1#Projectiles using new code (most non-shot/thrown projectiles) can skip/skid on liquid/ground yay now i can throw something at the speed of sound at the water.
2#Minecarts can be used to haul things around on carved/constructed tracks/bridges ('h'auling to set up routes) this starts the age of minecarts
3#Pressure plates can be triggered by carts more advanced mechanisms with Minecarts!
4#Rollers can be used to push cart along when powered. wait .... can i use minecart cannons?(some contraption that shoots out speeding minecarts at the end of the rails)yay!
5#Falling objects can collide with critters SPLAT!
6#All flying units use new minecart parabolic flight paths This one gives me a bad feeling....
here is my list of books for masterwork mod in version .07 that i target to read
oselquothest devilishfiends nurtureglacier
alinosali dawnsearches nurtureglacier
sposnudak sinkpaddles stealmobs
okinneth equitybalanced pickquest
ethba ahdo the meados of focus shockjested
akkarshud kara xim flaredcoal the heat of rifts shockjested
osmo kango thewquivalenceofevening terrifiedfaction
zukootub ukust otar dominationyearling the intensity of persuasions terrifiedfaction
thevarithi nithari ice starvationitches the lust of calluses motheredbridled
stobux uztob the meadows of pondering terrifiedfaction < last seen
ablishgulgun meanderingfrothy connectedpapers
destroy the town or site if that is what it takes to find the secrets to life death water flame healing and so on.