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Author Topic: Skyscrapes 2: Height of the Living Dead (succession)  (Read 71621 times)


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #285 on: March 18, 2013, 07:18:45 pm »

So Scruffy turn, or DJ17?


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #286 on: March 18, 2013, 11:13:36 pm »

Whoops, forgot about that.

Next is Scruffy I suppose.
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #287 on: March 19, 2013, 07:39:26 am »

Sure, I can take the turn but I would prefer letting the next in line take a turn first. It has been only two (?) played turns since my last one
The weredwarf Urist McUrist has come! A bearded drunkard twisted into minute form. It is crazed for booze and socks. Its unwashed beard is tangled. It needs alcohol to get through the working day and has gone without a drink for far too long. Now you will know why you fear the mines.

Et tu, Urist


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #288 on: May 28, 2013, 12:32:11 pm »

Is anyone going to take it up? I'd like to but I don't have the time right now. This is one of my favorites to watch!


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #289 on: June 01, 2013, 05:38:46 pm »

Oh wow, I forgot about this fort. My life exploded into hellfire barely a week after I last posted here, and has been going since. I'm only now getting back to life. I am sad to have missed my turn here. But ah well. I'll have to take another turn. But I can only take a turn if the FPS is managable. If it's too slow, my PC will start overheating. It's a bit old.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #290 on: June 03, 2013, 02:30:44 pm »

Well if this fortress gets moving again I'd like to take a crack at it. Sign me up!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #291 on: June 07, 2013, 06:48:34 pm »

Dude, just pick it IP and go.
At last, she is done.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #292 on: June 07, 2013, 10:48:03 pm »

Alrighty I'm on it.

EDIT: So...380ish undead and 39 surprsingly content dwarves.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #293 on: June 08, 2013, 01:23:25 pm »

1st Granite
I’m just a cook. You want roast Giant Rat brain I’m your dwarf. Wiping out legions of the undead doesn’t fall into my skillset. Yet here I am. Another night of drinking and I wake up with sheaves of paper stacked on me.

My first task was stockpile status. We are set for booze and food.

And we’re really set for plump helmets

I stumbled around the fortress and eventually found Microcline. His report:
“We are surrounded by about 380 undead creatures.”

After some thought I replied “Just undead?”

“Oh no, there’s also three Necromancers cavorting in the southern cliffs.”

I don’t think we can expect much help from the mountain homes

Well first thing’s first, time to halt the production of plump helmets.

3rd Granite
It appears that we are a fortress that stands strong against the tides of darkness but is to paralyzed with fear to expand or fortify.

5th granite
I’ve decided to test some of the boundaries within which we can build. I’ve been told repeatedly that the dwarves are simply too frightened to build close to the undead, even if they’re out of harm’s reach.
So I’ve instructed the dwarves to try and build up on the Southeast Tower.

8th granite
While construction attempts to continue I found Zulban the hunter in the Northwest Tower taking pot shots at a headless corpse. I asked him if he was making any progress on actually killing the undead and his response was to giggle and then shoot off an individual toe of Anirdomi’s partial skeleton. Anirdomi’s severed head is also prancing about up there on the cliffs and gives me the willies.

17th granite
Mebzuth the butcher is stricken with melancholy.

27th Granite
A master goblin thief showed up today to snatch children. Too bad he showed up in the middle of the sea of undead. The results were predictable.

11th slate
Today I went to look over the machine being built underground. It contains a raised drawbridge and several cages containing captive undead. It appears that when the mechanic is finished you just lock the door, release the cages with one lever, allow the beasts to roam a bit and then pull the other lever. Theoretically this pulverizes them.

We decided to give this a try. I pulled the lever for the cages and indeed the beasts sprang out and began to roam. Unfortunately the mechanisms for the cage release also threw cages and parts under the smasher as well. So much for trying to retain parts.

The machine squished several beasts, but some of the marginally smarter ones have stayed by the western wall. We will simply have to wait.
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12th slate
Stray Wild Boar Sow (Semi-Wild) has forgotten her training! Indeed, she’s starting to look like semi-Wild bacon. The animal trainer seems a bit busy to be trying to re-train the pigs.

