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Author Topic: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult  (Read 6781 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #30 on: May 18, 2012, 08:09:45 pm »

Call your team inside if you haven't already done so and ask how you can help.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2012, 08:14:48 pm »

Call your team inside if you haven't already done so and ask how you can help.

(They already are inside :) Right now you can ask multiple things if you wish, troops in the small camp, vehicles left, weaponry available, munitions you could garner, etc.)

Heavy Weapons Pony

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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 02:06:56 am »

We're Snipers right?

< Gather Ammunition
< Set as many traps as possible in the path of the horde
< Get up as high as possible
Ahhh, yes... Killing the ecosystem of a other planet and burn the product as fuel... Simply brilliant 


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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2012, 06:54:06 am »

What kind of traps though? I'm not going to just give you traps :P

Heavy Weapons Pony

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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2012, 04:47:42 pm »

Landmines of some kind, because an Imperial Guard Ammunition Dump would have something similar to that.

If not, rig up a few of the Guards Rifles with a triggering device that makes them explode when stepped on.
((The Imperial Guard do use them as makeshift Krak Grenades every so often anyway.))
Ahhh, yes... Killing the ecosystem of a other planet and burn the product as fuel... Simply brilliant 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: The Horde is Closing In
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2012, 09:49:33 pm »

Also set up obstacles to break up the mass of the Tyranid swarm so they're easier to deal with- reduce their numerical advantage.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2012, 08:02:36 pm »

You look at the others, and they give you a nod of agreement before you turn back to the group of men, and speak, "We will help, I'd like to requisition some of munitions for my weapon, as many mines and frags you can give me, and a couple of men to help set up some defenses. Judging by your report they are somewhere between 45 and 30 minutes away, so we'll need to hurry." As you speak the Captain signals a soldier over, whispers into his ear, and then promptly dismisses him as he turns his attention back to you. Litz, who was glaring at the map up until now, speaks up, "You'll get everything you ask for, now time to catch you up to speed on the few defenses we've put together ..." He pauses to stoop over the map, and starts to point things out as he speaks, "This is the main road we've left open to allow our allies to get to us, but we've sealed off every other road except for this one directly in-front of the far side of the base. The reason for this is so the majority of them come at us head-on, and those that try to come up behind us will be slowed, at least a little, from the barricades of stone, and such we've erected. Of the men we have here thirty of them are able-bodied enough to help us in battle, then on top of that we only have one tank left for heavy support with the Tarantulas outside a last resort, if the Tyranids get that far we will all die. Here in this road is where I want to make our stand against the horde, we'll cover our flanks with three men, and two sentry guns each, while the sneaky bastards fight our men down on the ground I'd like you provide overwatch, and to kill any high threat targets that appear."

The man stops as the soldier walks back in, and whispers something into his ear, Ulrek replies, "I see ... it seems something about you Signus-Star has intrigued my enginseer, he has said he'd like to go with you in this mission. What kind of thing he sees in you I don't know, but anyway lets get back on topic, with just the tank as support the fight right in that road is our best chance of winning as it forces the tyranids close making them easy targets for the tanks cannons, and all the missiles and grenades we can muster. Lets end the debriefing here, may the Emperor's guide you Signus-Star, for in the darkest of times we all need a hero." With that the men nodded, gave you a quick salute, and dispersed from the tent, all but the Commander and Commissar Ulrek of course. With that you turn, and walk away from the Command Tent, your footsteps eerily echoing through the camp as your boots slap against the rough hewn stone of the plaza, all around you Guardsmen turn to see what the sound is, but many turn back to their downcast eyes, and repetitive work of cleaning their gear. Suddenly a voice pipes up beside you, and you barely keep yourself from pulling your knife on the Enginseer as he speaks, "Many of them have resigned themselves to death, they know they will die, but they will go out fighting even against foes such as these, even among mortal men there are those with the bravery of your kind, but not the genetic structure required to be chosen by a Chapter. These men die with glory, fighting against innumerable odds, and doing feats of heroism that many would not believe, but there names are forever forgotten, know why? Because they are guardsmen, the Imperial Guard is seen as nothing less to than an endless army ready to protect them from shadows until the Space Marines can arrive to give them a guiding light, that is the belief of many, so why do the guards still do it?"

