Jakmak just bailed out after one season... I guess that means I'm next. I'll start playing tomorrow, and try to have an update as well.
Holy shit I opened the save. I can't possibly think of a way to salvage this. Undead goblins and trolls everywhere, recently joined by an undead dragon. I couldn't find the other one, so I assume both of them died, and the second one hasn't risen... yet. Plus, the caverns are breached (two of them even), so additional fun is expected. Also, useful population is down to 11. The zombies outnumber us five to one. Fifty to one if I only count soldiers (that would be Higgenbottom only). There are numerous dead bodies outside, so that number can only increase.
Since jakmak only played one season anyway, would it be terrible for me to revert to Panopticon's save? The situation is pretty much the same there, but maybe there's a little hope there. I don't see any here.
My only ideas would be to lure every zombie in a special pit, lock them up and try to forget about this whole thing. Alternateively, collapse it on them, or capture the whole lot in cage traps. Or powerlevel the whole population to legendary warriors in danger rooms, though I think that wouldn't be enough even with all-legendary dwarfs: almost every piece of equipment is outside, and we don't have fuel to forge new pieces, also 11 dwarfs are not much, even if they are good fighters.
Non-exploit ways are terrifying. Magma is no longer a solution, since it wouldn't do anything about the dragons. Obsidian encasing is a longshot, too little water for that as well. Also, by digging for magma, we have a nice chance of finding those 5000 undead Meph was originally talking about.
I could just let DF run, wait for my year to finish, let a few other players do the same, and hope that the sauropods multiply to a number that can realistically take on all the undead. Or hope for a siege that can kill them, or at least get those necromancers.