16th slate
Previous overseers have made a serious attempt at setting up a trapped entrance in the South Tower. I’ve decided to try it out and see how well it works.

The first things was to raise the zipper bridge ( a marvelous construction). Amusingly a chicken was on it at the time and was flung into the Eastern pit. And they said chickens couldn’t fly.

In preparation for the onslaught I stationed our marks dwarves in the fortifications above the trap bridge and pulled the gate lever…
It did not raise the bridge that it said it would.

A mechanic is now re-doing the lever so that it opens the appropriate gate.

26th Slate
I want to open the bridge but that idiot Mebzuth is taking forever to hook up the bridge.

6th Felsite
Huzzah! The Southern bridge is open… The undead are not pouring in as expected. There have got to be at 30 of them lined up.

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Though no beasts were trying to come in, a lone marks dwarf, Lolor, decided to make a name for himself and one-shotted an elf corpse. I was impressed.

OOC: First time I’ve ever seen this. Does the recursion continue?
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7th Felsite
The Elf Corpse re-killing catalyzed the hordes and 2 made their way inside quickly becoming caught in the cage traps. We quickly closed the gate hoping to go “harvest” our new captives.  But even with the gate closed, the dwarves are too afraid of nearby zombies to change cages. It would appear that the Necromancers have come down from the Southern Cliffs and have started resurrecting yet more corpses on the hill over the Southern Tower. I actually watched one human being resurrected and I must say it was both nauseating and frightening. So now we are not able to work much on the external portion of the South Tower.

17th felsite
We are being haunted by the ghost of Dorem Shemsanod. We have no history of him so we cannot engrave his memorial. He is currently floating at the highest level of the North Tower.

19th Felsite.
Another poor skulking filth has arrived at the wrong time. This little bastard actually managed to escape.

27th Felsite
We are so fearfully trapped in here that I finally decided that we could at least add another level to the Northern tower. It is beautifully made of Quartzite blocks. But even here, the workers are occasionally spooked by the hordes and find myself having to constantly encourage them to return to work.

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I also was inclined to see how close we could get to the cliffs in hopes that perhaps we could place archers to pick off some of the undead causing us problems up there. We did not get very close…
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OOC: And that's spring.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #294 on: June 08, 2013, 05:01:58 pm »

Triple Post!! This time with violence!

4th Hematite
Another pig has gone wild so I decided to just have the Ochre Bells have fun chasing and murdering it. Got to keep these military types occupied.

The spear dwarf Unib chased the pig for sometime before finally stabbing it cleanly through the head. Now I’m off to the butcher’s workshop to make sure the pig doesn’t come back for revenge.

11th Hematite
Today we finally crushed the last of the original 5 caged undead. Time to reset.
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13Th Hematite
Atir the child has been possessed and has claimed the southwestern Craftsdwarf’s shop. His list of demands is substantial so the fortress is now mobilized in finding everything. An extra pig will be slaughtered for its hide. Damn thing would probably revert to a wild state anyways.

20th Hematite
Since the only construction that’s going to occur is in the central and North Towers, I’ve had the masons  add a floor above the trade depot level on the central tower. For the time being it’s just another block storage pile but I hope it can be used for workshops or bedrooms eventually.
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27th Malachite
Despite having all of the materials Atir desired, we were not able to satisfy his mood.

It is sad to have to put down a child.

2nd Galena
A cave in occurred while trying to remedy the new stockpiles level.
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4th Galena
I noticed that we had a rather large dormitory that was likely constructed when we actually had things like migrants so it has been appropriated as a hospital. 3 dwarves lay there now: Sibrek, Mekkud, and Microcline.

6th Galena
Another collapse, this time with our own Chief medical dwarf taking serious injury. Construction has been halted on the new floor. For the time being we will take care of the wounded and clean house.
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15th Galena
8 goblin ambushes showed up today.
The battle was amazing to watch.

Outside the Eastern Gate
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The Southeast
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The Northeast
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Goblins sprang up from every direction and the battle was spectacular. Nearly every able body dwarf came up  to the top of the central tower to get a true panoramic vision of chaos and violence. It turns out that these goblins are surprisingly efficient at mowing down the undead. In just one day the number of enemies had been reduced by 100.