Listening to what he said you contemplate it bit before replying, "I'm not sure, perhaps when the end comes they know if they die with all the glory they can muster that one day they may stand beside the God Emperor himself, no one knows why they are brave, they simply are for they must be. When the Shadows descend the Hammer shall strike, and by striking it shall be the shield by which the Emperor protects those of Mankind." Listening to you Alfrus starts to laugh, "One of the few things I agree with, and something few other people will except, for the Shadows grow closer by the day Signus-Star, and I have the feeling you may very well walk in to the deepest of those to do your duty for the Emperor. Enough with the depressing talk, come with me the gear you asked for is laid out in that tent over there." He says before nodding towards a smaller version of the Command Tent which appears to have been set-up for you, and your allies to prepare for the coming battle.

Stepping into the tent you see several tables set up, each covered with equipment, and war-gear, one table has nothing but magazines, and clips for your guns, another has a missile launcher and a crate of munitions for it, and much much more is scattered around the tent on various tables. Scopes grabs some munitions for his Sniper Rifle, and moves away to an empty table where he takes out a toolkit, and sets to work on his rifle, removing tiny pieces as he does something to the gun itself. Werner walks over to the table with the missile launcher, and sets up shop there bringing various clips, and explosives over as if carefully calculating needed gear to the size of the force you would face. Seeing your allies deep in thought, and buried in there work you look over the tables for any wargear that may appeal to you. First you grab a few more clips of munition for both your guns, and continue on through the small maze of tables, your thoughts focused on nothing else, but your coming battle. Next you glide over to a pile of crates clearly labeled 'Explosives', and start digging through it drawing out a small bandolier with six grenade slots. You find that one of teh crates has nothing, but landmines in it, seeing this an idea comes to mind, and you motion your attendant over. He approaches you warily, but relaxes as you tell him to requisition two squads of soldiers to start laying traps for the Tyranid Hordes, giving you a shaky nod, and a salute he turns and sprints away into the camp.

You go straight back to your preparations as the man leaves, after a few minutes you stop browsing the tables finding nothing else you think you'd need before turning, and walking over to a chair on the far side of the tent. You sit down, and say a quick prayer to Emperor as you wait for the time to come, slowly the minutes crawl by, and the light begins to fade from the sky as the Sun sinks further into the horizon and the haze of the Forge World swallows what light there is that remains. As the last of the light seeps away, and the soft buzz of the electric lights fills your ears as the camp is dimly lit by fire and artificial light, soldiers rush about all around the camp as men begin to gather for the coming Shadow. As you sit waiting for the signal to move you hear Alfrus speak up from behind you, "So Signus-Star, it has come, the Shadows descend upon us, and the only thing between them, and the fall of this world is you and a broken regiment of soldiers. Shall our efforts be enough, and our wills iron strong to stand against the tide, or shall the Shadows break our minds and our bodies as we stand fighting a lost battle?" You look over to find him clad in the smooth black of carapace armor, and with a bolter held in one hand, this stuns you for a moment before you reply "I know not what the Will of Man shall be nor the strength the Emperor will lend us in this darkness, but even if it is a losing battle we shall stand, we shall stand till there is none left, and then we shall know our fates. I have never seen an Enginseer bear arms to go to war, why is it you do so?" As you ask Alfrus gives you a grin, and runs a hand across the side of the gun as he speaks, "Its simple, my job is to care for the machines, but I do them no good devoting all my attention to them in battle. If I fight beside them, and give no quarter to my foes then shall the Machine Spirits rest in peace, I fight because there is much I can do for them in battle, but there is much more I can do for them if I fight it with them."

