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Author Topic: Let's play Jagged Alliance 2! (1.13 B: 4870) More bullets, more town?  (Read 14400 times)


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Re: Let's play Jagged Alliance 2! (1.13 mod Build: 4870)
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2012, 06:36:48 pm »

October 7th - 2005

It didn't take long for me to get a response. Two days and I'd already been contacted by 4 mercenarys. The first called herself Silver, if it was after her pale hair or a joke on her family name I wasn't sure of. But she was a doctor for hire, and wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. I couldn't help but question how someone skilled so much in the art of healing was so comfortable handing a gun, but a doctor that can keep herself protected and provide additional support is far beyond valuble.

The next two arrived at the same time, One named himself as Max Greene, his friend on the other hand called him Zero. I found they used to operate as a sniper and spotter team, Zero would scout and spot, and the other one named Traveler would take the shot. We already had a former sniper in Deadeye, but what Deadeye lacked in more general skills Traveler had. So there was no way I could pass up the pair.

The fourth arrived late, and by letter. A man named Don Torino had emailed me. He talked at length about his skills in getting in and out of somewhere unnoticed, but there was something wrong with his manner of speaking. He seemed on edge. My team had already been filled out, but I sent the man a message saying if he's needed Ill contact him and make arrangements. He seems like a problem case, maybe not to the extent of that Nutcase Fidel was back on Metavira, but he seems a risk.

Tomorrow Ill be meeting with my team at the Ruzyně International Airport. I've made arrangements for some equipment I smuggled out of Metavira to be supplied for us to take into Arluco. Sanitized of course. Last thing I want happening is these weapons being traced back to Jack. Poor bastard has been through enough.

October 8th - 2005 - Late night.

To my surprise everyone showed up. Lots of mercs talk big, but without AIM to put them to a contract sometimes they chicken out. I got some actual mercs luckily enough.

I directed them to the things I had brought in. Old MP5 submachine guns and ammo. I managed to get just enough. Though not all in the same chambering. Three of them were the MP5A4 Variant, simple, no nonsense. Good weapon for a landing. Thankfully. The other three were the version Jack had phased out for his guardsmen, MP5A3s rechambered to 10mm. Hopefully to allow Jacks guards to blow through the abnormally thick Metavira shrubbery. In practice, his mostly uneducated guardsmen were not able to control the damn things, especially as they often considered the stock a nusance and left it folded. I specifically remember fighting along side a guardsman as he slipped while firing the weapon at one of santiagos goons and  turning poor Elios face into a pink mist. We shouldn't have those problems ourselves.

The rest of the gear was simple things, some load bearing gear, combat packs for the entire team, a larger packpack each for Shadowdump and Zero, and around Five hundred rounds for our MP5s. Half in 10mm and half in 9mm. And a few kits to patch ourselves up. Nothing fancy, just bandages and morphine auto injectors. The others brought other odds and ends, lockpicks, sniper scopes scavenged from old rifles of theirs, toolboxes, a little strangely Silver brought herself a bunch of medical supply's and a large pouch for ammo. Again I was concerned about her but she seemed like a valuable team member. Even more shockingly Shadowdump dragged along an old m79 grenade launcher and a small assortment of 40mm grenades. I knew he loved the thing, but I didn't think he'd taken it out of Metavira. I myself brought my extended ear system, situational awareness is key on the battlefield, and any bit of extra a squadleader can get herself helps.

Afterwards we passed along some more odds and ends I aquired. Bipods, pistol caliber suppressors, a few foregrips, we put these where they appeared capable of the most good. Just a few short moments and we were boarding our flight. Within half a day we'd be in Arulco.

October 9th - 2005 - Mid day

As the helicopter crested the hills, coming in low and hot so to alert the Arulcan military as little as possible. Omerta came into view, turns out my guess was right. The military had hit the city, and hard. Our pilot found a spot with reasonable cover and dove in, we got ourselves over the side and onto the field as quickly as we could manage.

The town seemed quiet, but everything was fresh still. You could still smell the gunpowder and blood in the air. The grease of neglected tank treads, a patrol was likely here sweeping for survivors. Enrico did inform me that Omerta was a rebel town, and that here I should look for them. Before I could contemplate for long if we were too late Traveler shouted out a contact.

Traveler and Deadeye immediately laid down supressing fire, the trooper shrunk away from the fire and ducked his head down. No one could blame the poor bastard. He'd brought a pistol rather than a more suitable weapon.

We surrounded the building as he dashed into it, a quick doubletap to the head of the poor sap made sure he wouldn't have time to regret his lack of proper equipment.