19th Galena
Although the ambushers were ultimately pushed back, the enemy count now rests at 212.  It would appear that the three necromancers causing us trouble have either fled or were struck down in the melee. For the time being corpses won’t be getting back up.

20th Galena
I spoke too soon. Another necromancer has survived.
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28th Galena
The scheming necromancer has begun raising the dead again.
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OOC:And that's summer.  This is a seriously difficult fortress.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #295 on: June 09, 2013, 06:02:31 pm »

14th Limestone
So many pigs are returning to their wild states that I’ve ordered any animal that isn’t completely tame to be placed in a cage next to the butcher shop.

The undead continue to beat  upon our gates. They make such horrible noises.

23rd Limestone
In the ensuing boredom of mediocre construction and caring for invalids it became a past time to open and shut the southern gate to temp the monsters into stepping forward; crushing some and leading others to the stonefall traps.
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One dwarves skeleton even managed to fall in the pit and land on its head. Just its head. Somehow the thing is still moving.
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8th Sandstone
Kubuk has been possessed and has claimed the Southwest crafts dwarf shop. Currently he is scurrying about trying to find materials.

8th Timber
After some judicious use of the southern gate and the stonefall trap pit we have winnowed down the total number of creatures to 197...Hooray. They’re queuing up in the alley outside our gates.
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17th Timber
Another 4 well timed ambushes came today. Although the goblins didn’t last long, they did bring the total undaed count to 177. I found myself actually rooting for those little green bastards.

19th Timber
Amazingly a caravan has shown  up from Rilemsibrek. Sadly the wagon bypassed us along with its military escort. Unfortunately we cannot open our gates for them. There are still too many undead outside our Eastern gate.

21st Timber
Unfortunately the liaison wandered away from the caravan and was slain. I fear that even after all the undead are destroyed we will have no more connection with the mountain home. We cannot survive here indefinitely without more migration.

2nd Moonstone
Despite our having everything available for his project

6th Moonstone
Since the merchant showed up in the Northern cliff, his two guards, a Speardwarf and Hammerdwarf have been resolutely smashing every undead they encounter. Since it is not possible to open the Eastern gate we are attempting to continue the sky bridge to the cliffs.

19th Moonstone
The merchants met their end today. Most impressively, this happened:
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13th Obsidian
We have come under siege from a new necromancer and his posse of 50 goblin corpses. They will join the others.

1st Granite
And so ends my rather short time as Overseer. Doubtless I have done more damage than good here. 6 dwarves in hospital and still 200 undead outside our gates. Perhaps the next Overseer will be able to usher us forward into a brighter future.

OOC: This was the most frustrating fortress I have ever run. Things did not go well aside from the Ambush-o-rama. If I were to play the year again I would have done it very differently, spending the dwarfpower on making weapon traps, waiting for the siege to end and then welcoming the remaining undead into the trade depot area. Since I just jumped in feel free to go back to the previous save unless the (hopefully) next overseer thinks they can salvage the place.



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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #296 on: June 09, 2013, 10:24:55 pm »

Well played, sir.  This place is truly damned.
At last, she is done.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #297 on: June 10, 2013, 10:51:58 am »

Methinks we should use MAGMA.
Skyscrapes, the Tower-Fortress, finally complete!
Skyscrapes 2, repelling the zombie horde!


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #298 on: June 10, 2013, 01:04:59 pm »

Magma would definitely be one effective way of solving the problem. You'll need one hell of a magma pump stack to get it up to the surface and possibly above the southern hill. You can always make the pump materials from green glass in case you run out of magma-safe metals. Before I managed to put a bunch of dwarves in the hospital I could see it getting accomplished in a year. For the purposes of survival, though, it would be a race to make the area safe enough for the liaison to get in. I'm tempted to try the year again, this time basically turning the area south of the depot into one long green glass serrated disk trap fest and welcoming in some of our undead friends. But that would require another 6 hours at 60-70FPS while feeling like the captain of the Titanic.


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Re: Skyscrapes 2: Scrape Harder! (succession)
« Reply #299 on: June 10, 2013, 11:18:46 pm »

I would support that decision.
At last, she is done.
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