewhere in your notes suggests that the function of the unprocessable pictogram is to redirect energy of some kind, and notes that the core becomes saturated with that energy. I lack the feature that would be damaged."
"Well, if you put it on, and short circuit, that's your problem."
"Weird! You don't really mean that!" Coughed hugo, interrupting.