Before we could gain much of a position, another man appeared in a window across from the house. Zero backed off as the man had the drop on him, he had just moved into position and didn't have time to line up a shot.

Shortly afterwards a loud crack showed to me I was less thourough in my equipment checks.

Shadowdump had tossed a grenade at the man, in his haste he missed the window. Ill need to examine that nutcases equipment more carefully and ensure he doesn't waste more ordinance this way in the future.

While our position was fairly secure, another man appeared and let off a poorly aimed shot over his friends head. If this is the sort of discipline we can expect to see then this is gonna be a much simpler job than I thought it would be.

Zero popped back out and took the shot, the next sounds from the building across from us being a wet thud and a low gurgle. The familiar sound of a bullet planting itself in a mans lung, the undisciplined and now dying soldier slumped over like a sack of manure kicked off the back of a truck.

We forced our way forward, pelting the house with ammo. The trooper in there practically voided himself and hid. Zero ran around the back to catch him unaware while we suppressed him. Zero did catch up to him and sent a few rounds into his vitals, easy job once again.

Zero spotted what I guessed was the final patrolman, he didn't get a good look at his weapon, but it wasn't a pistol that was sure.

Me and zero kept his head down, Traveler snuck in from the side to catch him unaware. All whent according to plan and when he wasn't looking, traveler introduced him to the butt of his MP5. Five times.

That seemed to be it, though we thought we could hear more far off to the west. We'd need to be quick before another patrol arrived. A quick search of the area revealed very little of use, two out of three of the pistols the troopers were carrying were beyond useless. Firing them might be more dangerous than having them fired AT you. One was usable, an MP-466 Viking. I tucked it into my vest as a backup. I was sure I'd run out of 10mm ammo before long.

The other man was carrying a Thompson of some kind. It was practically held together with duct tape and rust so we left it behind. The two drums of ammo he was carrying could prove useful however, and I passed them to Shadowdump to keep safe.

We heard some voices nearby, and decided to investigate. A kid had ran into the house Traveler had snuck behind. So we followed him inside.

The woman inside was weathered, old, and rather hardened. She stared us down for a moment, before I suppose my beret caught her attention. She approached me to speak. Plainly she asked, "Why are you here?" I could admire the directness, silver had decided to speak for me and awnsered plainly herself. "Well Enrico chilvadori sent us here. Any of the rebels still alive? Need any help?" The old womans face turned questioning, she eyed Silver with suspicion and concern. "Enrico has been dead for years. How am I supposed to believe he sent you?" I remembered the letter he gave me during our meeting, he snuck it very carefully into the case with the diamonds. I showed it to the woman, and concern turned to surpise, then hope. "So Enrico hasn't forgotten us. Living in the comforts of his exile and he still wants to help us. Very well then. Follow me. Make no sudden movements. Miguel and his men have are nervious after the constant bombings." She left the bombed out building, we followed closely as instructed. I thought about the situation here, and supposed she either could be taking us to the rebels, or leading us into a trap.

We'd take our chances. If this is an ambush we'd already shown we're more than capable of handling ourselves.

Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.


  • Bay Watcher
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This game is just too fun to not watch.


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October 9th - 2005 - 14:45 - Meduna

"Elliot this better be good." Deidranna stood in her chamber, frustrated her advisor Elliot had taken the time to call her out for something she really didn't need to be involved in. "Forgive the intrusion your highness, but one of our north patrols has been attacked!" Elliot was deidrannas avisor for years, but he never quite learned that he had a knack for saying just the wrong thing.


"ELLIOT YOU IDIOT! We crushed those rebels in Omerta! How could this be!" This sort of abuse had become commonplace for Elliot, so he used his one skill. To continue on without missing a beat. "Ahem. From what we have learned, your majesty, the rebels seem to have some sort of foreign aid - commando types. We speculate they arrived on the helicopter that was spotted earlier." Deidranna was still shaking with anger. How could any of this of happened? Her attack on Omerta was perfect was it not? "Commando types?! What sort of commando types? From where?!"

Eliot backed away a bit reflexively. "They may be hired mercenaries your highness! There weren't many." Deidranna's look of anger slowly subsided, weren't many? "... What? How would the rebels get the means to recruit mercenaries? Well no matter. Send me their bodies for examination!" Very quickly, Eliot realized how badly he just miss-communicated. "Ahem... The Rebel party seems to have used the element of surprise to their advantage my queen. They defeated us." A few, short but agonizing moments of seething anger passed. "Send my troops to the location at once!" "..? Yes your highness!"

Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Doofus ghostus
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Ooh! Hm..