You nod as the man speaks, he may be one of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but he knew how the world worked, and the way he worked was most likely far better then the normal Adeptus Mechanicus ways. Looking up you see the men begin to move towards the other gate, and Alfrus speaks up, "Well it's time, let us go, the Emperor guide us." You hastily repeat the prayer as you gather your gear, and set off, following just a few feet behind the guardsmen as they move out into the street beyond, a few are lugging Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers and their accompanying munitions. As you watch the guardsmen take up positions behind vehicle shells, or piles of rubble moved into place to form barricades to protect those who take up refuge behind them. The ground in front of that is broken up by crushed stones, and holes that contain the dozens upon dozens of landmines the regiment managed to throw together. Veering off to the side you enter through a low archway cut into the side of one of the buildings, as you and the others walk through a loud crash comes from behind you as a slab of rockrete slams to the ground, effectively sealing your way back out, and slowing any 'nids that would try to go at the guards through there. Gripping your bolt pistol in both hands you begin to make your way up a nearby staircase, the sounds of your footsteps echoing through the empty halls, and the soft sound of dripping water coming from somewhere deep within.

You see Alfrus kiss the aquila upon his finger, and press it against his head before gripping the bolter tightly in both hands, with a flick of his hands a light attached to the bolter flicks on, and lights the hallway up. Several pipes shine where they break the surface of the floor, or run across the top to reach some other place far in the distance. You jump as the sounds of explosions fills your ears, and the glass hallway windows shatter from the sheer force of several dozen landmines detonating at once, shards of shrapnel tear through the wall in front of you shredding a door no more then a foot in front of you. As you listen the sounds of intense gunfire begin to filter in from outside, and the screams of 'nids as they are burnt alive, but beneath that you can hear chattering and movement coming from somewhere nearby. Walking down the hallway you duck down below the window sills, and the others follow your action as you make your way to the end of the hall, and peek around the corner. What you see is a room three floors down with a skull throne that houses a rather fat gene-stealer, and in front of him several people pray and a few more genestealers stand off to the side watching the humans below. Alfrus gulps, and whispers to you, "Whats the plan?"

Spoiler: Signus-Star (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Werner Balthial (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Xavier Scopes (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: GM Note (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 06:51:43 pm by adwarf »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2012, 08:57:37 pm »

Grenades, bolters, and flamers- kill the genestealers first, all of them. And then move on to the cultists.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #38 on: May 26, 2012, 06:52:43 pm »

Fixed the character spoilers :P I forgot to add some of the gear you, and your allies gained. Also Alfrus's spoiler will come in during combat :3 want to keep his stuff secret for now.

Heavy Weapons Pony

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Re: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2012, 02:15:33 am »

I thought we picked up ammo, why is our Bolt Pistol not full ammo?
Our Sniper Rifle shoots Bolter shells right? and can be fired full auto? If so, use that instead of Bolt Pistol

< Werner take point, he has the Flamer.
< Follow and check behind you every 10-30 or so seconds.
< If it looks even vaguely Tyranid shoot it.
< Repeat.

Derp, Didn't read it all.
< Kill it, kill all of it, kill it now
< Kill the Heretics
< Kill the rest of the Tyranids
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 02:24:13 am by Heavy Weapons Pony »
Ahhh, yes... Killing the ecosystem of a other planet and burn the product as fuel... Simply brilliant 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2012, 10:08:36 am »

I thought we picked up ammo, why is our Bolt Pistol not full ammo?
Our Sniper Rifle shoots Bolter shells right? and can be fired full auto? If so, use that instead of Bolt Pistol
1) Because I forgot to fix it *facepalm*
2) I'm not sure actually, the Lexicanum doesn't state the fire rate, and it only says its munition is a solid slug. Therefore I'm going to say it uses different ammo as it lacks the explosives put in bolters, and is also a semi-auto gun.


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Re: You are Space Marine: First Battle, and a Genestealer Cult
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2012, 06:31:06 am »

Hammer the genestealer with a krak grenade, then switch to bolt pistol. Have werner march in with a flamer and purify the room, and have scopes and us provide support, then fall back with you leading the way, scope in the middle, and Werner in the rear, have Werner switch to his bolt pistol when we are about halfway there
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 07:08:56 am by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

and insanity
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