Name: 'Ochita'
Role: Front-line fighter
Gender: Male
Basic Personality: Calm and in control under most conditions in battle, fairly laid back out of battles, and fairly friendly for a merc.

Traits: Deputy, Auto weapons
 Minor traits: Night ops, Ambidexterity
Quote from: Freeform
princest zaldo of hurl kindom: the mushroom aren't going to choice itself, ochita


  • Bay Watcher
  • Stare into the abyss.
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Nice. Very nice. I am going to enjoy this immensely.
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Let's play Jagged Alliance 2! (1.13 mod Build: 4870) Being friendly
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2012, 01:46:01 am »

October 9th - 2005 - 14:50 - Omerta east

Fatima took us down the main road through town, if it could be called a road or a town anymore. Everything was ruined, and the smell of rot and ash was heavy in the air. Omerta was simply no more, just rubble and ghosts. And an old woman and her son.

Further down the road we could spy a relatively intact building. A man in a green shirt with dark hair stood at the door. He eyed the group suspiciously as we approached. "Why have you brought them here? Have you lost your mind woman? You bring death to all of us." A distrustful type for sure, he spoke with a heavy accent. My guess was Romanian. "They have been sent by Enrico Chilvadori. They are here to help us Dimitri! They must speak with Miguel. I would never bring them here without proof."

A familiar name, If I've mentioned it before I've forgotten. Miguel, Miguel Cordona. He's the leader of the resistance I was told by Enrico. His right hand is a man named Carlos Dasouza. It appears Fatima isn't a turncoat if she's able to lead us right here.

"In respect of your husband, I take your word. We will go down. But if you make mistake, Fatima, you will die with them."A rather disagreeable person already. He began to lead us inside, just as I walked past him, I slipped the pistol I took with me out of my vest and planted it against his adams apple. "Rather confident aren't you?" I asked him. He stared at me like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck about to ram it. After giving him a moment to think about his big mouth I walked on and down the stairs after the rest of the squad. Waste of time, but someone with a mouth that big needs a visit from reality now and again.

The basement was a mess, a few grubby looking soldier types and some women and children were strewn all around. Seems this is all that's left of Omerta's townspeople. A short man with an AK stepped foward, sweeping the lot of us in some show of business I supposed. "Do not move, and no one will die." He choked out. He didn't seem unskilled, in fact I assumed this man was Carlos. But he was weathered. Fatima was right. These men are on edge. Dimitri upstairs seemed to have finally regained his composure and headed down the steps after us. "Fatima say they are here to help us. She say she has proof Carlos." I still didn't like being talked around like this, everyone else kept quiet. So I followed suit, no need to cause a bloodbath by accident. At least not yet.

"Enrico has enlisted mercenaries to aid us in the struggle. I have a letter adressed to Miguel. It's signed by enrico himself." She showed the letter to Carlos, he looked it over in his hands a few times. Flipping it over almost like he expected it to explode on him. "Enrico? Chilvadori? Most suspicious. I question his reasons." A somewhat larger man stepped forward after Carlos spoke, he snatched the letter right out of his hands. "I do not. Let us see what we have here." He read the letter intently, Carlos gave him some room. Almost as if a sign of respect. "Hmm. It be true. Enrico has sent these mercenaries himself. On behalf of my people and Arulco, I welcome you. I am Miguel Cordona, and we are in very much need of your aid. Deidranna wishes to remove Omerta from the map of this country. I fear she's gotten close to that goal."

A woman near the back of the room moved foward at the mention of Deidrannas name. "She is Evil! A driven bitch!" With a voice like hers I certainly didn't question why Deidranna wanted to wipe Omerta off the map. "That will do Ira, I'm sure our friends have heard of her nature. If not  they will know soon enough." I nodded at him. "I know about Deidranna already. Now if you have anything we can help you with we're running on short time." He seemed to get the point, more patrols were likely beginning to flood into the ruins. We needed this over with as soon as possible. "We've lost over thirty men in the last month, what's here is all that's left besides a few others along the countryside. The people will overthrow her with pleasure, but not on their own. Getting their confidence be our biggest problem. The people must feel we are capable of defeating her. But without their support, we cannot." Good points. Looked like a hearts and minds operation was on the way. Not what I was expecting, but it's something I can do so long as someone else does the sweet talking.

"Then what would we start with Miguel?" He considered my question for a few moments. Before carlos stepped foward again. "We are short of food Miguel, we need safe passage to Drassen or else more people will die." Miguel looked a bit like he had the obvious repeated at him, but not displeased about it. "Yes... Carlos has been my close advisor. A safe route to Drassen for supplies is a priority. If you can get past or through her men, a man named Father Walker may be able to help us. Take Ira with you, she may be able to make him cooperate with us."

I wasn't too keen on taking the woman with the chalkboard and nails for a throat. But she seemed happy to get a chance to help us. Thankfully she didn't speak on the way out. And soon we were on our way to Drassen. Taking a city, not what I was expecting again, but not something I wasn't prepared for.

(Drassen has been postponed till the morning. See you back in alrulco soon guys!)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 04:00:57 am by Janet »
Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.


  • Bay Watcher
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PTW the fun, and maybe get involved.

Name: "Stoo"
Role: Close Quarters/Infiltration
Gender: Male
Basic Personality: Jaded veteran who served with distinction with the SAS in both European deployments and the Middle East. Got out ofter the first Iraq war and went private. Quiet and distant when not in combat, but a ball of internal rage and fury when the shit is going down. Does not like to talk about his past experiences.

Traits: Autoweapons, Hunter
Minor traits: Stealth, Athletics
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 10:49:34 am by MonkeyHead »
This is a blank sig.


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can i grab a slot?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Agree, plus that's about the LAST thing *I* want to see from this kind of game - author spending valuable development time on useless graphics.

Unofficial slogan of Bay 12 Games.  

Death to the false emperor a warhammer40k SG


  • Bay Watcher
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This is awesome.
Some things were made for one thing, for me / that one thing is the sea~
His servers are going to be powered by goat blood and moonlight.
Oh, a biomass/24 hour solar facility. How green!

Burnt Pies

  • Bay Watcher
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It is that. Kinda makes me want to pick the game up again.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


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Zero: "So...these jerks got anything to eat?"
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


  • Bay Watcher
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Love the game. Love the mod. Definitely following.
[img height=x width=y]http://LINK TO IMAGE HERE[/img]
The Toad hops in mysterious ways.
This pure mountain spring water is indispensable. Literally. I'm out of paper cups.


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Spoiler: A bit of an apology (click to show/hide)

October 9th - 2005 - A short time later - Near Drassen

Zero's rather insensitive question made leaving in a hurry an even better idea. We had people to shoot and things to find.

The Alrucan countryside isn't particularly hard to navigate through. Unless it's swarming with patrols like it currently is. Getting into position was still simple, the patrols seemed to be nearly unaware of us. On the way Drassen, I had come up with a plan. Zero would take Traveler and Ira and come in from the west. And I would take my team to come in from the north through gaps in the perimeter fencing.

While we were making noise in the north, the other team would move to the front gate. If we hadn't mopped up the guards by then they'd flank them and finish the fight for us. Should be easy, Deidrianna couldn't of had enough time to reinforce the airport in the short time we've been on the ground.

We took our positions. From our spot in the hanger we'd hit the guards from above. The others would circle around and hit them from behind if they put up more resistance than we expected.

A guard made his presence known almost as soon as we shifted our positions. These men weren't even with the army. This would be a cakewalk.

Shadowdump and Silver moved from above the hanger, getting another guardsmans attention, the one we spotted earlier moved to support his friend while me and Deadeye moved in from below.

Like clockwork, we dropped them. The pilot must of just landed, we could see him panic and struggle with his sidearm as he exited the plane. Stupid move on his part, I'd of hired him if he wasn't so set on getting himself killed.

The moment he popped his head up, silver managed to bounce a round into it. He didn't drop, the adreniline was likely all keeping his body from shutting down by now. He ducked right back into cover and started shouting.

He wasn't tough to finish off. He had started babbling to himself before I shut him up.

The other team heard the gunfire and made for the gate. The rest of the guard should be on their way.

Just on time.

It was too little, too late. The nearly defenseless guards were cut down before they even had a chance to consider a retreat.

We met back up by the gate with the other team, they seemed somewhat dissapointed to miss all the fun. We needed to make a quick sweep of the airport before moving south into the town proper. The army would no doubt be there by then.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 06:19:46 pm by Janet »
Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Stare into the abyss.
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Still plenty entertaining. Keep up the good work, lady. .D
Holy crap, why did I not start watching One Punch Man earlier? This is the best thing.
probably figured an autobiography wouldn't be interesting


  • Bay Watcher
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Don't worry. I am. Just taking care of some things before I do the next minor short talky bit and then we'll take the rest of Drassen.

(This plan was changed. Next update should be the battle for the next two sectors of Drassen, then talking about guns. Then we'll do the talky bit while we get Drassen defended. Should be up either later tonight, or sometime in the afternoon.)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 08:56:37 pm by Janet »
Diamonds are combustable, because they are made of Carbon.
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